Ranger Spells by Level

Name Target Type Skill Effect
Echo of the Grove Self only Alteration 12: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 1 (L1) to 33 (L65)
Echo of the Brood Self only Alteration 11: Effect type: Increase Spell Haste by 10%
12: Effect type: Increase Attack Speed by 25% (L1) to 57% (L65)
Echo of Koadic Self only Alteration 8: Effect type: Increase Mana Pool by 29 (L1) to 285 (L65)
9: Effect type: Increase Mana by 1 (L1) to 11 (L65) per tick (total 2040 to 22440)
10: Effect type: Increase INT by 2 (L1) to 66 (L65)
11: Effect type: Increase WIS by 2 (L1) to 66 (L65)
Echo of Selo Self only Hit 12: Effect type: Increase Movement by 22% (L1) to 150% (L65)
Echo of Focus Self only Alteration 8: Effect type: Increase ATK by 26 (L1) to 90 (L65)
9: Effect type: Increase STA by 2 (L1) to 66 (L65)
10: Effect type: Increase AGI by 2 (L1) to 66 (L65)
11: Effect type: Increase DEX by 2 (L1) to 66 (L65)
12: Effect type: Increase STR by 2 (L1) to 66 (L65)
Echo of Aegolism Self only Abjuration 10: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 50 (L1) to 470 (L65)
11: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 1 (L1) to 50 (L65), Everyone else by 0 (L1) to 37 (L65)
Echo of Experience Self only Melee 12: Effect type: Percent XP Increase by 50
Salve Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 5 (L1) to 9 (L8)
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Glimpse Self only Divination 1: Effect type: Increase Magnification by 55%
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Flame Lick Single target Evocation 2: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 2 (L1) to 4 (L6)
10: Effect type: Decrease AC for Cloth Casters by 3 (L1) to 11 (L20), Everyone else by 2 (L1) to 8 (L20)
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Lull Animal Animal Alteration 1: Effect type: Frenzy Radius (15/30)
2: Effect type: Reaction Radius (25/30)
3: Effect type: Pacify
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Tangling Weeds Single target Alteration 2: Effect type: Decrease Movement by 21% (L1) to 35% (L15)
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Snare Single target Alteration 2: Effect type: Decrease Movement by 41% (L1) to 55% (L15)
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Skin like Wood Single target Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 3 (L1) to 5 (L10), Everyone else by 2 (L1) to 3 (L10)
2: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 11 (L1) to 20 (L10)
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Minor Healing Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 12 (L1) to 20 (L5)
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Endure Fire Single target Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Fire Resist by 11 (L1) to 20 (L10)
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Hawk Eye Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Chance to Hit With all Skills by 60%
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Feet like Cat Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase AGI by 12 (L3) to 18 (L9)
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Cure Poison Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease Poison Counter by 2 (L1) to 4 (L12)
Thistlecoat Self only Abjuration 2: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 4 (L7) to 8 (L14), Everyone else by 3 (L7) to 5 (L14)
3: Effect type: Increase Damage Shield by 1
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Burst of Fire Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 12 (L3) to 14 (L8)
Camouflage Single target Divination 1: Effect type: Invisibility by 1
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Grasping Roots Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease HP when cast by 10
2: Effect type: Root
Invoke Lightning Area of effect around the target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 20 (L4) to 25 (L9)
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Panic Animal Animal Alteration 1: Effect type: Fear up to level 52
Ward Summoned Summoned beings Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 6 (L2) to 14 (L18)
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Firefist Self only Evocation 1: Effect type: Increase ATK by 4 (L6) to 10 (L18)
Bind Sight Single target Divination 1: Effect type: Bind Sight
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Endure Cold Single target Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Cold Resist by 11 (L1) to 20 (L10)
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Ignite Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 38 (L8) to 46 (L16)
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Enduring Breath Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: WaterBreathing by 1
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Light Healing Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 47 (L4) to 65 (L10)
Skin like Rock Single target Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 8 (L14) to 9 (L18), Everyone else by 5 (L14) to 7 (L18)
2: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 54 (L14) to 105 (L65)
3: Effect type: Increase HP when cast by 54 (L14) to 105 (L65)
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Cure Disease Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease Disease Counter by 2 (L1) to 4 (L12)
Harmony Area of effect around the target Abjuration 1: Effect type: Frenzy Radius (15/40)
2: Effect type: Reaction Radius (15/40)
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Shield of Thistles Single target Abjuration 11: Effect type: Increase Damage Shield by 5 (L7) to 6 (L12)
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Stinging Swarm Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 25 (L10) to 32 (L17)
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Strength of Earth Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase STR by 8 (L7) to 15 (L20)
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Spirit of Wolf Single target Alteration 2: Effect type: Increase Movement by 34% (L9) to 55% (L50)
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Riftwind's Protection Single target Abjuration 2: Effect type: Increase Damage Shield by 2
3: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 15, Everyone else by 10 (L29) to 11 (L30)
Flaming Arrow Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 68 (L29) to 125 (L58)
9: Effect type: Skill Damage Taken by 10
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Cancel Magic Single target Abjuration 1: Effect type: Cancel Magic (1)
Barbcoat Self only Abjuration 2: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 12 (L17) to 16 (L24), Everyone else by 9 (L17) to 11 (L24)
3: Effect type: Increase Damage Shield by 2
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Calm Animal Animal Alteration 1: Effect type: Frenzy Radius (5/50)
2: Effect type: Reaction Radius (10/50)
3: Effect type: Pacify
Name Target Type Skill Effect
See Invisible Single target Divination 1: Effect type: See Invisible
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Dismiss Summoned Summoned beings Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 226 (L23) to 244 (L32)
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Bramblecoat Self only Abjuration 2: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 21 (L27) to 24 (L34), Everyone else by 16 (L27) to 17 (L34)
3: Effect type: Increase Damage Shield by 3
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Levitate Single target Alteration 3: Effect type: Levitate
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Call of Sky Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Add Proc: Call of Sky Strike
2: Effect type: Skill Proc Success by 3129
3: Effect type: Skill Proc Limit by 7
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Healing Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 135 (L10) to 175 (L20)
Skin like Steel Single target Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 11 (L24) to 12 (L30), Everyone else by 9
2: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 74 (L24) to 100 (L50)
3: Effect type: Increase HP when cast by 74 (L24) to 100 (L50)
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Burning Arrow Single target Evocation 2: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 88 (L39) to 140 (L65)
10: Effect type: Skill Damage Taken by 20
Harmony of Nature Single target Abjuration 1: Effect type: Frenzy Radius (15/65)
2: Effect type: Reaction Radius (15/65)
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Swarm of Pain Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 50 (L40) to 56 (L46)
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Spirit of the Shrew Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Ultravision
2: Effect type: Increase Movement by 30%
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Spikecoat Self only Abjuration 2: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 29 (L37) to 33 (L44), Everyone else by 22 (L37) to 24 (L44)
3: Effect type: Increase Damage Shield by 4
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Shield of Brambles Single target Abjuration 11: Effect type: Increase Damage Shield by 11 (L27) to 12 (L32)
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Immolate Single target Evocation 2: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 32
10: Effect type: Decrease AC for Cloth Casters by 17 (L25) to 23 (L40), Everyone else by 12 (L25) to 17 (L40)
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Ensnaring Roots Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease HP when cast by 31 (L21) to 60 (L50)
2: Effect type: Root
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Resist Fire Single target Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Fire Resist by 30 (L20) to 40 (L30)
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Wolf Form Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
2: Effect type: Increase Movement by 40% (L20) to 55% (L50)
3: Effect type: Increase ATK by 21 (L20) to 30 (L29)
Force of Nature Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 5
2: Effect type: Increase Damage Shield by 3
3: Effect type: Increase ATK by 15
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Call of Flame Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 247
Pack Shrew Group teleport Alteration 1: Effect type: Ultravision
2: Effect type: Increase Movement by 30%
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Call of Earth Single target Abjuration 2: Effect type: Increase Damage Shield by 4
3: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 30 (L50) to 33 (L55), Everyone else by 23 (L50) to 24 (L55)
Jolt Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease hate by 500
Falcon Eye Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Chance to Hit With all Skills by 70%
2: Effect type: See Invisible
Jolt Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease hate by 5000
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Ensnare Single target Alteration 2: Effect type: Decrease Movement by 56%
Strength of Nature Single target Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase ATK by 25
2: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase Max Hitpoints' and < 0
4: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 75
Resistant Discipline Self only Defense 1: Effect type: Increase All Resists by 16 (L30) to 20 (L38)
Tangle Single target Alteration 2: Effect type: Decrease Movement by 56%
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Firestrike Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 402 (L38) to 422 (L43)
Icewind Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 403
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Storm Strength Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase STR by 32 (L44) to 35 (L50)
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Drones of Doom Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 62 (L32) to 71 (L41)
Skin like Diamond Single target Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 16 (L36) to 17 (L40), Everyone else by 11 (L36) to 12 (L40)
2: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 172 (L36) to 200 (L50)
3: Effect type: Increase HP when cast by 172 (L36) to 200 (L50)
Jolting Blades Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Add Proc: Jolting Blades Strike
Fearless Discipline Self only Defense 1: Effect type: Increase Chance to Resist Fear Spell by 10000%
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Resist Cold Single target Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Cold Resist by 39 (L24) to 40 (L25)
Chloroplast Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 10
Cinder Jolt Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease hate by 500
Call of Fire Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Add Proc: Call of Fire Strike
2: Effect type: Skill Proc Success by 3131
3: Effect type: Skill Proc Limit by 7
Fire Swarm Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 70 (L55) to 75 (L60)
Trueshot Discipline Self only Offense 2: Effect type: Increase All Skills Damage Modifier by 105%
12: Effect type: Increase Chance to Hit With all Skills by 12%
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Greater Wolf Form Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
2: Effect type: Increase Movement by 50% (L30) to 60% (L50)
3: Effect type: Increase ATK by 31 (L30) to 40 (L39)
Chill Sight Self only Divination 1: Effect type: Ultravision
Mark of the Predator Group Abjuration 2: Effect type: Increase ATK by 20
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Greater Healing Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 280 (L20) to 350 (L30)
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Nullify Magic Single target Abjuration 1: Effect type: Cancel Magic (4)
2: Effect type: Cancel Magic (4)
Shield of Spikes Single target Abjuration 11: Effect type: Increase Damage Shield by 15 (L37) to 17 (L48)
Eagle Eye Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Chance to Hit With all Skills by 80%
2: Effect type: See Invisible
3: Effect type: Ultravision
Call of Ice Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Add Proc: Call of Ice Strike
2: Effect type: Skill Proc Success by 4060
3: Effect type: Skill Proc Limit by 7
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Skin like Nature Single target Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 20 (L46) to 21 (L50), Everyone else by 14 (L46) to 15 (L50)
2: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 242 (L46) to 250 (L50)
3: Effect type: Increase HP when cast by 242 (L46) to 250 (L50)
5: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 2
Chloroblast Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 994 (L55) to 1044 (L60)
Dustdevil Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 582
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Enveloping Roots Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease HP when cast by 82 (L36) to 110 (L50)
2: Effect type: Root
Thorncoat Self only Abjuration 2: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 41, Everyone else by 30
3: Effect type: Increase Damage Shield by 5
Call of the Predator Group Abjuration 2: Effect type: Increase ATK by 40
Warder's Protection Self only Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Damage Shield by 21
2: Effect type: Increase ATK by 70
3: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 17, Everyone else by 12
4: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 75
5: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase Max Hitpoints' and < 0
6: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase Damage Shield' and < 0
7: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase AC' and < 0
8: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase ATK' and < 0
Weapon Shield Discipline Self only Defense 1: Effect type: Increase Chance to Parry by 10000%
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Counteract Poison Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease Poison Counter by 8
Counteract Disease Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease Disease Counter by 8
Annul Magic Single target Abjuration 1: Effect type: Cancel Magic (9)
2: Effect type: Cancel Magic (9)
Exile Summoned Summoned beings Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 798
Circle of Winter Group Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Fire Resist by 45
Entangle Single target Alteration 2: Effect type: Decrease Movement by 56%
Earthen Embrace Single target Alteration 2: Effect type: Decrease Movement by 55%
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Shield of Thorns Single target Abjuration 11: Effect type: Increase Damage Shield by 24
Drifting Death Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 91
Call of the Rathe Single target Abjuration 2: Effect type: Increase Damage Shield by 10
3: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 44, Everyone else by 33
Strength of Tunare Group Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase ATK by 92
2: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase Max Hitpoints' and < 0
4: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 125
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Circle of Summer Group Abjuration 1: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase Cold Resist' and < 0
2: Effect type: Stacking: Overwrite existing spell if slot 51 is effect 'Increase Cold Resist' and < 0
4: Effect type: Increase Cold Resist by 45
Bladecoat Self only Abjuration 2: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 49, Everyone else by 36
3: Effect type: Increase Damage Shield by 6
Earthen Roots Single target Alteration 2: Effect type: Root
Frozen Wind Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 695
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Regrowth Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 20
Nature's Rebuke Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Add Proc: Nature's Rebuke Strike
Spirit of the Predator Group Abjuration 2: Effect type: Increase ATK by 70
Brushfire Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 612
Feral Form Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
2: Effect type: Increase Movement by 40%
3: Effect type: Increase ATK by 65
4: Effect type: Ultravision
5: Effect type: See Invisible
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Natureskin Single target Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 23 (L57) to 24 (L60), Everyone else by 17 (L57) to 18 (L60)
2: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 391 (L57) to 415 (L65)
3: Effect type: Increase HP when cast by 391 (L57) to 415 (L65)
5: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 4
Spirit of Eagle Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: See Invisible
2: Effect type: Increase Movement by 57% (L54) to 60% (L60)
3: Effect type: Levitate
4: Effect type: Infravision
Mask of the Stalker Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Player Size by 25%
2: Effect type: Increase Magnification by 115%
3: Effect type: Increase Mana by 3 per tick (total 5850)
4: Effect type: See Invisible
Protection of the Wild Self only Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Damage Shield by 34
2: Effect type: Increase ATK by 130
3: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 44, Everyone else by 33
4: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 125
5: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase Max Hitpoints' and < 0
6: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase Damage Shield' and < 0
7: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase AC' and < 0
8: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase ATK' and < 0
Cry of Thunder Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Add Proc: Cry of Thunder Strike
2: Effect type: Skill Proc Success by 3421
3: Effect type: Skill Proc Limit by 7
Sylvan Light Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 850
Sylvan Burn Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 673
Sylvan Call Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Add Proc: Sylvan Call Strike
2: Effect type: Skill Proc Success by 4912
3: Effect type: Skill Proc Limit by 7
Ancient: Burning Chaos Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 734
4: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
Hail of Arrows Directional AE Archery 1: Effect type: Skill Attack by 55
2: Effect type: Skill Attack by 55
3: Effect type: Skill Attack by 55
4: Effect type: Skill Attack by 55
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Locust Swarm Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 169
Sylvan Water Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 1115
Guard of the Earth Single target Abjuration 2: Effect type: Increase Damage Shield by 13
3: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 64, Everyone else by 48
Strength of the Hunter Group Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase ATK by 75
2: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase Max Hitpoints' and < 0
4: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 155
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Briarcoat Self only Abjuration 2: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 64, Everyone else by 48
3: Effect type: Increase Damage Shield by 8
Frost Wind Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 956
Hunter's Vigor Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 30
Tranquility of the Glade Single target Abjuration 1: Effect type: Reaction Radius (15/70)
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Nature's Denial Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Add Proc: Nature's Denial Strike
Howl of the Predator Group Abjuration 2: Effect type: Increase ATK by 90
9: Effect type: Increase Chance to Double Attack by 3%
Hearth Embers Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 842
Nature's Balance Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Dispel Beneficial by 950
Earthen Shackles Single target Alteration 2: Effect type: Decrease Movement by 55%
Warder's Wrath Self only Offense 2: Effect type: Increase Chance to Critical Hit by 200%
3: Effect type: Increase Chance to Hit With all Skills by 100%
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Onyx Skin Single target Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 42, Everyone else by 31
2: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 540
3: Effect type: Increase HP when cast by 540
5: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 6
Ward of the Hunter Self only Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Damage Shield by 45
2: Effect type: Increase ATK by 170
3: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 64, Everyone else by 48
4: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 165
5: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase Max Hitpoints' and < 0
6: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase Damage Shield' and < 0
7: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase AC' and < 0
8: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase ATK' and < 0
9: Effect type: Increase Chance to Double Attack by 3%
Call of Lightning Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Add Proc: Call of Lightning Strike
Ancient: North Wind Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 1032
Scorched Earth Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 1150
Elddar's Grasp Single target Alteration 2: Effect type: Root
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Shield of Needles Single target Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Damage Shield by 38
Shield of Needles Rk. II Single target Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Damage Shield by 40
Shield of Needles Rk. III Single target Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Damage Shield by 42
Cloud of Wasps Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 218
Cloud of Wasps Rk. II Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 227
Cloud of Wasps Rk. III Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 237
Sunderock Springwater Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 1263
Sunderock Springwater Rk. II Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 1311
Sunderock Springwater Rk. III Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 1359
Drifting Fog Single target Abjuration 1: Effect type: Reaction Radius (18/75)
Drifting Fog Rk. II Single target Abjuration 1: Effect type: Reaction Radius (15/75)
Drifting Fog Rk. III Single target Abjuration 1: Effect type: Reaction Radius (12/75)
Nature's Entropy Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Dispel Beneficial by 950
2: Effect type: Dispel Beneficial by 950
Nature's Entropy Rk. II Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Dispel Beneficial by 950
2: Effect type: Dispel Beneficial by 950
Nature's Entropy Rk. III Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Dispel Beneficial by 950
2: Effect type: Dispel Beneficial by 950
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Jolting Kicks Single target Kick 1: Effect type: Skill Attack by 74
2: Effect type: Skill Attack by 74
Jolting Kicks Rk. II Single target Kick 1: Effect type: Skill Attack by 78
2: Effect type: Skill Attack by 78
Jolting Kicks Rk. III Single target Kick 1: Effect type: Skill Attack by 81
2: Effect type: Skill Attack by 81
Strength of the Forest Stalker Group Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase ATK by 90
2: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase Max Hitpoints' and < 0
4: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 186
Strength of the Forest Stalker Rk. II Group Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase ATK by 94
2: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase Max Hitpoints' and < 0
4: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 194
Strength of the Forest Stalker Rk. III Group Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase ATK by 98
2: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase Max Hitpoints' and < 0
4: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 202
Icefall Chill Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 1195
Icefall Chill Rk. II Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 1243
Icefall Chill Rk. III Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 1291
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Vinelash Cascade Frontal AE Alteration 2: Effect type: Root
3: Effect type: Cast On Fade Effect Always by 11931
Vinelash Cascade Rk. II Frontal AE Alteration 2: Effect type: Root
3: Effect type: Cast On Fade Effect Always by 11931
Vinelash Cascade Rk. III Frontal AE Alteration 2: Effect type: Root
3: Effect type: Cast On Fade Effect Always by 11931
Potameid Salve Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease Poison Counter by 9
2: Effect type: Decrease Poison Counter by 9
3: Effect type: Decrease Disease Counter by 9
4: Effect type: Decrease Disease Counter by 9
5: Effect type: Decrease Curse Counter by 9
6: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 682
Potameid Salve Rk. II Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease Poison Counter by 9
2: Effect type: Decrease Poison Counter by 9
3: Effect type: Decrease Disease Counter by 9
4: Effect type: Decrease Disease Counter by 9
5: Effect type: Decrease Curse Counter by 9
6: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 706
Potameid Salve Rk. III Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease Poison Counter by 9
2: Effect type: Decrease Poison Counter by 9
3: Effect type: Decrease Disease Counter by 9
4: Effect type: Decrease Disease Counter by 9
5: Effect type: Decrease Curse Counter by 9
6: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 730
Snarl of the Predator Group Abjuration 2: Effect type: Increase ATK by 108
9: Effect type: Increase Chance to Double Attack by 4%
Snarl of the Predator Rk. II Group Abjuration 2: Effect type: Increase ATK by 113
9: Effect type: Increase Chance to Double Attack by 4%
Snarl of the Predator Rk. III Group Abjuration 2: Effect type: Increase ATK by 117
9: Effect type: Increase Chance to Double Attack by 4%
Volcanic Ash Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 1053
Volcanic Ash Rk. II Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 1094
Volcanic Ash Rk. III Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 1137
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Summer's Dew Burn Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 632
Summer's Dew Burn Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 656
Summer's Dew Burn Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 682
Summer's Dew Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
2: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
3: Effect type: Increase hate by 214
4: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 0
Summer's Dew Rk. II Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
2: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
3: Effect type: Increase hate by 214
4: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 0
Summer's Dew Rk. III Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
2: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
3: Effect type: Increase hate by 214
4: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 0
Summer's Dew Splash Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 717
Summer's Dew Splash Rk. II Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 746
Summer's Dew Splash Rk. III Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 775
Obsidian Skin Single target Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 51, Everyone else by 38
2: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 648
3: Effect type: Increase HP when cast by 648
5: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 7
Obsidian Skin Rk. II Single target Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 54, Everyone else by 40
2: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 675
3: Effect type: Increase HP when cast by 675
5: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 8
Obsidian Skin Rk. III Single target Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 55, Everyone else by 41
2: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 702
3: Effect type: Increase HP when cast by 702
5: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 8
Eyes of the Owl Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Chance to Hit With all Skills by 41%
2: Effect type: Increase Magnification by 115%
3: Effect type: Increase Mana by 3 per tick (total 5850)
4: Effect type: Increase Player Size by 25%
5: Effect type: See Invisible
6: Effect type: Ultravision
Eyes of the Owl Rk. II Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Chance to Hit With all Skills by 43%
2: Effect type: Increase Magnification by 115%
3: Effect type: Increase Mana by 4 per tick (total 7800)
4: Effect type: Increase Player Size by 25%
5: Effect type: See Invisible
6: Effect type: Ultravision
Eyes of the Owl Rk. III Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Chance to Hit With all Skills by 45%
2: Effect type: Increase Magnification by 115%
3: Effect type: Increase Mana by 5 per tick (total 9750)
4: Effect type: Increase Player Size by 25%
5: Effect type: See Invisible
6: Effect type: Ultravision
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Heartshot Single target Archery 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 1720
Heartshot Rk. II Single target Archery 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 1788
Heartshot Rk. III Single target Archery 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 1857
Protection of the Minohten Self only Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Damage Shield by 54
2: Effect type: Increase ATK by 204
3: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 77, Everyone else by 57
4: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 198
5: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase Max Hitpoints' and < 0
6: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase Damage Shield' and < 0
7: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase AC' and < 0
8: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase ATK' and < 0
9: Effect type: Increase Chance to Double Attack by 4%
Protection of the Minohten Rk. II Self only Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Damage Shield by 56
2: Effect type: Increase ATK by 213
3: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 80, Everyone else by 60
4: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 206
5: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase Max Hitpoints' and < 0
6: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase Damage Shield' and < 0
7: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase AC' and < 0
8: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase ATK' and < 0
9: Effect type: Increase Chance to Double Attack by 4%
Protection of the Minohten Rk. III Self only Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Damage Shield by 59
2: Effect type: Increase ATK by 221
3: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 83, Everyone else by 62
4: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 215
5: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase Max Hitpoints' and < 0
6: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase Damage Shield' and < 0
7: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase AC' and < 0
8: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase ATK' and < 0
9: Effect type: Increase Chance to Double Attack by 4%
Thundering Blades Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Add Proc: Thundering Blades Strike
Thundering Blades Rk. II Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Add Proc: Thundering Blades Strike Rk. II
Thundering Blades Rk. III Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Add Proc: Thundering Blades Strike Rk. III
Consumed by the Hunt Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Proc On Kill Shot by 100
Consumed by the Hunt Rk. II Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Proc On Kill Shot by 100
Consumed by the Hunt Rk. III Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Proc On Kill Shot by 100
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Shield of Spurs Single target Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Damage Shield by 43
Shield of Spurs Rk. II Single target Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Damage Shield by 49
Shield of Spurs Rk. III Single target Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Damage Shield by 52
Horde of Hornets Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 242
Horde of Hornets Rk. II Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 279
Horde of Hornets Rk. III Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 304
Dragonscale Aquifer Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 1346
Dragonscale Aquifer Rk. II Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 1473
Dragonscale Aquifer Rk. III Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 1558
Drifting Haze Single target Abjuration 1: Effect type: Reaction Radius (18/80)
Drifting Haze Rk. II Single target Abjuration 1: Effect type: Reaction Radius (15/80)
Drifting Haze Rk. III Single target Abjuration 1: Effect type: Reaction Radius (12/80)
Skylight Sagacity Self only Alteration 5: Effect type: See Invisible
6: Effect type: Ultravision
Skylight Sagacity Rk. II Self only Alteration 5: Effect type: See Invisible
6: Effect type: Ultravision
Skylight Sagacity Rk. III Self only Alteration 5: Effect type: See Invisible
6: Effect type: Ultravision
Eradicate Poison Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease Poison Counter by 30
2: Effect type: Decrease Poison Counter by 30
Eradicate Disease Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease Disease Counter by 30
2: Effect type: Decrease Disease Counter by 30
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Cloak of Scales Single target Abjuration 2: Effect type: Increase Damage Shield by 18
3: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 86, Everyone else by 64
Cloak of Scales Rk. II Single target Abjuration 2: Effect type: Increase Damage Shield by 20
3: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 97, Everyone else by 73
Cloak of Scales Rk. III Single target Abjuration 2: Effect type: Increase Damage Shield by 22
3: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 105, Everyone else by 79
Jolting Strikes Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Add Proc: Jolting Strikes Strike
Jolting Strikes Rk. II Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Add Proc: Jolting Strikes Strike
Jolting Strikes Rk. III Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Add Proc: Jolting Strikes Strike
Jolting Snapkicks Single target Kick 1: Effect type: Skill Attack by 91
2: Effect type: Skill Attack by 91
Jolting Snapkicks Rk. II Single target Kick 1: Effect type: Skill Attack by 96
2: Effect type: Skill Attack by 96
Jolting Snapkicks Rk. III Single target Kick 1: Effect type: Skill Attack by 101
2: Effect type: Skill Attack by 101
Strength of the Gladewalker Group Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase ATK by 101
2: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase Max Hitpoints' and < 0
4: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 213
Strength of the Gladewalker Rk. II Group Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase ATK by 115
2: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase Max Hitpoints' and < 0
4: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 252
Strength of the Gladewalker Rk. III Group Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase ATK by 122
2: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase Max Hitpoints' and < 0
4: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 272
Rimefall Bite Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 1367
Rimefall Bite Rk. II Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 1554
Rimefall Bite Rk. III Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 1678
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Potameid Balm Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease Poison Counter by 9
2: Effect type: Decrease Poison Counter by 9
3: Effect type: Decrease Disease Counter by 9
4: Effect type: Decrease Disease Counter by 9
5: Effect type: Decrease Curse Counter by 9
6: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 748
Potameid Balm Rk. II Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease Poison Counter by 9
2: Effect type: Decrease Poison Counter by 9
3: Effect type: Decrease Disease Counter by 9
4: Effect type: Decrease Disease Counter by 9
5: Effect type: Decrease Curse Counter by 9
6: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 811
Potameid Balm Rk. III Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease Poison Counter by 9
2: Effect type: Decrease Poison Counter by 9
3: Effect type: Decrease Disease Counter by 9
4: Effect type: Decrease Disease Counter by 9
5: Effect type: Decrease Curse Counter by 9
6: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 854
Gnarl of the Predator Group Abjuration 2: Effect type: Increase ATK by 121
9: Effect type: Increase Chance to Double Attack by 4%
Gnarl of the Predator Rk. II Group Abjuration 2: Effect type: Increase ATK by 138
9: Effect type: Increase Chance to Double Attack by 4%
Gnarl of the Predator Rk. III Group Abjuration 2: Effect type: Increase ATK by 147
9: Effect type: Increase Chance to Double Attack by 4%
Galvanic Ash Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 1204
Galvanic Ash Rk. II Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 1368
Galvanic Ash Rk. III Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 1478
Deadfall Single target Archery 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 5901
Deadfall Rk. II Single target Archery 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 6706
Deadfall Rk. III Single target Archery 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 7245
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Summer's Viridity Rk. II Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
2: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
3: Effect type: Increase hate by 234
4: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 0
Summer's Viridity Rk. III Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
2: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
3: Effect type: Increase hate by 234
4: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 0
Summer's Viridity Burn Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 722
Summer's Viridity Burn Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 821
Summer's Viridity Burn Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 887
Summer's Viridity Splash Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 820
Summer's Viridity Splash Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 932
Summer's Viridity Splash Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 1007
Ravenscale Single target Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 57, Everyone else by 43
2: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 743
3: Effect type: Increase HP when cast by 743
5: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 9
Ravenscale Rk. II Single target Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 66, Everyone else by 49
2: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 878
3: Effect type: Increase HP when cast by 878
5: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 11
Ravenscale Rk. III Single target Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 69, Everyone else by 51
2: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 945
3: Effect type: Increase HP when cast by 945
5: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 12
Eyes of the Peregrine Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Chance to Hit With all Skills by 45%
2: Effect type: Increase Magnification by 115%
3: Effect type: Increase Mana by 5 per tick (total 9750)
4: Effect type: Increase Player Size by 25%
5: Effect type: See Invisible
6: Effect type: Ultravision
Eyes of the Peregrine Rk. II Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Chance to Hit With all Skills by 45%
2: Effect type: Increase Magnification by 115%
3: Effect type: Increase Mana by 6 per tick (total 11700)
4: Effect type: Increase Player Size by 25%
5: Effect type: See Invisible
6: Effect type: Ultravision
Eyes of the Peregrine Rk. III Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Chance to Hit With all Skills by 45%
2: Effect type: Increase Magnification by 115%
3: Effect type: Increase Mana by 6 per tick (total 11700)
4: Effect type: Increase Player Size by 25%
5: Effect type: See Invisible
6: Effect type: Ultravision
Arc of Arrows Directional AE Archery 1: Effect type: Skill Attack by 86
2: Effect type: Skill Attack by 86
3: Effect type: Skill Attack by 86
4: Effect type: Skill Attack by 86
Arc of Arrows Rk. II Directional AE Archery 1: Effect type: Skill Attack by 98
2: Effect type: Skill Attack by 98
3: Effect type: Skill Attack by 98
4: Effect type: Skill Attack by 98
Arc of Arrows Rk. III Directional AE Archery 1: Effect type: Skill Attack by 106
2: Effect type: Skill Attack by 106
3: Effect type: Skill Attack by 106
4: Effect type: Skill Attack by 106
Summer's Viridity Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
2: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
3: Effect type: Increase hate by 234
4: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 0
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Heartsting Single target Archery 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 1967
Heartsting Rk. II Single target Archery 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 2235
Heartsting Rk. III Single target Archery 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 2415
Protection of the Kirkoten Self only Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Damage Shield by 62
2: Effect type: Increase ATK by 228
3: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 86, Everyone else by 64
4: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 227
5: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase Max Hitpoints' and < 0
6: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase Damage Shield' and < 0
7: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase AC' and < 0
8: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase ATK' and < 0
9: Effect type: Increase Chance to Double Attack by 4%
Protection of the Kirkoten Rk. II Self only Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Damage Shield by 70
2: Effect type: Increase ATK by 260
3: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 97, Everyone else by 73
4: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 268
5: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase Max Hitpoints' and < 0
6: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase Damage Shield' and < 0
7: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase AC' and < 0
8: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase ATK' and < 0
9: Effect type: Increase Chance to Double Attack by 4%
Protection of the Kirkoten Rk. III Self only Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Damage Shield by 76
2: Effect type: Increase ATK by 277
3: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 105, Everyone else by 79
4: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 288
5: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase Max Hitpoints' and < 0
6: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase Damage Shield' and < 0
7: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase AC' and < 0
8: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase ATK' and < 0
9: Effect type: Increase Chance to Double Attack by 4%
Deafening Blades Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Add Proc: Deafening Blades Strike
Deafening Blades Rk. II Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Add Proc: Deafening Blades Strike Rk. II
Deafening Blades Rk. III Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Add Proc: Deafening Blades Strike Rk. III
Aimshot Discipline Self only Offense 1: Effect type: Increase All Skills Skill Check by 14%
2: Effect type: Increase All Skills Damage Modifier by 123%
Aimshot Discipline Rk. II Self only Offense 1: Effect type: Increase All Skills Skill Check by 15%
2: Effect type: Increase All Skills Damage Modifier by 129%
Aimshot Discipline Rk. III Self only Offense 1: Effect type: Increase All Skills Skill Check by 15%
2: Effect type: Increase All Skills Damage Modifier by 135%
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Carve Whistle Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Summon Item : Wooden Whistle
Carve Whistle Rk. II Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Summon Item : Wooden Whistle
Carve Whistle Rk. III Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Summon Item : Wooden Whistle
Shield of Dryspines Single target Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Damage Shield by 52
Shield of Dryspines Rk. II Single target Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Damage Shield by 60
Shield of Dryspines Rk. III Single target Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Damage Shield by 64
Beetle Swarm Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 300
Beetle Swarm Rk. II Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 347
Beetle Swarm Rk. III Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 378
Oceangreen Aquifer Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 1520
Oceangreen Aquifer Rk. II Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 1666
Oceangreen Aquifer Rk. III Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 1764
Drifting Mist Single target Abjuration 1: Effect type: Reaction Radius (18/85)
Drifting Mist Rk. II Single target Abjuration 1: Effect type: Reaction Radius (15/85)
Drifting Mist Rk. III Single target Abjuration 1: Effect type: Reaction Radius (12/85)
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Jolting Frontkicks Single target Kick 1: Effect type: Skill Attack by 112
2: Effect type: Skill Attack by 112
Jolting Frontkicks Rk. II Single target Kick 1: Effect type: Skill Attack by 118
2: Effect type: Skill Attack by 118
Jolting Frontkicks Rk. III Single target Kick 1: Effect type: Skill Attack by 124
2: Effect type: Skill Attack by 124
Strength of the Tracker Group Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase ATK by 123
2: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase Max Hitpoints' and < 0
4: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 277
Strength of the Tracker Rk. II Group Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase ATK by 140
2: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase Max Hitpoints' and < 0
4: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 328
Strength of the Tracker Rk. III Group Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase ATK by 150
2: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase Max Hitpoints' and < 0
4: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 353
Windwhip Bite Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 1710
Windwhip Bite Rk. II Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 1942
Windwhip Bite Rk. III Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 2097
Cloak of Feathers Single target Abjuration 2: Effect type: Increase Damage Shield by 22
3: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 105, Everyone else by 79
Cloak of Feathers Rk. II Single target Abjuration 2: Effect type: Increase Damage Shield by 25
3: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 120, Everyone else by 89
Cloak of Feathers Rk. III Single target Abjuration 2: Effect type: Increase Damage Shield by 27
3: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 127, Everyone else by 95
Jolting Swings Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Add Proc: Jolting Swings Strike
Jolting Swings Rk. II Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Add Proc: Jolting Swings Strike
Jolting Swings Rk. III Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Add Proc: Jolting Swings Strike
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Burynai Balm Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease Poison Counter by 9
2: Effect type: Decrease Poison Counter by 9
3: Effect type: Decrease Disease Counter by 9
4: Effect type: Decrease Disease Counter by 9
5: Effect type: Decrease Curse Counter by 9
6: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 860
Burynai Balm Rk. II Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease Poison Counter by 9
2: Effect type: Decrease Poison Counter by 9
3: Effect type: Decrease Disease Counter by 9
4: Effect type: Decrease Disease Counter by 9
5: Effect type: Decrease Curse Counter by 9
6: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 933
Burynai Balm Rk. III Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease Poison Counter by 9
2: Effect type: Decrease Poison Counter by 9
3: Effect type: Decrease Disease Counter by 9
4: Effect type: Decrease Disease Counter by 9
5: Effect type: Decrease Curse Counter by 9
6: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 982
Yowl of the Predator Group Abjuration 2: Effect type: Increase ATK by 148
9: Effect type: Increase Chance to Double Attack by 4%
Yowl of the Predator Rk. II Group Abjuration 2: Effect type: Increase ATK by 168
9: Effect type: Increase Chance to Double Attack by 4%
Yowl of the Predator Rk. III Group Abjuration 2: Effect type: Increase ATK by 179
9: Effect type: Increase Chance to Double Attack by 4%
Cataclysm Ash Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 1505
Cataclysm Ash Rk. II Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 1710
Cataclysm Ash Rk. III Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 1847
Heartpierce Single target Archery 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 7380
Heartpierce Rk. II Single target Archery 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 8382
Heartpierce Rk. III Single target Archery 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 9054
Spinecoat Self only Abjuration 2: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 102, Everyone else by 76
3: Effect type: Increase Damage Shield by 13
Spinecoat Rk. II Self only Abjuration 2: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 118, Everyone else by 88
3: Effect type: Increase Damage Shield by 15
Spinecoat Rk. III Self only Abjuration 2: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 125, Everyone else by 93
3: Effect type: Increase Damage Shield by 15
Swarm of Bees Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
2: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
Swarm of Bees Rk. II Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
2: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
Swarm of Bees Rk. III Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
2: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
Angry Bee Swarm Single target 1h_blunt 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 300
Angry Bee Swarm Rk. II Single target 1h_blunt 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 347
Angry Bee Swarm Rk. III Single target 1h_blunt 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 378
Cloud of Protective Bees Target's Target 1h_blunt 5: Effect type: Increase Damage Shield by 250
Cloud of Protective Bees Rk. II Target's Target 1h_blunt 5: Effect type: Increase Damage Shield by 300
Cloud of Protective Bees Rk. III Target's Target 1h_blunt 5: Effect type: Increase Damage Shield by 350
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Summer's Mist Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
2: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
3: Effect type: Increase hate by 292
4: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 0
Summer's Mist Rk. II Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
2: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
3: Effect type: Increase hate by 292
4: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 0
Summer's Mist Rk. III Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
2: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
3: Effect type: Increase hate by 292
4: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 0
Summer's Mist Burn Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 903
Summer's Mist Burn Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 1026
Summer's Mist Burn Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 1108
Summer's Mist Splash Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 1026
Summer's Mist Splash Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 1165
Summer's Mist Splash Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 1258
Mottlescale Single target Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 70, Everyone else by 53
2: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 966
3: Effect type: Increase HP when cast by 966
5: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 13
Mottlescale Rk. II Single target Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 80, Everyone else by 60
2: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 1141
3: Effect type: Increase HP when cast by 1141
5: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 15
Mottlescale Rk. III Single target Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 85, Everyone else by 63
2: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 1229
3: Effect type: Increase HP when cast by 1229
5: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 17
Eyes of the Nocturnal Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Chance to Hit With all Skills by 45%
2: Effect type: Increase Magnification by 115%
3: Effect type: Increase Mana by 7 per tick (total 13650)
4: Effect type: Increase Player Size by 25%
5: Effect type: See Invisible
6: Effect type: Ultravision
Eyes of the Nocturnal Rk. II Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Chance to Hit With all Skills by 45%
2: Effect type: Increase Magnification by 115%
3: Effect type: Increase Mana by 8 per tick (total 15600)
4: Effect type: Increase Player Size by 25%
5: Effect type: See Invisible
6: Effect type: Ultravision
Eyes of the Nocturnal Rk. III Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Chance to Hit With all Skills by 45%
2: Effect type: Increase Magnification by 115%
3: Effect type: Increase Mana by 9 per tick (total 17550)
4: Effect type: Increase Player Size by 25%
5: Effect type: See Invisible
6: Effect type: Ultravision
Barrage of Arrows Directional AE Archery 1: Effect type: Skill Attack by 108
2: Effect type: Skill Attack by 108
3: Effect type: Skill Attack by 108
4: Effect type: Skill Attack by 108
Barrage of Arrows Rk. II Directional AE Archery 1: Effect type: Skill Attack by 122
2: Effect type: Skill Attack by 122
3: Effect type: Skill Attack by 122
4: Effect type: Skill Attack by 122
Barrage of Arrows Rk. III Directional AE Archery 1: Effect type: Skill Attack by 127
2: Effect type: Skill Attack by 127
3: Effect type: Skill Attack by 127
4: Effect type: Skill Attack by 127
Devastating Blades Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Add Proc: Devastating Blades Strike
Devastating Blades Rk. II Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Add Proc: Devastating Blades Strike Rk. II
Devastating Blades Rk. III Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Add Proc: Devastating Blades Strike Rk. III
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Heartshear Single target Archery 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 2460
Heartshear Rk. II Single target Archery 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 2794
Heartshear Rk. III Single target Archery 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 3018
Protection of the Paw Self only Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Damage Shield by 77
2: Effect type: Increase ATK by 278
3: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 105, Everyone else by 79
4: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 295
5: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase Max Hitpoints' and < 0
6: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase Damage Shield' and < 0
7: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase AC' and < 0
8: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase ATK' and < 0
9: Effect type: Increase Chance to Double Attack by 4%
Protection of the Paw Rk. II Self only Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Damage Shield by 88
2: Effect type: Increase ATK by 317
3: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 120, Everyone else by 89
4: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 348
5: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase Max Hitpoints' and < 0
6: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase Damage Shield' and < 0
7: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase AC' and < 0
8: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase ATK' and < 0
9: Effect type: Increase Chance to Double Attack by 4%
Protection of the Paw Rk. III Self only Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Damage Shield by 95
2: Effect type: Increase ATK by 338
3: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 127, Everyone else by 95
4: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 375
5: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase Max Hitpoints' and < 0
6: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase Damage Shield' and < 0
7: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase AC' and < 0
8: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase ATK' and < 0
9: Effect type: Increase Chance to Double Attack by 4%
Crackling Blades Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Add Proc: Crackling Blades Strike
Crackling Blades Rk. II Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Add Proc: Crackling Blades Strike Rk. II
Crackling Blades Rk. III Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Add Proc: Crackling Blades Strike Rk. III
Sureshot Discipline Self only Offense 1: Effect type: Increase All Skills Skill Check by 18%
2: Effect type: Increase All Skills Damage Modifier by 151%
Sureshot Discipline Rk. II Self only Offense 1: Effect type: Increase All Skills Skill Check by 18%
2: Effect type: Increase All Skills Damage Modifier by 159%
Sureshot Discipline Rk. III Self only Offense 1: Effect type: Increase All Skills Skill Check by 19%
2: Effect type: Increase All Skills Damage Modifier by 166%
Enraging Shot Single target Archery 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 2460
Enraging Shot Rk. II Single target Archery 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 2794
Enraging Shot Rk. III Single target Archery 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 3018
Storm of Arrows Target Ring AE Archery 1: Effect type: Skill Attack by 126
2: Effect type: Skill Attack by 126
3: Effect type: Skill Attack by 126
4: Effect type: Skill Attack by 126
Storm of Arrows Rk. II Target Ring AE Archery 1: Effect type: Skill Attack by 138
2: Effect type: Skill Attack by 138
3: Effect type: Skill Attack by 138
4: Effect type: Skill Attack by 138
Storm of Arrows Rk. III Target Ring AE Archery 1: Effect type: Skill Attack by 149
2: Effect type: Skill Attack by 149
3: Effect type: Skill Attack by 149
4: Effect type: Skill Attack by 149
Flusterbolt Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Cast On Fade Effect Always by 23530
3: Effect type: Spell Trigger by 100
7: Effect type: Memblur (100%)
Focused Storm of Arrows Single target Archery 1: Effect type: Skill Attack by 126
2: Effect type: Skill Attack by 126
3: Effect type: Skill Attack by 126
4: Effect type: Skill Attack by 126
Focused Storm of Arrows Rk. II Single target Archery 1: Effect type: Skill Attack by 138
2: Effect type: Skill Attack by 138
3: Effect type: Skill Attack by 138
4: Effect type: Skill Attack by 138
Focused Storm of Arrows Rk. III Single target Archery 1: Effect type: Skill Attack by 149
2: Effect type: Skill Attack by 149
3: Effect type: Skill Attack by 149
4: Effect type: Skill Attack by 149
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Respite Self only Defense 1: Effect type: Current Endurance by 845
3: Effect type: Endurance Percent Limit by 21
Respite Rk. II Self only Defense 1: Effect type: Current Endurance by 964
3: Effect type: Endurance Percent Limit by 25
Respite Rk. III Self only Defense 1: Effect type: Current Endurance by 1213
3: Effect type: Endurance Percent Limit by 29
Called Shots Single target Archery 1: Effect type: Skill Attack by 130
2: Effect type: Skill Attack by 130
3: Effect type: Skill Attack by 105
4: Effect type: Skill Attack by 105
5: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
Called Shots Rk. II Single target Archery 1: Effect type: Skill Attack by 162
2: Effect type: Skill Attack by 162
3: Effect type: Skill Attack by 138
4: Effect type: Skill Attack by 138
5: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
Called Shots Rk. III Single target Archery 1: Effect type: Skill Attack by 194
2: Effect type: Skill Attack by 194
3: Effect type: Skill Attack by 170
4: Effect type: Skill Attack by 170
5: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
Drifting Cloud Single target Abjuration 1: Effect type: Reaction Radius (18/90)
Drifting Cloud Rk. II Single target Abjuration 1: Effect type: Reaction Radius (15/90)
Drifting Cloud Rk. III Single target Abjuration 1: Effect type: Reaction Radius (12/90)
Purefont Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 3553
Purefont Rk. II Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 3912
Purefont Rk. III Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 4150
Scarab Swarm Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 375
Scarab Swarm Rk. II Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 443
Scarab Swarm Rk. III Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 486
Shield of Nettlespikes Single target Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Damage Shield by 78
Shield of Nettlespikes Rk. II Single target Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Damage Shield by 90
Shield of Nettlespikes Rk. III Single target Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Damage Shield by 96
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Cloak of Quills Single target Abjuration 2: Effect type: Increase Damage Shield by 33
3: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 132, Everyone else by 99
Cloak of Quills Rk. II Single target Abjuration 2: Effect type: Increase Damage Shield by 38
3: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 149, Everyone else by 112
Cloak of Quills Rk. III Single target Abjuration 2: Effect type: Increase Damage Shield by 41
3: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 160, Everyone else by 120
Jolting Hook Kicks Single target Kick 1: Effect type: Skill Attack by 123
2: Effect type: Skill Attack by 123
Jolting Hook Kicks Rk. II Single target Kick 1: Effect type: Skill Attack by 130
2: Effect type: Skill Attack by 130
Jolting Hook Kicks Rk. III Single target Kick 1: Effect type: Skill Attack by 136
2: Effect type: Skill Attack by 136
Jolting Edges Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Add Proc: Jolting Edges Strike
Jolting Edges Rk. II Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Add Proc: Jolting Edges Strike II
Jolting Edges Rk. III Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Add Proc: Jolting Edges Strike III
Strength of the Thicket Stalker Group Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase ATK by 162
2: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase Max Hitpoints' and < 0
4: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 415
Strength of the Thicket Stalker Rk. II Group Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase ATK by 185
2: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase Max Hitpoints' and < 0
4: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 492
Strength of the Thicket Stalker Rk. III Group Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase ATK by 199
2: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase Max Hitpoints' and < 0
4: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 529
Biting Wind Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 2351
Biting Wind Rk. II Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 2670
Biting Wind Rk. III Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 2884
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Swarm of Hornets Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
2: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
Swarm of Hornets Rk. II Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
2: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
Swarm of Hornets Rk. III Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
2: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
Hornet Swarm Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 428
Hornet Swarm II Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 505
Hornet Swarm III Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 558
Cloud of Guardian Hornets Target's Target Evocation 5: Effect type: Increase Damage Shield by 275
Cloud of Guardian Hornets II Target's Target Evocation 5: Effect type: Increase Damage Shield by 330
Cloud of Guardian Hornets III Target's Target Evocation 5: Effect type: Increase Damage Shield by 385
Lucid Balm Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease Poison Counter by 11
2: Effect type: Decrease Poison Counter by 11
3: Effect type: Decrease Disease Counter by 11
4: Effect type: Decrease Disease Counter by 11
5: Effect type: Decrease Curse Counter by 11
6: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 2842
Lucid Balm Rk. II Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease Poison Counter by 11
2: Effect type: Decrease Poison Counter by 11
3: Effect type: Decrease Disease Counter by 11
4: Effect type: Decrease Disease Counter by 11
5: Effect type: Decrease Curse Counter by 11
6: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 3130
Lucid Balm Rk. III Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease Poison Counter by 11
2: Effect type: Decrease Poison Counter by 11
3: Effect type: Decrease Disease Counter by 11
4: Effect type: Decrease Disease Counter by 11
5: Effect type: Decrease Curse Counter by 11
6: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 3320
Burning Ash Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 2070
Burning Ash Rk. II Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 2351
Burning Ash Rk. III Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 2540
Heartrend Single target Archery 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 9336
Heartrend Rk. II Single target Archery 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 10603
Heartrend Rk. III Single target Archery 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 11453
Lingering Cloud Single target Abjuration 1: Effect type: Reaction Radius (23/90)
Lingering Cloud Rk. II Single target Abjuration 1: Effect type: Reaction Radius (20/90)
Lingering Cloud Rk. III Single target Abjuration 1: Effect type: Reaction Radius (16/90)
Roar of the Predator Group Abjuration 2: Effect type: Increase ATK by 187
9: Effect type: Increase Chance to Double Attack by 4%
Roar of the Predator Rk. II Group Abjuration 2: Effect type: Increase ATK by 213
9: Effect type: Increase Chance to Double Attack by 4%
Roar of the Predator Rk. III Group Abjuration 2: Effect type: Increase ATK by 227
9: Effect type: Increase Chance to Double Attack by 4%
Quillcoat Self only Abjuration 2: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 145, Everyone else by 108
3: Effect type: Increase Damage Shield by 20
Quillcoat Rk. II Self only Abjuration 2: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 168, Everyone else by 126
3: Effect type: Increase Damage Shield by 25
Quillcoat Rk. III Self only Abjuration 2: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 187, Everyone else by 140
3: Effect type: Increase Damage Shield by 30
Stalker's Vigor Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 86
Stalker's Vigor Rk. II Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 92
Stalker's Vigor Rk. III Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 100
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Desperate Deluge Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 5161
Desperate Deluge Rk. II Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 5599
Desperate Deluge Rk. III Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 5891
Devastating Edges Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Add Proc: Devastating Edges Strike
Devastating Edges Rk. II Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Add Proc: Devastating Edges Strike II
Devastating Edges Rk. III Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Add Proc: Devastating Edges Strike III
Eyes of the Wolf Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Chance to Hit With all Skills by 45%
2: Effect type: Increase Magnification by 115%
3: Effect type: Increase Mana by 25 per tick (total 48750)
5: Effect type: See Invisible
6: Effect type: Ultravision
Eyes of the Wolf Rk. II Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Chance to Hit With all Skills by 45%
2: Effect type: Increase Magnification by 115%
3: Effect type: Increase Mana by 28 per tick (total 54600)
5: Effect type: See Invisible
6: Effect type: Ultravision
Eyes of the Wolf Rk. III Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Chance to Hit With all Skills by 45%
2: Effect type: Increase Magnification by 115%
3: Effect type: Increase Mana by 31 per tick (total 60450)
5: Effect type: See Invisible
6: Effect type: Ultravision
Fusillade of Arrows Directional AE Archery 1: Effect type: Skill Attack by 119
2: Effect type: Skill Attack by 119
3: Effect type: Skill Attack by 119
4: Effect type: Skill Attack by 119
Fusillade of Arrows Rk. II Directional AE Archery 1: Effect type: Skill Attack by 134
2: Effect type: Skill Attack by 134
3: Effect type: Skill Attack by 134
4: Effect type: Skill Attack by 134
Fusillade of Arrows Rk. III Directional AE Archery 1: Effect type: Skill Attack by 140
2: Effect type: Skill Attack by 140
3: Effect type: Skill Attack by 140
4: Effect type: Skill Attack by 140
Mottlecoat Single target Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 81, Everyone else by 60
2: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 1208
3: Effect type: Increase HP when cast by 1208
5: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 16
Mottlecoat Rk. II Single target Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 92, Everyone else by 69
2: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 1426
3: Effect type: Increase HP when cast by 1426
5: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 19
Mottlecoat Rk. III Single target Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 97, Everyone else by 73
2: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 1536
3: Effect type: Increase HP when cast by 1536
5: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 21
Summer's Storm Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
2: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
3: Effect type: Increase hate by 321
4: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 0
Summer's Storm Rk. II Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
2: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
3: Effect type: Increase hate by 321
4: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 0
Summer's Storm Rk. III Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
2: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
3: Effect type: Increase hate by 321
4: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 0
Summer's Storm Burn Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 1102
Summer's Storm Burn Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 1242
Summer's Storm Burn Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 1353
Summer's Storm Splash Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 1231
Summer's Storm Splash Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 1372
Summer's Storm Splash Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 1495
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Blusterbolt Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Cast On Fade Effect Always by 25510
3: Effect type: Spell Trigger by 100
7: Effect type: Memblur (100%)
Blusterbolt Rk. II Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Cast On Fade Effect Always by 25511
3: Effect type: Spell Trigger by 100
7: Effect type: Memblur (100%)
Blusterbolt Rk. III Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Cast On Fade Effect Always by 25512
3: Effect type: Spell Trigger by 100
7: Effect type: Memblur (100%)
Crackling Edges Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Add Proc: Crackling Edges Strike
Crackling Edges Rk. II Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Add Proc: Crackling Edges Strike II
Crackling Edges Rk. III Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Add Proc: Crackling Edges Strike III
Heartslice Single target Archery 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 4113
Heartslice Rk. II Single target Archery 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 4610
Heartslice Rk. III Single target Archery 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 5113
Protection of the Vale Self only Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Damage Shield by 111
2: Effect type: Increase ATK by 349
3: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 132, Everyone else by 99
4: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 415
5: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase Max Hitpoints' and < 0
6: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase Damage Shield' and < 0
7: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase AC' and < 0
8: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase ATK' and < 0
9: Effect type: Increase Chance to Double Attack by 4%
Protection of the Vale Rk. II Self only Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Damage Shield by 128
2: Effect type: Increase ATK by 398
3: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 149, Everyone else by 112
4: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 492
5: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase Max Hitpoints' and < 0
6: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase Damage Shield' and < 0
7: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase AC' and < 0
8: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase ATK' and < 0
9: Effect type: Increase Chance to Double Attack by 4%
Protection of the Vale Rk. III Self only Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Damage Shield by 137
2: Effect type: Increase ATK by 426
3: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 160, Everyone else by 120
4: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 529
5: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase Max Hitpoints' and < 0
6: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase Damage Shield' and < 0
7: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase AC' and < 0
8: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase ATK' and < 0
9: Effect type: Increase Chance to Double Attack by 4%
Bullseye Discipline Self only Offense 1: Effect type: Increase All Skills Skill Check by 20%
2: Effect type: Increase All Skills Damage Modifier by 166%
Bullseye Discipline Rk. II Self only Offense 1: Effect type: Increase All Skills Skill Check by 20%
2: Effect type: Increase All Skills Damage Modifier by 174%
Bullseye Discipline Rk. III Self only Offense 1: Effect type: Increase All Skills Skill Check by 21%
2: Effect type: Increase All Skills Damage Modifier by 183%
Infuriating Shot Single target Archery 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 3572
Infuriating Shot Rk. II Single target Archery 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 3995
Infuriating Shot Rk. III Single target Archery 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 4349
Invigorated by the Hunt Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Proc On Kill Shot by 100
Invigorated by the Hunt Rk. II Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Proc On Kill Shot by 100
Invigorated by the Hunt Rk. III Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Proc On Kill Shot by 100
Invigorated Effect Self only Melee 10: Effect type: Increase Chance to Critical Hit by 176%
11: Effect type: Increase Accuracy by 176%
Invigorated Effect II Self only Melee 10: Effect type: Increase Chance to Critical Hit by 198%
11: Effect type: Increase Accuracy by 198%
Invigorated Effect III Self only Melee 10: Effect type: Increase Chance to Critical Hit by 220%
11: Effect type: Increase Accuracy by 220%
Tempest of Arrows Target Ring AE Archery 1: Effect type: Skill Attack by 139
2: Effect type: Skill Attack by 139
3: Effect type: Skill Attack by 139
4: Effect type: Skill Attack by 139
Tempest of Arrows Rk. II Target Ring AE Archery 1: Effect type: Skill Attack by 152
2: Effect type: Skill Attack by 152
3: Effect type: Skill Attack by 152
4: Effect type: Skill Attack by 152
Tempest of Arrows Rk. III Target Ring AE Archery 1: Effect type: Skill Attack by 164
2: Effect type: Skill Attack by 164
3: Effect type: Skill Attack by 164
4: Effect type: Skill Attack by 164
Focused Tempest of Arrows Single target Archery 1: Effect type: Skill Attack by 139
2: Effect type: Skill Attack by 139
3: Effect type: Skill Attack by 139
4: Effect type: Skill Attack by 139
Focused Tempest of Arrows Rk. II Single target Archery 1: Effect type: Skill Attack by 152
2: Effect type: Skill Attack by 152
3: Effect type: Skill Attack by 152
4: Effect type: Skill Attack by 152
Focused Tempest of Arrows Rk. III Single target Archery 1: Effect type: Skill Attack by 164
2: Effect type: Skill Attack by 164
3: Effect type: Skill Attack by 164
4: Effect type: Skill Attack by 164
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Reprieve Self only Defense 1: Effect type: Current Endurance by 1274
3: Effect type: Endurance Percent Limit by 21
Reprieve Rk. II Self only Defense 1: Effect type: Current Endurance by 1338
3: Effect type: Endurance Percent Limit by 25
Reprieve Rk. III Self only Defense 1: Effect type: Current Endurance by 1405
3: Effect type: Endurance Percent Limit by 29
Announced Shots Single target Archery 1: Effect type: Skill Attack by 204
2: Effect type: Skill Attack by 204
3: Effect type: Skill Attack by 179
4: Effect type: Skill Attack by 179
5: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
Announced Shots Rk. II Single target Archery 1: Effect type: Skill Attack by 214
2: Effect type: Skill Attack by 214
3: Effect type: Skill Attack by 188
4: Effect type: Skill Attack by 188
5: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
Announced Shots Rk. III Single target Archery 1: Effect type: Skill Attack by 225
2: Effect type: Skill Attack by 225
3: Effect type: Skill Attack by 197
4: Effect type: Skill Attack by 197
5: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
Drifting Veil Single target Abjuration 1: Effect type: Reaction Radius (18/95)
Drifting Veil Rk. II Single target Abjuration 1: Effect type: Reaction Radius (15/95)
Drifting Veil Rk. III Single target Abjuration 1: Effect type: Reaction Radius (12/95)
Grasping Nettlecoat Self only Abjuration 9: Effect type: Defensive Proc Grasping Nettles
Grasping Nettlecoat Rk. II Self only Abjuration 9: Effect type: Defensive Proc Grasping Nettles II
Grasping Nettlecoat Rk. III Self only Abjuration 9: Effect type: Defensive Proc Grasping Nettles III
Veil of Alaris Single target Abjuration 1: Effect type: Defensive Proc Veil of Alaris Parry
Veil of Alaris Rk. II Single target Abjuration 1: Effect type: Defensive Proc Veil of Alaris Parry II
Veil of Alaris Rk. III Single target Abjuration 1: Effect type: Defensive Proc Veil of Alaris Parry III
Purespring Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 4773
Purespring Rk. II Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 5012
Purespring Rk. III Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 5263
Vespid Swarm Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 539
Vespid Swarm Rk. II Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 559
Vespid Swarm Rk. III Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 580
Shield of Bramblespikes Single target Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Damage Shield by 120
Shield of Bramblespikes Rk. II Single target Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Damage Shield by 126
Shield of Bramblespikes Rk. III Single target Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Damage Shield by 132
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Cloak of Burrs Single target Abjuration 2: Effect type: Increase Damage Shield by 51
3: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 184, Everyone else by 138
Cloak of Burrs Rk. II Single target Abjuration 2: Effect type: Increase Damage Shield by 54
3: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 193, Everyone else by 145
Cloak of Burrs Rk. III Single target Abjuration 2: Effect type: Increase Damage Shield by 57
3: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 203, Everyone else by 152
Enraging Crescent Kicks Single target Kick 1: Effect type: Skill Attack by 149
2: Effect type: Skill Attack by 149
Enraging Crescent Kicks Rk. II Single target Kick 1: Effect type: Skill Attack by 156
2: Effect type: Skill Attack by 156
Enraging Crescent Kicks Rk. III Single target Kick 1: Effect type: Skill Attack by 164
2: Effect type: Skill Attack by 164
Jolting Crescent Kicks Single target Kick 1: Effect type: Skill Attack by 149
2: Effect type: Skill Attack by 149
Jolting Crescent Kicks Rk. II Single target Kick 1: Effect type: Skill Attack by 156
2: Effect type: Skill Attack by 156
Jolting Crescent Kicks Rk. III Single target Kick 1: Effect type: Skill Attack by 164
2: Effect type: Skill Attack by 164
Jolting Impact Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Add Proc: Jolting Impact Strike
Jolting Impact Rk. II Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Add Proc: Jolting Impact Strike II
Jolting Impact Rk. III Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Add Proc: Jolting Impact Strike III
Strength of the Gladetender Group Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase ATK by 229
2: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase Max Hitpoints' and < 0
4: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 608
Strength of the Gladetender Rk. II Group Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase ATK by 240
2: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase Max Hitpoints' and < 0
4: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 638
Strength of the Gladetender Rk. III Group Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase ATK by 252
2: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase Max Hitpoints' and < 0
4: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 670
Rime-laced Wind Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 3172
Rime-laced Wind Rk. II Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 3331
Rime-laced Wind Rk. III Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 3498
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Swarm of Sand Wasps Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
2: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
Swarm of Sand Wasps Rk. II Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
2: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
Swarm of Sand Wasps Rk. III Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
2: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
Sand Wasp Swarm Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 768
Sand Wasp Swarm II Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 806
Sand Wasp Swarm III Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 846
Cloud of Guardian Sand Wasps Target's Target Evocation 5: Effect type: Increase Damage Shield by 443
Cloud of Guardian Sand Wasps II Target's Target Evocation 5: Effect type: Increase Damage Shield by 465
Cloud of Guardian Sand Wasps III Target's Target Evocation 5: Effect type: Increase Damage Shield by 488
Wild Balm Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease Poison Counter by 13
2: Effect type: Decrease Poison Counter by 13
3: Effect type: Decrease Disease Counter by 13
4: Effect type: Decrease Disease Counter by 13
5: Effect type: Decrease Curse Counter by 13
6: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 3818
Wild Balm Rk. II Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease Poison Counter by 13
2: Effect type: Decrease Poison Counter by 13
3: Effect type: Decrease Disease Counter by 13
4: Effect type: Decrease Disease Counter by 13
5: Effect type: Decrease Curse Counter by 13
6: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 4009
Wild Balm Rk. III Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease Poison Counter by 13
2: Effect type: Decrease Poison Counter by 13
3: Effect type: Decrease Disease Counter by 13
4: Effect type: Decrease Disease Counter by 13
5: Effect type: Decrease Curse Counter by 13
6: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 4209
Beastwood Ash Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 2794
Beastwood Ash Rk. II Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 2934
Beastwood Ash Rk. III Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 3081
Heartrip Single target Archery 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 12598
Heartrip Rk. II Single target Archery 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 13228
Heartrip Rk. III Single target Archery 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 13889
Lingering Veil Single target Abjuration 1: Effect type: Reaction Radius (23/95)
Lingering Veil Rk. II Single target Abjuration 1: Effect type: Reaction Radius (20/95)
Lingering Veil Rk. III Single target Abjuration 1: Effect type: Reaction Radius (16/95)
Cry of the Predator Group Abjuration 2: Effect type: Increase ATK by 261
9: Effect type: Increase Chance to Double Attack by 4%
Cry of the Predator Rk. II Group Abjuration 2: Effect type: Increase ATK by 274
9: Effect type: Increase Chance to Double Attack by 4%
Cry of the Predator Rk. III Group Abjuration 2: Effect type: Increase ATK by 288
9: Effect type: Increase Chance to Double Attack by 4%
Burrcoat Self only Abjuration 2: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 216, Everyone else by 161
3: Effect type: Increase Damage Shield by 35
Burrcoat Rk. II Self only Abjuration 2: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 226, Everyone else by 170
3: Effect type: Increase Damage Shield by 37
Burrcoat Rk. III Self only Abjuration 2: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 237, Everyone else by 178
3: Effect type: Increase Damage Shield by 39
Gladewalker's Vigor Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 125
Gladewalker's Vigor Rk. II Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 131
Gladewalker's Vigor Rk. III Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 138
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Desperate Downpour Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 6775
Desperate Downpour Rk. II Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 7114
Desperate Downpour Rk. III Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 7470
Devastating Slashes Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Add Proc: Devastating Slashes Strike
Devastating Slashes Rk. II Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Add Proc: Devastating Slashes Strike II
Devastating Slashes Rk. III Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Add Proc: Devastating Slashes Strike III
Eyes of the Raptor Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Chance to Hit With all Skills by 45%
2: Effect type: Increase Magnification by 115%
3: Effect type: Increase Mana by 34 per tick (total 66300)
5: Effect type: See Invisible
6: Effect type: Ultravision
Eyes of the Raptor Rk. II Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Chance to Hit With all Skills by 45%
2: Effect type: Increase Magnification by 115%
3: Effect type: Increase Mana by 36 per tick (total 70200)
5: Effect type: See Invisible
6: Effect type: Ultravision
Eyes of the Raptor Rk. III Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Chance to Hit With all Skills by 45%
2: Effect type: Increase Magnification by 115%
3: Effect type: Increase Mana by 38 per tick (total 74100)
5: Effect type: See Invisible
6: Effect type: Ultravision
Swarm of Arrows Directional AE Archery 1: Effect type: Skill Attack by 152
2: Effect type: Skill Attack by 152
3: Effect type: Skill Attack by 152
4: Effect type: Skill Attack by 152
Swarm of Arrows Rk. II Directional AE Archery 1: Effect type: Skill Attack by 160
2: Effect type: Skill Attack by 160
3: Effect type: Skill Attack by 160
4: Effect type: Skill Attack by 160
Swarm of Arrows Rk. III Directional AE Archery 1: Effect type: Skill Attack by 168
2: Effect type: Skill Attack by 168
3: Effect type: Skill Attack by 168
4: Effect type: Skill Attack by 168
Shared Cloak of Burrs Group Abjuration 2: Effect type: Increase Damage Shield by 51
3: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 184, Everyone else by 138
Shared Cloak of Burrs Rk. II Group Abjuration 2: Effect type: Increase Damage Shield by 54
3: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 193, Everyone else by 145
Shared Cloak of Burrs Rk. III Group Abjuration 2: Effect type: Increase Damage Shield by 57
3: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 203, Everyone else by 152
Shadowcoat Single target Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 118, Everyone else by 88
2: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 1766
3: Effect type: Increase HP when cast by 1766
5: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 32
Shadowcoat Rk. II Single target Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 123, Everyone else by 93
2: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 1854
3: Effect type: Increase HP when cast by 1854
5: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 34
Shadowcoat Rk. III Single target Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 129, Everyone else by 97
2: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 1947
3: Effect type: Increase HP when cast by 1947
5: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 36
Summer's Squall Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
2: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
3: Effect type: Increase hate by 369
4: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 0
Summer's Squall Rk. II Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
2: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
3: Effect type: Increase hate by 369
4: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 0
Summer's Squall Rk. III Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
2: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
3: Effect type: Increase hate by 369
4: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 0
Summer's Squall Burn Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 1488
Summer's Squall Burn II Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 1562
Summer's Squall Burn III Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 1640
Summer's Squall Splash Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 1645
Summer's Squall Splash II Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 1727
Summer's Squall Splash III Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 1813
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Deafening Edges Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Add Proc: Deafening Edges Strike
Deafening Edges Rk. II Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Add Proc: Deafening Edges Strike II
Deafening Edges Rk. III Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Add Proc: Deafening Edges Strike III
Heartslash Single target Archery 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 5752
2: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 4026
Heartslash Rk. II Single target Archery 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 6040
2: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 4228
Heartslash Rk. III Single target Archery 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 6342
2: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 4439
Protection of the Copse Self only Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Damage Shield by 171
2: Effect type: Increase ATK by 490
3: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 184, Everyone else by 138
4: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 608
5: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase Max Hitpoints' and < 0
6: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase Damage Shield' and < 0
7: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase AC' and < 0
8: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase ATK' and < 0
9: Effect type: Increase Chance to Double Attack by 4%
Protection of the Copse Rk. II Self only Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Damage Shield by 180
2: Effect type: Increase ATK by 515
3: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 193, Everyone else by 145
4: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 638
5: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase Max Hitpoints' and < 0
6: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase Damage Shield' and < 0
7: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase AC' and < 0
8: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase ATK' and < 0
9: Effect type: Increase Chance to Double Attack by 4%
Protection of the Copse Rk. III Self only Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Damage Shield by 189
2: Effect type: Increase ATK by 541
3: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 203, Everyone else by 152
4: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 670
5: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase Max Hitpoints' and < 0
6: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase Damage Shield' and < 0
7: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase AC' and < 0
8: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase ATK' and < 0
9: Effect type: Increase Chance to Double Attack by 4%
Provoking Shot Single target Archery 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 4893
2: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 3425
Provoking Shot Rk. II Single target Archery 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 5138
2: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 3597
Provoking Shot Rk. III Single target Archery 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 5395
2: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 3777
Galvanized by the Hunt Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Proc On Kill Shot by 100
Galvanized by the Hunt Rk. II Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Proc On Kill Shot by 100
Galvanized by the Hunt Rk. III Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Proc On Kill Shot by 100
Galvanized Effect Self only Melee 10: Effect type: Increase Chance to Critical Hit by 231%
11: Effect type: Increase Accuracy by 231%
Galvanized Effect II Self only Melee 10: Effect type: Increase Chance to Critical Hit by 243%
11: Effect type: Increase Accuracy by 243%
Galvanized Effect III Self only Melee 10: Effect type: Increase Chance to Critical Hit by 255%
11: Effect type: Increase Accuracy by 255%
Arrow Swarm Target Ring AE Archery 1: Effect type: Skill Attack by 177
2: Effect type: Skill Attack by 177
3: Effect type: Skill Attack by 177
4: Effect type: Skill Attack by 177
Arrow Swarm Rk. II Target Ring AE Archery 1: Effect type: Skill Attack by 186
2: Effect type: Skill Attack by 186
3: Effect type: Skill Attack by 186
4: Effect type: Skill Attack by 186
Arrow Swarm Rk. III Target Ring AE Archery 1: Effect type: Skill Attack by 195
2: Effect type: Skill Attack by 195
3: Effect type: Skill Attack by 195
4: Effect type: Skill Attack by 195
Focused Arrow Swarm Single target Archery 1: Effect type: Skill Attack by 177
2: Effect type: Skill Attack by 177
3: Effect type: Skill Attack by 177
4: Effect type: Skill Attack by 177
Focused Arrow Swarm Rk. II Single target Archery 1: Effect type: Skill Attack by 186
2: Effect type: Skill Attack by 186
3: Effect type: Skill Attack by 186
4: Effect type: Skill Attack by 186
Focused Arrow Swarm Rk. III Single target Archery 1: Effect type: Skill Attack by 195
2: Effect type: Skill Attack by 195
3: Effect type: Skill Attack by 195
4: Effect type: Skill Attack by 195
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Rest Self only Defense 1: Effect type: Current Endurance by 1546
3: Effect type: Endurance Percent Limit by 21
Rest Rk. II Self only Defense 1: Effect type: Current Endurance by 1623
3: Effect type: Endurance Percent Limit by 25
Rest Rk. III Self only Defense 1: Effect type: Current Endurance by 1704
3: Effect type: Endurance Percent Limit by 29
Forecasted Shots Single target Archery 1: Effect type: Skill Attack by 234
2: Effect type: Skill Attack by 234
3: Effect type: Skill Attack by 205
4: Effect type: Skill Attack by 205
5: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
Forecasted Shots Rk. II Single target Archery 1: Effect type: Skill Attack by 246
2: Effect type: Skill Attack by 246
3: Effect type: Skill Attack by 215
4: Effect type: Skill Attack by 215
5: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
Forecasted Shots Rk. III Single target Archery 1: Effect type: Skill Attack by 258
2: Effect type: Skill Attack by 258
3: Effect type: Skill Attack by 226
4: Effect type: Skill Attack by 226
5: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
Drifting Shadow Single target Abjuration 1: Effect type: Reaction Radius (18/100)
Drifting Shadow Rk. II Single target Abjuration 1: Effect type: Reaction Radius (15/100)
Drifting Shadow Rk. III Single target Abjuration 1: Effect type: Reaction Radius (12/100)
Arbor Veil Single target Abjuration 1: Effect type: Defensive Proc Arbor Veil Parry
Arbor Veil Rk. II Single target Abjuration 1: Effect type: Defensive Proc Arbor Veil Parry II
Arbor Veil Rk. III Single target Abjuration 1: Effect type: Defensive Proc Arbor Veil Parry III
Cloudburst Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 6477
Cloudburst Rk. II Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 6801
Cloudburst Rk. III Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 7141
Dreadbeetle Swarm Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 636
Dreadbeetle Swarm Rk. II Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 661
Dreadbeetle Swarm Rk. III Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 688
Shield of Nettlespines Single target Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Damage Shield by 158
Shield of Nettlespines Rk. II Single target Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Damage Shield by 166
Shield of Nettlespines Rk. III Single target Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Damage Shield by 174
Storm of Blades Rk. II Directional AE 1h_slashing 1: Effect type: Skill Attack by 251
2: Effect type: Skill Attack by 251
3: Effect type: Skill Attack by 251
4: Effect type: Skill Attack by 251
Storm of Blades Directional AE 1h_slashing 1: Effect type: Skill Attack by 239
2: Effect type: Skill Attack by 239
3: Effect type: Skill Attack by 239
4: Effect type: Skill Attack by 239
Storm of Blades Rk. III Directional AE 1h_slashing 1: Effect type: Skill Attack by 264
2: Effect type: Skill Attack by 264
3: Effect type: Skill Attack by 264
4: Effect type: Skill Attack by 264
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Ro's Burning Cloak Self only Abjuration 5: Effect type: Mitigate Melee Damage by 15
9: Effect type: Defensive Proc Ro's Burning Gaze
Windblast Boon Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 4603
Windblast Boon Rk. II Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 4833
Windblast Boon Rk. III Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 5075
Ro's Burning Cloak Rk. II Self only Abjuration 5: Effect type: Mitigate Melee Damage by 15
9: Effect type: Defensive Proc Ro's Burning Gaze II
Ro's Burning Cloak Rk. III Self only Abjuration 5: Effect type: Mitigate Melee Damage by 15
9: Effect type: Defensive Proc Ro's Burning Gaze III
Cloak of Spurs Single target Abjuration 2: Effect type: Increase Damage Shield by 68
3: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 233, Everyone else by 174
Cloak of Spurs Rk. II Single target Abjuration 2: Effect type: Increase Damage Shield by 71
3: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 245, Everyone else by 184
Cloak of Spurs Rk. III Single target Abjuration 2: Effect type: Increase Damage Shield by 75
3: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 257, Everyone else by 193
Enraging Heel Kicks Single target Kick 1: Effect type: Skill Attack by 172
2: Effect type: Skill Attack by 172
Enraging Heel Kicks Rk. II Single target Kick 1: Effect type: Skill Attack by 181
2: Effect type: Skill Attack by 181
Enraging Heel Kicks Rk. III Single target Kick 1: Effect type: Skill Attack by 190
2: Effect type: Skill Attack by 190
Jolting Heel Kicks Single target Kick 1: Effect type: Skill Attack by 172
2: Effect type: Skill Attack by 172
Jolting Heel Kicks Rk. II Single target Kick 1: Effect type: Skill Attack by 181
2: Effect type: Skill Attack by 181
Jolting Heel Kicks Rk. III Single target Kick 1: Effect type: Skill Attack by 190
2: Effect type: Skill Attack by 190
Jolting Shock Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Add Proc: Jolting Shock Strike
Jolting Shock Rk. II Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Add Proc: Jolting Shock Strike II
Jolting Shock Rk. III Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Add Proc: Jolting Shock Strike III
Strength of the Bosquestalker Group Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase ATK by 277
2: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase Max Hitpoints' and < 0
4: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 771
Strength of the Bosquestalker Rk. II Group Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase ATK by 291
2: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase Max Hitpoints' and < 0
4: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 810
Strength of the Bosquestalker Rk. III Group Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase ATK by 306
2: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase Max Hitpoints' and < 0
4: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 851
Bitter Wind Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 5047
Bitter Wind Rk. II Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 5299
Bitter Wind Rk. III Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 5564
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Swarm of Vespines Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
2: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
Swarm of Vespines Rk. II Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
2: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
Swarm of Vespines Rk. III Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
2: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
Vespine Swarm Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 931
Vespine Swarm II Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 978
Vespine Swarm III Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 1027
Cloud of Guardian Vespines Target's Target Evocation 5: Effect type: Increase Damage Shield by 537
Cloud of Guardian Vespines II Target's Target Evocation 5: Effect type: Increase Damage Shield by 564
Cloud of Guardian Vespines III Target's Target Evocation 5: Effect type: Increase Damage Shield by 592
Herbal Balm Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease Poison Counter by 15
2: Effect type: Decrease Poison Counter by 15
3: Effect type: Decrease Disease Counter by 15
4: Effect type: Decrease Disease Counter by 15
5: Effect type: Decrease Curse Counter by 15
6: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 4659
Herbal Balm Rk. II Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease Poison Counter by 15
2: Effect type: Decrease Poison Counter by 15
3: Effect type: Decrease Disease Counter by 15
4: Effect type: Decrease Disease Counter by 15
5: Effect type: Decrease Curse Counter by 15
6: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 4892
Herbal Balm Rk. III Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease Poison Counter by 15
2: Effect type: Decrease Poison Counter by 15
3: Effect type: Decrease Disease Counter by 15
4: Effect type: Decrease Disease Counter by 15
5: Effect type: Decrease Curse Counter by 15
6: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 5137
Vileoak Ash Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 5658
Vileoak Ash Rk. II Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 5941
Vileoak Ash Rk. III Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 6238
Heartspike Single target Archery 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 17592
Heartspike Rk. II Single target Archery 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 18472
Heartspike Rk. III Single target Archery 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 19396
Lingering Shadow Single target Abjuration 1: Effect type: Reaction Radius (23/100)
Lingering Shadow Rk. II Single target Abjuration 1: Effect type: Reaction Radius (20/100)
Lingering Shadow Rk. III Single target Abjuration 1: Effect type: Reaction Radius (16/100)
Shout of the Predator Group Abjuration 2: Effect type: Increase ATK by 317
9: Effect type: Increase Chance to Double Attack by 4%
Shout of the Predator Rk. II Group Abjuration 2: Effect type: Increase ATK by 333
9: Effect type: Increase Chance to Double Attack by 4%
Shout of the Predator Rk. III Group Abjuration 2: Effect type: Increase ATK by 350
9: Effect type: Increase Chance to Double Attack by 4%
Spurcoat Self only Abjuration 2: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 268, Everyone else by 200
3: Effect type: Increase Damage Shield by 45
Spurcoat Rk. II Self only Abjuration 2: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 280, Everyone else by 210
3: Effect type: Increase Damage Shield by 47
Spurcoat Rk. III Self only Abjuration 2: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 295, Everyone else by 220
3: Effect type: Increase Damage Shield by 49
Bosquestalker's Vigor Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 512
Bosquestalker's Vigor Rk. II Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 538
Bosquestalker's Vigor Rk. III Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 565
Vinelash Assault Frontal AE Alteration 2: Effect type: Root
3: Effect type: Cast On Fade Effect Always by 34578
Vinelash Assault Rk. II Frontal AE Alteration 2: Effect type: Root
3: Effect type: Cast On Fade Effect Always by 34578
Vinelash Assault Rk. III Frontal AE Alteration 2: Effect type: Root
3: Effect type: Cast On Fade Effect Always by 34578
Focused Storm of Blades Rk. III Single target 1h_slashing 1: Effect type: Skill Attack by 264
2: Effect type: Skill Attack by 264
3: Effect type: Skill Attack by 264
4: Effect type: Skill Attack by 264
Focused Storm of Blades Single target 1h_slashing 1: Effect type: Skill Attack by 239
2: Effect type: Skill Attack by 239
3: Effect type: Skill Attack by 239
4: Effect type: Skill Attack by 239
Focused Storm of Blades Rk. II Single target 1h_slashing 1: Effect type: Skill Attack by 251
2: Effect type: Skill Attack by 251
3: Effect type: Skill Attack by 251
4: Effect type: Skill Attack by 251
Ashcloud Boon Rk. II Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 5418
Ashcloud Boon Rk. III Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 5689
Ashcloud Boon Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 5160
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Desperate Drenching Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 9137
Desperate Drenching Rk. II Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 9594
Desperate Drenching Rk. III Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 10074
Devastating Impact Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Add Proc: Devastating Impact Strike
Devastating Impact Rk. II Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Add Proc: Devastating Impact Strike II
Devastating Impact Rk. III Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Add Proc: Devastating Impact Strike III
Eyes of the Howler Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Chance to Hit With all Skills by 45%
2: Effect type: Increase Magnification by 115%
3: Effect type: Increase Mana by 45 per tick (total 87750)
5: Effect type: See Invisible
6: Effect type: Ultravision
Eyes of the Howler Rk. II Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Chance to Hit With all Skills by 45%
2: Effect type: Increase Magnification by 115%
3: Effect type: Increase Mana by 47 per tick (total 91650)
5: Effect type: See Invisible
6: Effect type: Ultravision
Eyes of the Howler Rk. III Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Chance to Hit With all Skills by 45%
2: Effect type: Increase Magnification by 115%
3: Effect type: Increase Mana by 49 per tick (total 95550)
5: Effect type: See Invisible
6: Effect type: Ultravision
Squall of Arrows Directional AE Archery 1: Effect type: Skill Attack by 174
2: Effect type: Skill Attack by 174
3: Effect type: Skill Attack by 174
4: Effect type: Skill Attack by 174
Squall of Arrows Rk. II Directional AE Archery 1: Effect type: Skill Attack by 183
2: Effect type: Skill Attack by 183
3: Effect type: Skill Attack by 183
4: Effect type: Skill Attack by 183
Squall of Arrows Rk. III Directional AE Archery 1: Effect type: Skill Attack by 192
2: Effect type: Skill Attack by 192
3: Effect type: Skill Attack by 192
4: Effect type: Skill Attack by 192
Shared Cloak of Spurs Group Abjuration 2: Effect type: Increase Damage Shield by 68
3: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 233, Everyone else by 174
Shared Cloak of Spurs Rk. II Group Abjuration 2: Effect type: Increase Damage Shield by 71
3: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 245, Everyone else by 184
Shared Cloak of Spurs Rk. III Group Abjuration 2: Effect type: Increase Damage Shield by 75
3: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 257, Everyone else by 193
Shadowscale Single target Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 142, Everyone else by 107
2: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 2190
3: Effect type: Increase HP when cast by 2190
5: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 41
Shadowscale Rk. II Single target Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 149, Everyone else by 112
2: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 2300
3: Effect type: Increase HP when cast by 2300
5: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 43
Shadowscale Rk. III Single target Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 158, Everyone else by 118
2: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 2415
3: Effect type: Increase HP when cast by 2415
5: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 45
Summer's Gale Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
2: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
3: Effect type: Increase hate by 572
4: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 0
Summer's Gale Rk. II Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
2: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
3: Effect type: Increase hate by 572
4: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 0
Summer's Gale Rk. III Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
2: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
3: Effect type: Increase hate by 572
4: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 0
Summer's Gale Burn Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 5658
Summer's Gale Burn II Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 5941
Summer's Gale Burn III Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 6238
Summer's Gale Splash Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 5047
Summer's Gale Splash II Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 5299
Summer's Gale Splash III Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 5564
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Deafening Weapons Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Add Proc: Deafening Weapons Strike
Deafening Weapons Rk. II Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Add Proc: Deafening Weapons Strike II
Deafening Weapons Rk. III Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Add Proc: Deafening Weapons Strike III
Bosquestalker's Discipline Self only Offense 1: Effect type: Skill Damage Amount by 4999
2: Effect type: Skill Damage Amount by 4999
3: Effect type: Skill Damage Amount by 8098
4: Effect type: Skill Damage Amount by 8098
5: Effect type: Skill Damage Amount by 4999
6: Effect type: Skill Damage Amount by 8098
Bosquestalker's Discipline Rk. II Self only Offense 1: Effect type: Skill Damage Amount by 5249
2: Effect type: Skill Damage Amount by 5249
3: Effect type: Skill Damage Amount by 8503
4: Effect type: Skill Damage Amount by 8503
5: Effect type: Skill Damage Amount by 5249
6: Effect type: Skill Damage Amount by 8503
Bosquestalker's Discipline Rk. III Self only Offense 1: Effect type: Skill Damage Amount by 5511
2: Effect type: Skill Damage Amount by 5511
3: Effect type: Skill Damage Amount by 8928
4: Effect type: Skill Damage Amount by 8928
5: Effect type: Skill Damage Amount by 5511
6: Effect type: Skill Damage Amount by 8928
Heartcarve Single target Archery 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 7452
2: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 5105
Heartcarve Rk. II Single target Archery 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 7825
2: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 5360
Heartcarve Rk. III Single target Archery 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 8216
2: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 5628
Protection of the Bosque Self only Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Damage Shield by 226
2: Effect type: Increase ATK by 594
3: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 233, Everyone else by 174
4: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 771
5: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase Max Hitpoints' and < 0
6: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase Damage Shield' and < 0
7: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase AC' and < 0
8: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase ATK' and < 0
9: Effect type: Increase Chance to Double Attack by 4%
Protection of the Bosque Rk. II Self only Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Damage Shield by 237
2: Effect type: Increase ATK by 624
3: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 245, Everyone else by 184
4: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 810
5: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase Max Hitpoints' and < 0
6: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase Damage Shield' and < 0
7: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase AC' and < 0
8: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase ATK' and < 0
9: Effect type: Increase Chance to Double Attack by 4%
Protection of the Bosque Rk. III Self only Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Damage Shield by 249
2: Effect type: Increase ATK by 656
3: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 257, Everyone else by 193
4: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 851
5: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase Max Hitpoints' and < 0
6: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase Damage Shield' and < 0
7: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase AC' and < 0
8: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase ATK' and < 0
9: Effect type: Increase Chance to Double Attack by 4%
Angering Shot Single target Archery 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 6339
2: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 4344
Angering Shot Rk. II Single target Archery 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 6656
2: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 4561
Angering Shot Rk. III Single target Archery 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 6989
2: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 4789
Inspired by the Hunt Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Proc On Kill Shot by 100
Inspired by the Hunt Rk. II Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Proc On Kill Shot by 100
Inspired by the Hunt Rk. III Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Proc On Kill Shot by 100
Inspired Effect II Self only Melee 10: Effect type: Increase Chance to Critical Hit by 295%
11: Effect type: Increase Accuracy by 295%
Inspired Effect III Self only Melee 10: Effect type: Increase Chance to Critical Hit by 310%
11: Effect type: Increase Accuracy by 310%
Rain of Arrows Target Ring AE Archery 1: Effect type: Skill Attack by 203
2: Effect type: Skill Attack by 203
3: Effect type: Skill Attack by 203
4: Effect type: Skill Attack by 203
Rain of Arrows Rk. II Target Ring AE Archery 1: Effect type: Skill Attack by 213
2: Effect type: Skill Attack by 213
3: Effect type: Skill Attack by 213
4: Effect type: Skill Attack by 213
Rain of Arrows Rk. III Target Ring AE Archery 1: Effect type: Skill Attack by 224
2: Effect type: Skill Attack by 224
3: Effect type: Skill Attack by 224
4: Effect type: Skill Attack by 224
Focused Rain of Arrows Single target Archery 1: Effect type: Skill Attack by 203
2: Effect type: Skill Attack by 203
3: Effect type: Skill Attack by 203
4: Effect type: Skill Attack by 203
Focused Rain of Arrows Rk. II Single target Archery 1: Effect type: Skill Attack by 213
2: Effect type: Skill Attack by 213
3: Effect type: Skill Attack by 213
4: Effect type: Skill Attack by 213
Focused Rain of Arrows Rk. III Single target Archery 1: Effect type: Skill Attack by 224
2: Effect type: Skill Attack by 224
3: Effect type: Skill Attack by 224
4: Effect type: Skill Attack by 224
Pureshot Discipline Rk. III Self only Offense 1: Effect type: Increase All Skills Skill Check by 24%
2: Effect type: Increase All Skills Damage Modifier by 190%
Pureshot Discipline Rk. II Self only Offense 1: Effect type: Increase All Skills Skill Check by 23%
2: Effect type: Increase All Skills Damage Modifier by 188%
Pureshot Discipline Self only Offense 1: Effect type: Increase All Skills Skill Check by 22%
2: Effect type: Increase All Skills Damage Modifier by 186%
Reflexive Bladespurs Single target 1h_slashing 1: Effect type: Skill Attack by 248
2: Effect type: Skill Attack by 165
3: Effect type: Skill Attack by 124
4: Effect type: Skill Attack by 289
Reflexive Bladespurs Rk. II Single target 1h_slashing 1: Effect type: Skill Attack by 260
2: Effect type: Skill Attack by 173
3: Effect type: Skill Attack by 130
4: Effect type: Skill Attack by 303
Reflexive Bladespurs Rk. III Single target 1h_slashing 1: Effect type: Skill Attack by 273
2: Effect type: Skill Attack by 182
3: Effect type: Skill Attack by 137
4: Effect type: Skill Attack by 318
Shout of the Bosquetender Rk. III Group Abjuration 1: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
2: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
3: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
Shout of the Bosquetender Rk. II Group Abjuration 1: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
2: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
3: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
Shout of the Bosquetender Group Abjuration 1: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
2: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
3: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
Bosquetender's Unity Rk. III Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
2: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
3: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
4: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
Bosquetender's Unity Rk. II Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
2: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
3: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
4: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
Bosquetender's Unity Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
2: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
3: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
4: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
Inspired Effect Self only Melee 10: Effect type: Increase Chance to Critical Hit by 281%
11: Effect type: Increase Accuracy by 281%