Beastlord Spells by Level

Name Target Type Skill Effect
Echo of the Grove Self only Alteration 12: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 1 (L1) to 33 (L65)
Echo of the Brood Self only Alteration 11: Effect type: Increase Spell Haste by 10%
12: Effect type: Increase Attack Speed by 25% (L1) to 57% (L65)
Echo of Koadic Self only Alteration 8: Effect type: Increase Mana Pool by 29 (L1) to 285 (L65)
9: Effect type: Increase Mana by 1 (L1) to 11 (L65) per tick (total 2040 to 22440)
10: Effect type: Increase INT by 2 (L1) to 66 (L65)
11: Effect type: Increase WIS by 2 (L1) to 66 (L65)
Echo of Selo Self only Hit 12: Effect type: Increase Movement by 22% (L1) to 150% (L65)
Echo of Focus Self only Alteration 8: Effect type: Increase ATK by 26 (L1) to 90 (L65)
9: Effect type: Increase STA by 2 (L1) to 66 (L65)
10: Effect type: Increase AGI by 2 (L1) to 66 (L65)
11: Effect type: Increase DEX by 2 (L1) to 66 (L65)
12: Effect type: Increase STR by 2 (L1) to 66 (L65)
Echo of Aegolism Self only Abjuration 10: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 50 (L1) to 470 (L65)
11: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 1 (L1) to 50 (L65), Everyone else by 0 (L1) to 37 (L65)
Echo of Experience Self only Melee 12: Effect type: Percent XP Increase by 50
Bite of the Asp Single target Abjuration 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 26 (L1) to 90 (L65)
6: Effect type: Decrease hate by 3000
Salve Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 5 (L1) to 9 (L8)
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Endure Cold Single target Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Cold Resist by 11 (L1) to 20 (L10)
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Cure Disease Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease Disease Counter by 2 (L1) to 4 (L12)
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Flash of Light Single target Divination 1: Effect type: Blindness
2: Effect type: Decrease ATK by 5
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Minor Healing Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 12 (L1) to 20 (L5)
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Inner Fire Single target Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 1 (L1) to 3 (L10), Everyone else by 1 (L1) to 2 (L10)
2: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 11 (L1) to 20 (L10)
3: Effect type: Increase HP when cast by 11 (L1) to 20 (L10)
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Endure Fire Single target Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Fire Resist by 11 (L1) to 20 (L10)
Sharik's Replenishing Caster's pet Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 50 (L9) to 55 (L14)
2: Effect type: Decrease Disease Counter by 10
3: Effect type: Decrease Poison Counter by 10
4: Effect type: Decrease Curse Counter by 10
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Scale Skin Single target Abjuration 4: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 4 (L3) to 7 (L9), Everyone else by 3 (L3) to 5 (L9)
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Fleeting Fury Single target Abjuration 2: Effect type: Increase STR by 15
3: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 7, Everyone else by 5
4: Effect type: Increase DEX by 20
Yekan's Quickening Caster's pet Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Melee Mitigation by 2%
2: Effect type: Increase Accuracy by 10% (L11) to 37% (L65)
3: Effect type: Increase STR by 20 (L11) to 45 (L60)
4: Effect type: Increase Attack Speed by 21% (L11) to 60% (L50)
5: Effect type: Increase ATK by 5
6: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 11 (L11) to 15 (L30), Everyone else by 8 (L11) to 11 (L30)
7: Effect type: Strike Through 2 by 50
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Blast of Frost Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 71
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Cure Poison Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease Poison Counter by 2 (L1) to 4 (L12)
Spirit of Lightning Caster's pet Alteration 1: Effect type: Add Proc: Spirit of Lightning Strike
2: Effect type: Increase DEX by 75
3: Effect type: Increase Melee Mitigation by 5%
4: Effect type: Increase Accuracy by 5%
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Strengthen Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase STR by 5 (L1) to 10 (L6)
Sicken Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Disease Counter by 1
2: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 3 (L4) to 5 (L8)
3: Effect type: Decrease HP when cast by 8
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Keshuval's Rejuvenation Caster's pet Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 127 (L15) to 149 (L26)
2: Effect type: Decrease Disease Counter by 10
3: Effect type: Decrease Poison Counter by 10
4: Effect type: Decrease Curse Counter by 10
Spirit of Khaliz Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Summon Warder: BLpet16
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Serpent Sight Single target Divination 1: Effect type: Infravision
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Endure Poison Single target Abjuration 2: Effect type: Increase Poison Resist by 16 (L6) to 20 (L10)
Spirit of the Blizzard Caster's pet Alteration 1: Effect type: Add Proc: Spirit of Blizzard Strike
2: Effect type: Increase DEX by 75
3: Effect type: Increase Melee Mitigation by 10%
4: Effect type: Increase Accuracy by 10%
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Tainted Breath Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Poison Counter by 5
2: Effect type: Decrease HP when cast by 10
3: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 14 (L8) to 19 (L18)
Tiny Companion Caster's pet Alteration 1: Effect type: Change Height by 50
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Light Healing Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 47 (L4) to 65 (L10)
Drowsy Single target Alteration 2: Effect type: Decrease Attack Speed by 25%
3: Effect type: Increase Disease Counter by 3
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Endure Disease Single target Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Disease Resist by 18 (L8) to 20 (L10)
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Shrink Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease Player Size by 34%
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Spirit of Wolf Single target Alteration 2: Effect type: Increase Movement by 34% (L9) to 55% (L50)
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Enduring Breath Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: WaterBreathing by 1
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Spirit Strike Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 72 (L14) to 78 (L20)
Turtle Skin Single target Abjuration 4: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 10 (L11) to 12 (L18), Everyone else by 8 (L11) to 9 (L18)
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Herikol's Soothing Caster's pet Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 274 (L27) to 298 (L35)
2: Effect type: Decrease Disease Counter by 10
3: Effect type: Decrease Poison Counter by 10
4: Effect type: Decrease Curse Counter by 10
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Spirit Strength Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase STR by 16 (L18) to 18 (L22)
Spirit of Inferno Caster's pet Alteration 1: Effect type: Add Proc: Spirit of Inferno Strike
2: Effect type: Increase DEX by 75
3: Effect type: Increase Melee Mitigation by 15%
4: Effect type: Increase Accuracy by 15%
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Summon Food Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Summon Item : Summoned: Black Bread
Spirit Sight Single target Divination 1: Effect type: See Invisible
Bond of the Wild Caster's pet Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Melee Mitigation by 4%
2: Effect type: Increase Accuracy by 24% (L29) to 42% (L65)
3: Effect type: Increase STR by 39 (L29) to 55 (L60)
4: Effect type: Increase Attack Speed by 54% (L29) to 60% (L35)
5: Effect type: Increase ATK by 10
6: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 16 (L29) to 18 (L40), Everyone else by 12 (L29) to 14 (L40)
7: Effect type: Strike Through 2 by 60
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Levitate Single target Alteration 3: Effect type: Levitate
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Ice Spear Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 207
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Endure Magic Single target Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Magic Resist by 20
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Cancel Magic Single target Abjuration 1: Effect type: Cancel Magic (1)
Envenomed Breath Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Poison Counter by 3
2: Effect type: Decrease HP when cast by 30
3: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 59 (L24) to 71 (L36)
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Healing Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 135 (L10) to 175 (L20)
Yekan's Recovery Caster's pet Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 345 (L36) to 461 (L65)
2: Effect type: Decrease Disease Counter by 10
3: Effect type: Decrease Poison Counter by 10
4: Effect type: Decrease Curse Counter by 10
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Spirit of Ox Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase STA by 19 (L21) to 23 (L28)
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Spirit of Monkey Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase DEX by 19 (L21) to 20 (L22)
Spirit of the Scorpion Caster's pet Alteration 1: Effect type: Add Proc: Spirit of Scorpion Strike
2: Effect type: Increase DEX by 75
3: Effect type: Increase Melee Mitigation by 20%
4: Effect type: Increase Accuracy by 20%
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Malaria Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Disease Counter by 3
2: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 57 (L40) to 67 (L50)
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Raging Strength Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase STR by 23 (L28) to 26 (L34)
Spiritual Light Group Alteration 5: Effect type: Increase Mana by 3 per tick (total 1350)
8: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 3
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Spiritual Brawn Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase ATK by 10
2: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase ATK' and < 0
3: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase Max Hitpoints' and < 0
4: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 75
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Invisibility Single target Divination 1: Effect type: Invisibility by 1
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Listless Power Single target Alteration 2: Effect type: Decrease AGI by 23 (L25) to 35 (L50)
3: Effect type: Decrease STR by 23 (L25) to 35 (L50)
4: Effect type: Decrease AC for Cloth Casters by 12 (L25) to 23 (L50), Everyone else by 9 (L25) to 17 (L50)
Pack Shrew Group teleport Alteration 1: Effect type: Ultravision
2: Effect type: Increase Movement by 30%
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Frenzy Self only Abjuration 3: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 8 (L16) to 12 (L40), Everyone else by 5 (L16) to 9 (L40)
5: Effect type: Increase AGI by 18 (L16) to 25 (L30)
6: Effect type: Increase STR by 19 (L16) to 28 (L52)
7: Effect type: Increase DEX by 25
Omakin's Alacrity Caster's pet Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Melee Mitigation by 6%
2: Effect type: Increase Accuracy by 43% (L47) to 52% (L65)
3: Effect type: Increase STR by 60
4: Effect type: Increase Attack Speed by 60%
5: Effect type: Increase ATK by 15
6: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 35 (L47) to 38 (L55), Everyone else by 27 (L47) to 29 (L55)
7: Effect type: Strike Through 2 by 65
Frost Shard Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 281
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Protect Single target Abjuration 4: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 14 (L20) to 17 (L28), Everyone else by 10 (L20) to 12 (L28)
Spirit Salve Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 447
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Vigor of Zehkes Caster's pet Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 671
2: Effect type: Decrease Disease Counter by 10
3: Effect type: Decrease Poison Counter by 10
4: Effect type: Decrease Curse Counter by 10
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Sha's Lethargy Single target Alteration 2: Effect type: Decrease Attack Speed by 30%
3: Effect type: Increase Disease Counter by 12
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Ultravision Single target Divination 1: Effect type: Ultravision
Resist Disease Single target Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Disease Resist by 40
Muzzle of Mardu Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Summon Item : Summoned: Muzzle of Mardu (Legendary)
Spirit of Wind Caster's pet Alteration 1: Effect type: Add Proc: Spirit of Wind Strike
2: Effect type: Increase DEX by 75
3: Effect type: Increase Melee Mitigation by 25%
4: Effect type: Increase Accuracy by 30%
Resistant Discipline Self only Defense 1: Effect type: Increase All Resists by 16 (L30) to 20 (L38)
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Health Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase STA by 27 (L30) to 31 (L38)
Venom of the Snake Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Poison Counter by 7
2: Effect type: Decrease HP when cast by 40
3: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 104 (L34) to 114 (L44)
Spiritual Radiance Group Alteration 5: Effect type: Increase Mana by 5 per tick (total 3600)
8: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 5
Aid of Khurenz Caster's pet Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 1044
2: Effect type: Decrease Disease Counter by 16
3: Effect type: Decrease Poison Counter by 16
4: Effect type: Decrease Curse Counter by 16
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Deftness Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase DEX by 40
Talisman of Tnarg Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 132 (L32) to 150 (L50)
2: Effect type: Increase HP when cast by 132 (L32) to 150 (L50)
Spirit of the Storm Caster's pet Alteration 1: Effect type: Add Proc: Spirit of Storm Strike
2: Effect type: Increase DEX by 75
3: Effect type: Increase Melee Mitigation by 25%
4: Effect type: Increase Accuracy by 35%
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Resist Poison Single target Abjuration 2: Effect type: Increase Poison Resist by 40
Furious Strength Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase STR by 31 (L39) to 34 (L44)
Spirit of Omakin Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Summon Warder: BLpet41
Spirit of Snow Caster's pet Alteration 1: Effect type: Add Proc: Spirit of Snow Strike
2: Effect type: Increase DEX by 75
3: Effect type: Increase Melee Mitigation by 25%
4: Effect type: Increase Accuracy by 35%
Ice Shard Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 404
Fearless Discipline Self only Defense 1: Effect type: Increase Chance to Resist Fear Spell by 10000%
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Chloroplast Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 10
Sha's Restoration Caster's pet Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 1426 (L55) to 1461 (L60)
2: Effect type: Decrease Disease Counter by 20
3: Effect type: Decrease Poison Counter by 20
4: Effect type: Decrease Curse Counter by 20
Protective Spirit Discipline Self only Defense 1: Effect type: Increase Melee Mitigation by 90%
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Incapacitate Single target Alteration 2: Effect type: Decrease AGI by 45 (L40) to 55 (L50)
3: Effect type: Decrease STR by 45 (L40) to 55 (L50)
4: Effect type: Decrease AC for Cloth Casters by 27 (L40) to 30 (L50), Everyone else by 20 (L40) to 23 (L50)
Shifting Shield Single target Abjuration 4: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 21 (L31) to 23 (L35), Everyone else by 16 (L31) to 17 (L35)
Spirit of Zehkes Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Summon Warder: BLpet43
Spirit of Flame Caster's pet Alteration 1: Effect type: Add Proc: Spirit of Flame Strike
2: Effect type: Increase DEX by 75
3: Effect type: Increase Melee Mitigation by 25%
4: Effect type: Increase Accuracy by 35%
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Greater Healing Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 280 (L20) to 350 (L30)
Dexterity Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase DEX by 49 (L48) to 50 (L49)
Stamina Single target Alteration 2: Effect type: Increase STA by 43
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Nullify Magic Single target Abjuration 1: Effect type: Cancel Magic (4)
2: Effect type: Cancel Magic (4)
Talisman of Altuna Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 230 (L40) to 250 (L50)
2: Effect type: Increase HP when cast by 230 (L40) to 250 (L50)
Spirit of Khurenz Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Summon Warder: BLpet45
Guard of Calliav Caster's pet Abjuration 1: Effect type: Negate Attacks by 2
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Blizzard Blast Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 332 (L44) to 346 (L49)
Chloroblast Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 994 (L55) to 1044 (L60)
Sha's Ferocity Caster's pet Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Melee Mitigation by 8%
2: Effect type: Increase Accuracy by 94% (L59) to 100% (L65)
3: Effect type: Increase STR by 119 (L59) to 125 (L65)
4: Effect type: Increase Attack Speed by 65%
5: Effect type: Increase ATK by 20
6: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 21, Everyone else by 15
7: Effect type: Strike Through 2 by 70
Spiritual Purity Group Alteration 5: Effect type: Increase Mana by 7 per tick (total 5040)
8: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 7
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Alacrity Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Attack Speed by 32% (L21) to 40% (L36)
Spiritual Strength Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase ATK by 25
2: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase ATK' and < 0
3: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase Max Hitpoints' and < 0
4: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 150
Spirit of Khati Sha Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Summon Warder: BLpet47
Savagery Single target Alteration 5: Effect type: Increase STA by 25
7: Effect type: Increase ATK by 100
8: Effect type: Increase All Resists by 50
Sha's Advantage Single target Alteration 2: Effect type: Decrease Attack Speed by 50%
3: Effect type: Increase Disease Counter by 16
Bestial Fury Discipline Self only Offense 1: Effect type: Increase All Skills Damage Modifier by 100%
2: Effect type: Increase All Skills Minimum Damage Modifier by 400%
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Counteract Poison Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease Poison Counter by 8
Annul Magic Single target Abjuration 1: Effect type: Cancel Magic (9)
2: Effect type: Cancel Magic (9)
Talisman of Shadoo Group Abjuration 2: Effect type: Increase Poison Resist by 45
Infusion of Spirit Single target Alteration 4: Effect type: Increase STR by 50
5: Effect type: Increase DEX by 55
6: Effect type: Increase STA by 45
Healing of Sorsha Caster's pet Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 2018 (L61) to 2050 (L65)
2: Effect type: Decrease Disease Counter by 24
3: Effect type: Decrease Poison Counter by 24
4: Effect type: Decrease Curse Counter by 24
Scorpion Venom Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Poison Counter by 10
2: Effect type: Decrease HP when cast by 110
3: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 162 (L61) to 170 (L65)
Growl of the Leopard Caster's pet Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase All Skills Damage Modifier by 15%
6: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints v2 by 80 per tick (total 800)
7: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 850
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Talisman of Kragg Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 365 (L55) to 395 (L65)
2: Effect type: Increase HP when cast by 365 (L55) to 395 (L65)
Spiritual Vigor Group Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase ATK by 40
2: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase ATK' and < 0
3: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase Max Hitpoints' and < 0
4: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 225
Spirit of Arag Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Summon Warder: BLpet49
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Abolish Disease Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease Disease Counter by 36
Celerity Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Attack Speed by 47% (L39) to 50% (L44)
Talisman of Jasinth Group Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Disease Resist by 45
Arag's Celerity Caster's pet Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Melee Mitigation by 20%
2: Effect type: Increase Accuracy by 60%
3: Effect type: Increase STR by 100
4: Effect type: Increase Attack Speed by 80%
5: Effect type: Increase ATK by 50
6: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 29, Everyone else by 21
7: Effect type: Strike Through 2 by 80
Spirit of Rellic Caster's pet Alteration 1: Effect type: Add Proc: Spirit of Rellic Strike
2: Effect type: Increase DEX by 75
3: Effect type: Increase Melee Mitigation by 30%
4: Effect type: Increase Accuracy by 50%
Frost Spear Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 660
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Regrowth Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 20
Spiritual Dominion Group Alteration 5: Effect type: Increase Mana by 9 per tick (total 6480)
8: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 9
Spirit of Sorsha Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Summon Warder: BLpet51
Protection of Calliav Caster's pet Abjuration 1: Effect type: Negate Attacks by 3
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Plague Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Disease Counter by 9
2: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 74 (L49) to 79 (L54)
3: Effect type: Decrease HP when cast by 60
Acumen Single target Divination 1: Effect type: See Invisible
2: Effect type: Ultravision
Sha's Revenge Single target Alteration 2: Effect type: Decrease Attack Speed by 65%
3: Effect type: Increase Disease Counter by 16
Ferocity Single target Alteration 5: Effect type: Increase STA by 40
7: Effect type: Increase ATK by 150
8: Effect type: Increase All Resists by 65
Turepta Blood Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Poison Counter by 10
2: Effect type: Decrease HP when cast by 121
3: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 168
Trushar's Mending Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 1048
Trushar's Frost Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 742
Ancient: Frozen Chaos Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 836
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Healing of Mikkily Caster's pet Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 2810
2: Effect type: Decrease Disease Counter by 28
3: Effect type: Decrease Poison Counter by 28
4: Effect type: Decrease Curse Counter by 28
Chimera Blood Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Poison Counter by 18
2: Effect type: Decrease HP when cast by 143
3: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 200
Eradicate Disease Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease Disease Counter by 30
2: Effect type: Decrease Disease Counter by 30
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Muada's Mending Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 1156
Focus of Alladnu Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 513
2: Effect type: Increase HP when cast by 513
Spiritual Vitality Group Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase ATK by 52
2: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase ATK' and < 0
3: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase Max Hitpoints' and < 0
4: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 280
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Spirit of Alladnu Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Summon Warder: BLpet67
Growl of the Beast Caster's pet Alteration 2: Effect type: Increase All Skills Damage Modifier by 5%
4: Effect type: Increase Attack Speed by 85%
5: Effect type: Increase ATK by 90
6: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 101, Everyone else by 76
Spirit of Irionu Caster's pet Alteration 1: Effect type: Add Proc: Spirit of Irionu Strike
2: Effect type: Increase DEX by 75
Bestial Empathy Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Summon Pets: BestialAid
2: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 1
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Glacier Spear Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 958
Feral Vigor Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 30
Spiritual Ascendance Group Alteration 5: Effect type: Increase Mana by 10 per tick (total 7200)
8: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 10
Feral Guard Caster's pet Abjuration 1: Effect type: Negate Attacks by 4
Growl of the Panther Caster's pet Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase All Skills Damage Modifier by 20%
6: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints v2 by 150 per tick (total 1500)
7: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 1500
Empathic Fury Self only Offense 1: Effect type: Increase All Skills Damage Modifier by 100%
2: Effect type: Increase All Skills Minimum Damage Modifier by 400%
3: Effect type: Increase Chance to Critical Hit by 100%
4: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Spirit of Rashara Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Summon Warder: BLpet70
Festering Malady Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Disease Counter by 18
2: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 138
Ferocity of Irionu Single target Alteration 5: Effect type: Increase STA by 52
7: Effect type: Increase ATK by 187
8: Effect type: Increase All Resists by 65
Ancient: Savage Ice Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 1034
Sha's Legacy Single target Alteration 2: Effect type: Decrease Attack Speed by 65%
3: Effect type: Increase Disease Counter by 24
Rake Single target Hand_to_hand 1: Effect type: Skill Attack by 65
2: Effect type: Skill Attack by 65
3: Effect type: Skill Attack by 65
Spirit of Oroshar Caster's pet Alteration 1: Effect type: Add Proc: Spirit of Oroshar Strike
2: Effect type: Increase DEX by 75
3: Effect type: Increase Melee Mitigation by 35%
4: Effect type: Increase Accuracy by 75%
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Healing of Uluanes Caster's pet Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 3262
2: Effect type: Decrease Disease Counter by 32
3: Effect type: Decrease Poison Counter by 32
4: Effect type: Decrease Curse Counter by 32
5: Effect type: Corruption Counter by 8
Healing of Uluanes Rk. II Caster's pet Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 3380
2: Effect type: Decrease Disease Counter by 33
3: Effect type: Decrease Poison Counter by 33
4: Effect type: Decrease Curse Counter by 33
5: Effect type: Corruption Counter by 12
Healing of Uluanes Rk. III Caster's pet Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 3498
2: Effect type: Decrease Disease Counter by 34
3: Effect type: Decrease Poison Counter by 34
4: Effect type: Decrease Curse Counter by 34
5: Effect type: Corruption Counter by 16
Diregriffon's Bite Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Poison Counter by 18
2: Effect type: Decrease HP when cast by 169
3: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 259
Diregriffon's Bite Rk. II Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Poison Counter by 18
2: Effect type: Decrease HP when cast by 176
3: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 270
Diregriffon's Bite Rk. III Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Poison Counter by 18
2: Effect type: Decrease HP when cast by 185
3: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 281
Focus of Amilan Group Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 616
2: Effect type: Increase HP when cast by 616
Focus of Amilan Rk. II Group Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 641
2: Effect type: Increase HP when cast by 641
Focus of Amilan Rk. III Group Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 667
2: Effect type: Increase HP when cast by 667
Mammoth-Hide Guard Caster's pet Abjuration 1: Effect type: Negate Attacks by 5
Mammoth-Hide Guard Rk. II Caster's pet Abjuration 1: Effect type: Negate Attacks by 6
Mammoth-Hide Guard Rk. III Caster's pet Abjuration 1: Effect type: Negate Attacks by 7
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Minohten Mending Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 1263
Minohten Mending Rk. II Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 1311
Minohten Mending Rk. III Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 1359
Spiritual Vim Group Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase ATK by 62
2: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase ATK' and < 0
3: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase Max Hitpoints' and < 0
4: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 336
Spiritual Vim Rk. II Group Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase ATK by 65
2: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase ATK' and < 0
3: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase Max Hitpoints' and < 0
4: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 350
Spiritual Vim Rk. III Group Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase ATK by 68
2: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase ATK' and < 0
3: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase Max Hitpoints' and < 0
4: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 364
Fever Spike Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Disease Counter by 18
2: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 179
Fever Spike Rk. II Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Disease Counter by 18
2: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 187
Fever Spike Rk. III Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Disease Counter by 18
2: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 195
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Promised Mending Caster's pet Alteration 1: Effect type: Cast On Fade Effect Promised Mending Trigger
2: Effect type: Lycanthropy
3: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Lycanthropy' and < 0
4: Effect type: Stacking: Overwrite existing spell if slot 51 is effect 'Lycanthropy' and < 0
Promised Mending Rk. II Caster's pet Alteration 1: Effect type: Cast On Fade Effect Promised Mending Trigger Rk. II
2: Effect type: Lycanthropy
3: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Lycanthropy' and < 0
4: Effect type: Stacking: Overwrite existing spell if slot 51 is effect 'Lycanthropy' and < 0
Promised Mending Rk. III Caster's pet Alteration 1: Effect type: Cast On Fade Effect Promised Mending Trigger Rk. III
2: Effect type: Lycanthropy
3: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Lycanthropy' and < 0
4: Effect type: Stacking: Overwrite existing spell if slot 51 is effect 'Lycanthropy' and < 0
Unparalleled Voracity Caster's pet Alteration 2: Effect type: Increase All Skills Damage Modifier by 6%
4: Effect type: Increase Attack Speed by 85%
5: Effect type: Increase ATK by 104
6: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 105, Everyone else by 79
Unparalleled Voracity Rk. II Caster's pet Alteration 2: Effect type: Increase All Skills Damage Modifier by 7%
4: Effect type: Increase Attack Speed by 85%
5: Effect type: Increase ATK by 106
6: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 108, Everyone else by 81
Unparalleled Voracity Rk. III Caster's pet Alteration 2: Effect type: Increase All Skills Damage Modifier by 8%
4: Effect type: Increase Attack Speed by 85%
5: Effect type: Increase ATK by 108
6: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 110, Everyone else by 82
Spirit of Uluanes Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Summon Warder: BLpet75
Bite of the Empress Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 2494
Bite of the Empress Rk. II Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 2593
Bite of the Empress Rk. III Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 2693
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Spirit of Lairn Caster's pet Alteration 1: Effect type: Add Proc: Spirit of Lairn Strike
2: Effect type: Increase DEX by 75
Spirit of Lairn Rk. II Caster's pet Alteration 1: Effect type: Add Proc: Spirit of Lairn Strike Rk. II
2: Effect type: Increase DEX by 75
Spirit of Lairn Rk. III Caster's pet Alteration 1: Effect type: Add Proc: Spirit of Lairn Strike Rk. III
2: Effect type: Increase DEX by 75
Spiked Sleet Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 1135
Spiked Sleet Rk. II Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 1180
Spiked Sleet Rk. III Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 1226
Spiritual Enlightenment Group Alteration 5: Effect type: Increase Mana by 11 per tick (total 7920)
8: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 11
Spiritual Enlightenment Rk. II Group Alteration 5: Effect type: Increase Mana by 12 per tick (total 8640)
8: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 12
Spiritual Enlightenment Rk. III Group Alteration 5: Effect type: Increase Mana by 13 per tick (total 9360)
8: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 13
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Steeltrap Jaws Caster's pet Alteration 4: Effect type: Add Proc: Steeltrap Jaws Strike
8: Effect type: Increase DEX by 75
Steeltrap Jaws Rk. II Caster's pet Alteration 4: Effect type: Add Proc: Steeltrap Jaws Strike Rk. II
8: Effect type: Increase DEX by 75
Steeltrap Jaws Rk. III Caster's pet Alteration 4: Effect type: Add Proc: Steeltrap Jaws Strike Rk. III
8: Effect type: Increase DEX by 75
Ruthless Ferocity Single target Alteration 5: Effect type: Increase STA by 62
7: Effect type: Increase ATK by 224
8: Effect type: Increase All Resists by 67
Ruthless Ferocity Rk. II Single target Alteration 5: Effect type: Increase STA by 65
7: Effect type: Increase ATK by 234
8: Effect type: Increase All Resists by 69
Ruthless Ferocity Rk. III Single target Alteration 5: Effect type: Increase STA by 68
7: Effect type: Increase ATK by 243
8: Effect type: Increase All Resists by 71
Spellbreaker's Guard Caster's pet Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Chance to Resist Spell by 20%
2: Effect type: Mitigate Spell Damage by 80
3: Effect type: Stacking: Overwrite existing spell if slot 51 is effect 'Negate Attacks' and < 0
4: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Negate Attacks' and < 0
Spellbreaker's Guard Rk. II Caster's pet Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Chance to Resist Spell by 25%
2: Effect type: Mitigate Spell Damage by 80
3: Effect type: Stacking: Overwrite existing spell if slot 51 is effect 'Negate Attacks' and < 0
4: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Negate Attacks' and < 0
Spellbreaker's Guard Rk. III Caster's pet Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Chance to Resist Spell by 30%
2: Effect type: Mitigate Spell Damage by 80
3: Effect type: Stacking: Overwrite existing spell if slot 51 is effect 'Negate Attacks' and < 0
4: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Negate Attacks' and < 0
Bark at the Moon Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Spell Trigger by 95
2: Effect type: Spell Trigger by 5
3: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 1
Bark at the Moon Rk. II Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Spell Trigger by 93
2: Effect type: Spell Trigger by 7
3: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 1
Bark at the Moon Rk. III Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Spell Trigger by 91
2: Effect type: Spell Trigger by 9
3: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 1
Howling at the Moon Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Summon Pets: BestialAid2
Bark at the Moon Call Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Summon Pets: BestialAid2
Bark at the Moon Call Rk. II Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Summon Pets: BestialAid2
Bark at the Moon Call Rk. III Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Summon Pets: BestialAid2
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Salve of Feldan Caster's pet Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 3539
2: Effect type: Decrease Disease Counter by 35
3: Effect type: Decrease Poison Counter by 35
4: Effect type: Decrease Curse Counter by 35
5: Effect type: Corruption Counter by 12
Salve of Feldan Rk. II Caster's pet Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 3851
2: Effect type: Decrease Disease Counter by 40
3: Effect type: Decrease Poison Counter by 40
4: Effect type: Decrease Curse Counter by 40
5: Effect type: Corruption Counter by 18
Salve of Feldan Rk. III Caster's pet Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 4061
2: Effect type: Decrease Disease Counter by 43
3: Effect type: Decrease Poison Counter by 43
4: Effect type: Decrease Curse Counter by 43
5: Effect type: Corruption Counter by 24
Falrazim's Gnashing Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Decrease HP when cast by 191
2: Effect type: Increase Poison Counter by 18
3: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 289
Falrazim's Gnashing Rk. II Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Decrease HP when cast by 217
2: Effect type: Increase Poison Counter by 18
3: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 333
Falrazim's Gnashing Rk. III Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Decrease HP when cast by 235
2: Effect type: Increase Poison Counter by 18
3: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 362
Focus of Zott Group Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 705
2: Effect type: Increase HP when cast by 705
Focus of Zott Rk. II Group Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 833
2: Effect type: Increase HP when cast by 833
Focus of Zott Rk. III Group Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 897
2: Effect type: Increase HP when cast by 897
Dragonscale Guard Caster's pet Abjuration 1: Effect type: Negate Attacks by 8
Dragonscale Guard Rk. II Caster's pet Abjuration 1: Effect type: Negate Attacks by 9
Dragonscale Guard Rk. III Caster's pet Abjuration 1: Effect type: Negate Attacks by 10
Eradicate Poison Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Decrease Poison Counter by 30
2: Effect type: Decrease Poison Counter by 30
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Fever Surge Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Disease Counter by 18
2: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 198
Fever Surge Rk. II Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Disease Counter by 18
2: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 229
Fever Surge Rk. III Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Disease Counter by 18
2: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 250
Bulwark of Tri'Qaras Caster's pet Abjuration 1: Effect type: Negate Attacks by 6
2: Effect type: Cast On Fade Effect Always by 14167
Bulwark of Tri'Qaras Rk. II Caster's pet Abjuration 1: Effect type: Negate Attacks by 6
2: Effect type: Cast On Fade Effect Always by 14168
Bulwark of Tri'Qaras Rk. III Caster's pet Abjuration 1: Effect type: Negate Attacks by 6
2: Effect type: Cast On Fade Effect Always by 14169
Daria's Mending Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 1346
Daria's Mending Rk. II Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 1473
Daria's Mending Rk. III Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 1558
Spiritual Vivacity Group Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase ATK by 70
2: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase ATK' and < 0
3: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase Max Hitpoints' and < 0
4: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 385
Spiritual Vivacity Rk. II Group Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase ATK by 79
2: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase ATK' and < 0
3: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase Max Hitpoints' and < 0
4: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 455
Spiritual Vivacity Rk. III Group Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase ATK by 85
2: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase ATK' and < 0
3: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase Max Hitpoints' and < 0
4: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 490
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Promised Recovery Caster's pet Alteration 1: Effect type: Cast On Fade Effect Promised Recovery Trigger
2: Effect type: Lycanthropy
3: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Lycanthropy' and < 0
4: Effect type: Stacking: Overwrite existing spell if slot 51 is effect 'Lycanthropy' and < 0
Promised Recovery Rk. II Caster's pet Alteration 1: Effect type: Cast On Fade Effect Promised Recovery Trigger Rk. II
2: Effect type: Lycanthropy
3: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Lycanthropy' and < 0
4: Effect type: Stacking: Overwrite existing spell if slot 51 is effect 'Lycanthropy' and < 0
Promised Recovery Rk. III Caster's pet Alteration 1: Effect type: Cast On Fade Effect Promised Recovery Trigger Rk. III
2: Effect type: Lycanthropy
3: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Lycanthropy' and < 0
4: Effect type: Stacking: Overwrite existing spell if slot 51 is effect 'Lycanthropy' and < 0
Peerless Penchant Caster's pet Alteration 2: Effect type: Increase All Skills Damage Modifier by 9%
4: Effect type: Increase Attack Speed by 85%
5: Effect type: Increase ATK by 113
6: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 115, Everyone else by 86
Peerless Penchant Rk. II Caster's pet Alteration 2: Effect type: Increase All Skills Damage Modifier by 10%
4: Effect type: Increase Attack Speed by 85%
5: Effect type: Increase ATK by 129
6: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 132, Everyone else by 99
Peerless Penchant Rk. III Caster's pet Alteration 2: Effect type: Increase All Skills Damage Modifier by 11%
4: Effect type: Increase Attack Speed by 85%
5: Effect type: Increase ATK by 138
6: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 140, Everyone else by 105
Spirit of Silverwing Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Summon Warder: BLpet80
Bite of the Borrower Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 2852
Bite of the Borrower Rk. II Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 3241
Bite of the Borrower Rk. III Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 3502
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Jagged Torrent Rk. II Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 1475
Jagged Torrent Rk. III Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 1594
Spiritual Epiphany Group Alteration 5: Effect type: Increase Mana by 14 per tick (total 10080)
8: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 14
Spiritual Epiphany Rk. II Group Alteration 5: Effect type: Increase Mana by 17 per tick (total 12240)
8: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 17
Spiritual Epiphany Rk. III Group Alteration 5: Effect type: Increase Mana by 18 per tick (total 12960)
8: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 18
Growl of the Puma Caster's pet Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase All Skills Damage Modifier by 20%
6: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints v2 by 201 per tick (total 2010)
7: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 1988
Growl of the Puma Rk. II Caster's pet Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase All Skills Damage Modifier by 20%
6: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints v2 by 229 per tick (total 2290)
7: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 2156
Growl of the Puma Rk. III Caster's pet Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase All Skills Damage Modifier by 20%
6: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints v2 by 244 per tick (total 2440)
7: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 2269
Spirit of Jeswin Caster's pet Alteration 1: Effect type: Add Proc: Spirit of Jeswin Strike
2: Effect type: Increase DEX by 75
Spirit of Jeswin Rk. II Caster's pet Alteration 1: Effect type: Add Proc: Spirit of Jeswin Strike Rk. II
2: Effect type: Increase DEX by 75
Spirit of Jeswin Rk. III Caster's pet Alteration 1: Effect type: Add Proc: Spirit of Jeswin Strike Rk. III
2: Effect type: Increase DEX by 75
Jagged Torrent Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 1298
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Lockfang Jaws Caster's pet Alteration 4: Effect type: Add Proc: Lockfang Jaws Strike
8: Effect type: Increase DEX by 75
Lockfang Jaws Rk. II Caster's pet Alteration 4: Effect type: Add Proc: Lockfang Jaws Strike Rk. II
8: Effect type: Increase DEX by 75
Lockfang Jaws Rk. III Caster's pet Alteration 4: Effect type: Add Proc: Lockfang Jaws Strike Rk. III
8: Effect type: Increase DEX by 75
Vicious Ferocity Single target Alteration 5: Effect type: Increase STA by 70
7: Effect type: Increase ATK by 250
8: Effect type: Increase All Resists by 74
Vicious Ferocity Rk. II Single target Alteration 5: Effect type: Increase STA by 79
7: Effect type: Increase ATK by 285
8: Effect type: Increase All Resists by 84
Vicious Ferocity Rk. III Single target Alteration 5: Effect type: Increase STA by 85
7: Effect type: Increase ATK by 304
8: Effect type: Increase All Resists by 90
Spellbreaker's Bulwark Caster's pet Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Chance to Resist Spell by 20%
2: Effect type: Mitigate Spell Damage by 80
3: Effect type: Stacking: Overwrite existing spell if slot 51 is effect 'Negate Attacks' and < 0
4: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Negate Attacks' and < 0
Spellbreaker's Bulwark Rk. II Caster's pet Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Chance to Resist Spell by 25%
2: Effect type: Mitigate Spell Damage by 80
3: Effect type: Stacking: Overwrite existing spell if slot 51 is effect 'Negate Attacks' and < 0
4: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Negate Attacks' and < 0
Spellbreaker's Bulwark Rk. III Caster's pet Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Chance to Resist Spell by 30%
2: Effect type: Mitigate Spell Damage by 80
3: Effect type: Stacking: Overwrite existing spell if slot 51 is effect 'Negate Attacks' and < 0
4: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Negate Attacks' and < 0
Howl at the Moon Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Spell Trigger by 95
2: Effect type: Spell Trigger by 5
3: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 1
Howl at the Moon Rk. II Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Spell Trigger by 93
2: Effect type: Spell Trigger by 7
3: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 1
Howl at the Moon Rk. III Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Spell Trigger by 91
2: Effect type: Spell Trigger by 9
3: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 1
Baying at the Moon Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Summon Pets: BestialAid3
Howl at the Moon Call Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Summon Pets: BestialAid3
Howl at the Moon Call Rk. II Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Summon Pets: BestialAid3
Howl at the Moon Call Rk. III Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Summon Pets: BestialAid3
Harrow Single target Hand_to_hand 1: Effect type: Skill Attack by 89
2: Effect type: Skill Attack by 89
3: Effect type: Skill Attack by 89
Harrow Rk. II Single target Hand_to_hand 1: Effect type: Skill Attack by 98
2: Effect type: Skill Attack by 98
3: Effect type: Skill Attack by 98
Harrow Rk. III Single target Hand_to_hand 1: Effect type: Skill Attack by 108
2: Effect type: Skill Attack by 108
3: Effect type: Skill Attack by 108
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Salve of Reshan Caster's pet Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 4177
2: Effect type: Decrease Disease Counter by 43
3: Effect type: Decrease Poison Counter by 43
4: Effect type: Decrease Curse Counter by 43
5: Effect type: Corruption Counter by 18
Salve of Reshan Rk. II Caster's pet Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 4552
2: Effect type: Decrease Disease Counter by 49
3: Effect type: Decrease Poison Counter by 49
4: Effect type: Decrease Curse Counter by 49
5: Effect type: Corruption Counter by 27
Salve of Reshan Rk. III Caster's pet Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 4802
2: Effect type: Decrease Disease Counter by 52
3: Effect type: Decrease Poison Counter by 52
4: Effect type: Decrease Curse Counter by 52
5: Effect type: Corruption Counter by 36
Ikaav Blood Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Decrease HP when cast by 239
2: Effect type: Increase Poison Counter by 18
3: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 359
Ikaav Blood Rk. II Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Decrease HP when cast by 271
2: Effect type: Increase Poison Counter by 18
3: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 413
Ikaav Blood Rk. III Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Decrease HP when cast by 294
2: Effect type: Increase Poison Counter by 18
3: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 450
Focus of Yemall Group Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 1009
2: Effect type: Increase HP when cast by 1009
Focus of Yemall Rk. II Group Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 1193
2: Effect type: Increase HP when cast by 1193
Focus of Yemall Rk. III Group Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 1284
2: Effect type: Increase HP when cast by 1284
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Cadmael's Mending Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 1520
Cadmael's Mending Rk. II Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 1666
Cadmael's Mending Rk. III Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 1764
Spiritual Verve Group Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase ATK by 85
2: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase ATK' and < 0
3: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase Max Hitpoints' and < 0
4: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 501
Spiritual Verve Rk. II Group Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase ATK by 96
2: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase ATK' and < 0
3: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase Max Hitpoints' and < 0
4: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 592
Spiritual Verve Rk. III Group Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase ATK by 103
2: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase ATK' and < 0
3: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase Max Hitpoints' and < 0
4: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 637
Tsetsian Endemic Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Disease Counter by 18
2: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 245
Tsetsian Endemic Rk. II Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Disease Counter by 18
2: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 284
Tsetsian Endemic Rk. III Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Disease Counter by 18
2: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 310
Minax's Mending Caster's pet Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints v2 by 700 per tick (total 7000)
2: Effect type: Cast On Fade Effect Always by 18191
Minax's Mending Rk. II Caster's pet Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints v2 by 759 per tick (total 7590)
2: Effect type: Cast On Fade Effect Always by 18192
Minax's Mending Rk. III Caster's pet Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints v2 by 799 per tick (total 7990)
2: Effect type: Cast On Fade Effect Always by 18193
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Promised Rejuvenation Caster's pet Alteration 1: Effect type: Cast On Fade Effect Promised Rejuvenation Trigger
2: Effect type: Lycanthropy
3: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Lycanthropy' and < 0
4: Effect type: Stacking: Overwrite existing spell if slot 51 is effect 'Lycanthropy' and < 0
Promised Rejuvenation Rk. II Caster's pet Alteration 1: Effect type: Cast On Fade Effect Promised Rejuvenation Trigger Rk. II
2: Effect type: Lycanthropy
3: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Lycanthropy' and < 0
4: Effect type: Stacking: Overwrite existing spell if slot 51 is effect 'Lycanthropy' and < 0
Promised Rejuvenation Rk. III Caster's pet Alteration 1: Effect type: Cast On Fade Effect Promised Rejuvenation Trigger Rk. III
2: Effect type: Lycanthropy
3: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Lycanthropy' and < 0
4: Effect type: Stacking: Overwrite existing spell if slot 51 is effect 'Lycanthropy' and < 0
Unrivaled Rapidity Caster's pet Alteration 2: Effect type: Increase All Skills Damage Modifier by 12%
4: Effect type: Increase Attack Speed by 85%
5: Effect type: Increase ATK by 138
6: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 141, Everyone else by 106
Unrivaled Rapidity Rk. II Caster's pet Alteration 2: Effect type: Increase All Skills Damage Modifier by 13%
4: Effect type: Increase Attack Speed by 85%
5: Effect type: Increase ATK by 157
6: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 161, Everyone else by 120
Unrivaled Rapidity Rk. III Caster's pet Alteration 2: Effect type: Increase All Skills Damage Modifier by 14%
4: Effect type: Increase Attack Speed by 85%
5: Effect type: Increase ATK by 168
6: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 172, Everyone else by 128
Spirit of Hoshkar Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Summon Warder: BLpet85
Bite of the Vitrik Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 3567
Bite of the Vitrik Rk. II Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 4052
Bite of the Vitrik Rk. III Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 4376
Frozen Venom Poison Rk. I Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 2139
Frozen Venom Poison Rk. II Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 2431
Frozen Venom Poison Rk. III Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 2625
Friendly Pet Caster's pet Alteration 8: Effect type: Add Proc: Friendly Pet Heal
Friendly Pet Rk. II Caster's pet Alteration 8: Effect type: Add Proc: Friendly Pet Heal II
Friendly Pet Rk. III Caster's pet Alteration 8: Effect type: Add Proc: Friendly Pet Heal III
Friendly Pet Heal Target's Target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 2587
Friendly Pet Heal II Target's Target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 2782
Friendly Pet Heal III Target's Target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 2912
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Spirit of Vaxztn Caster's pet Alteration 1: Effect type: Add Proc: Spirit of Vaxztn Strike
2: Effect type: Increase DEX by 75
Spirit of Vaxztn Rk. II Caster's pet Alteration 1: Effect type: Add Proc: Spirit of Vaxztn Strike Rk. II
2: Effect type: Increase DEX by 75
Spirit of Vaxztn Rk. III Caster's pet Alteration 1: Effect type: Add Proc: Spirit of Vaxztn Strike Rk. III
2: Effect type: Increase DEX by 75
Frigid Lance Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 1624
Frigid Lance Rk. II Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 1844
Frigid Lance Rk. III Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 1992
Spiritual Edification Group Alteration 5: Effect type: Increase Mana by 20 per tick (total 14400)
8: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 20
Spiritual Edification Rk. II Group Alteration 5: Effect type: Increase Mana by 24 per tick (total 17280)
8: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 24
Spiritual Edification Rk. III Group Alteration 5: Effect type: Increase Mana by 26 per tick (total 18720)
8: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 26
Growl of the Jaguar Caster's pet Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase All Skills Damage Modifier by 20%
6: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints v2 by 245 per tick (total 2450)
7: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 2285
Growl of the Jaguar Rk. II Caster's pet Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase All Skills Damage Modifier by 20%
6: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints v2 by 279 per tick (total 2790)
7: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 2479
Growl of the Jaguar Rk. III Caster's pet Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase All Skills Damage Modifier by 20%
6: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints v2 by 298 per tick (total 2980)
7: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 2609
Frozen Venom Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
2: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
3: Effect type: Increase hate by 353
4: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 0
Frozen Venom Rk. II Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
2: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
3: Effect type: Increase hate by 353
4: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 0
Frozen Venom Rk. III Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
2: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
3: Effect type: Increase hate by 353
4: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 0
Frozen Venom Ice Rk. I Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 974
Frozen Venom Ice Rk. II Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 1106
Frozen Venom Ice Rk. III Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 1194
Haergen's Growl I Caster's pet Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase All Skills Damage Modifier by 20%
6: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints v2 by 245 per tick (total 2450)
7: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 2285
Haergen's Growl II Caster's pet Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase All Skills Damage Modifier by 20%
6: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints v2 by 279 per tick (total 2790)
7: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 2479
Haergen's Growl III Caster's pet Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase All Skills Damage Modifier by 20%
6: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints v2 by 298 per tick (total 2980)
7: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 2609
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Fellgrip Jaws Caster's pet Alteration 4: Effect type: Add Proc: Fellgrip Jaws Strike
8: Effect type: Increase DEX by 75
Fellgrip Jaws Rk. II Caster's pet Alteration 4: Effect type: Add Proc: Fellgrip Jaws Strike Rk. II
8: Effect type: Increase DEX by 75
Fellgrip Jaws Rk. III Caster's pet Alteration 4: Effect type: Add Proc: Fellgrip Jaws Strike Rk. III
8: Effect type: Increase DEX by 75
Savage Ferocity Single target Alteration 5: Effect type: Increase STA by 85
7: Effect type: Increase ATK by 305
8: Effect type: Increase All Resists by 90
Savage Ferocity Rk. II Single target Alteration 5: Effect type: Increase STA by 96
7: Effect type: Increase ATK by 348
8: Effect type: Increase All Resists by 102
Savage Ferocity Rk. III Single target Alteration 5: Effect type: Increase STA by 103
7: Effect type: Increase ATK by 371
8: Effect type: Increase All Resists by 109
Spellbreaker's Aegis Caster's pet Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Chance to Resist Spell by 20%
2: Effect type: Mitigate Spell Damage by 80
3: Effect type: Stacking: Overwrite existing spell if slot 51 is effect 'Negate Attacks' and < 0
4: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Negate Attacks' and < 0
Spellbreaker's Aegis Rk. II Caster's pet Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Chance to Resist Spell by 25%
2: Effect type: Mitigate Spell Damage by 80
3: Effect type: Stacking: Overwrite existing spell if slot 51 is effect 'Negate Attacks' and < 0
4: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Negate Attacks' and < 0
Spellbreaker's Aegis Rk. III Caster's pet Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Chance to Resist Spell by 30%
2: Effect type: Mitigate Spell Damage by 80
3: Effect type: Stacking: Overwrite existing spell if slot 51 is effect 'Negate Attacks' and < 0
4: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Negate Attacks' and < 0
Yowl at the Moon Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Spell Trigger by 95
2: Effect type: Spell Trigger by 5
3: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 1
Yowl at the Moon Rk. II Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Spell Trigger by 93
2: Effect type: Spell Trigger by 7
3: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 1
Yowl at the Moon Rk. III Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Spell Trigger by 91
2: Effect type: Spell Trigger by 9
3: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 1
Yowling at the Moon Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Summon Pets: BestialAid4
Yowl at the Moon Call Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Summon Pets: BestialAid4
Yowl at the Moon Call Rk. II Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Summon Pets: BestialAid4
Yowl at the Moon Call Rk. III Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Summon Pets: BestialAid4
Foray Single target Hand_to_hand 1: Effect type: Skill Attack by 134
2: Effect type: Skill Attack by 134
3: Effect type: Skill Attack by 134
Foray Rk. II Single target Hand_to_hand 1: Effect type: Skill Attack by 148
2: Effect type: Skill Attack by 148
3: Effect type: Skill Attack by 148
Foray Rk. III Single target Hand_to_hand 1: Effect type: Skill Attack by 163
2: Effect type: Skill Attack by 163
3: Effect type: Skill Attack by 163
Haergen's Feralgia Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
2: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
Haergen's Feralgia Rk. II Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
2: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
Haergen's Feralgia Rk. III Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
2: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
Haergen's Call I Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Spell Trigger by 95
2: Effect type: Spell Trigger by 5
3: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 1
Haergen's Call II Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Spell Trigger by 93
2: Effect type: Spell Trigger by 7
3: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 1
Haergen's Call III Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Spell Trigger by 91
2: Effect type: Spell Trigger by 9
3: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 1
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Respite Self only Defense 1: Effect type: Current Endurance by 845
3: Effect type: Endurance Percent Limit by 21
Respite Rk. II Self only Defense 1: Effect type: Current Endurance by 964
3: Effect type: Endurance Percent Limit by 25
Respite Rk. III Self only Defense 1: Effect type: Current Endurance by 1213
3: Effect type: Endurance Percent Limit by 29
Bestial Vivisection Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Skill Damage Amount 2 by 72
3: Effect type: Increase Chance to Hit With all Skills by 53%
5: Effect type: Increase All Skills Minimum Damage Modifier by 21%
6: Effect type: Spell Trigger by 100
Bestial Vivisection Rk. II Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Skill Damage Amount 2 by 79
3: Effect type: Increase Chance to Hit With all Skills by 58%
5: Effect type: Increase All Skills Minimum Damage Modifier by 22%
6: Effect type: Spell Trigger by 100
Bestial Vivisection Rk. III Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Skill Damage Amount 2 by 88
3: Effect type: Increase Chance to Hit With all Skills by 62%
5: Effect type: Increase All Skills Minimum Damage Modifier by 25%
6: Effect type: Spell Trigger by 100
Warder's Vivisection Caster's pet Alteration 1: Effect type: Skill Damage Amount 2 by 72
3: Effect type: Increase Chance to Hit With all Skills by 53%
5: Effect type: Increase All Skills Minimum Damage Modifier by 22%
Warder's Vivisection II Caster's pet Alteration 1: Effect type: Skill Damage Amount 2 by 79
3: Effect type: Increase Chance to Hit With all Skills by 58%
5: Effect type: Increase All Skills Minimum Damage Modifier by 24%
Warder's Vivisection III Caster's pet Alteration 1: Effect type: Skill Damage Amount 2 by 88
3: Effect type: Increase Chance to Hit With all Skills by 62%
5: Effect type: Increase All Skills Minimum Damage Modifier by 30%
Focus of Emiq Group Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 1607
2: Effect type: Increase HP when cast by 1607
4: Effect type: Increase STR by 153
5: Effect type: Increase DEX by 153
6: Effect type: Stacking: Overwrite existing spell if slot 51 is effect 'Increase STR' and < 0
7: Effect type: Stacking: Overwrite existing spell if slot 51 is effect 'Increase DEX' and < 0
8: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase STR' and < 0
9: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase DEX' and < 0
10: Effect type: Raise Stat Cap by 153
11: Effect type: Raise Stat Cap by 153
Focus of Emiq Rk. II Group Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 1900
2: Effect type: Increase HP when cast by 1900
4: Effect type: Increase STR by 175
5: Effect type: Increase DEX by 175
6: Effect type: Stacking: Overwrite existing spell if slot 51 is effect 'Increase STR' and < 0
7: Effect type: Stacking: Overwrite existing spell if slot 51 is effect 'Increase DEX' and < 0
8: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase STR' and < 0
9: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase DEX' and < 0
10: Effect type: Raise Stat Cap by 175
11: Effect type: Raise Stat Cap by 175
Focus of Emiq Rk. III Group Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 2312
2: Effect type: Increase HP when cast by 2312
4: Effect type: Increase STR by 186
5: Effect type: Increase DEX by 186
6: Effect type: Stacking: Overwrite existing spell if slot 51 is effect 'Increase STR' and < 0
7: Effect type: Stacking: Overwrite existing spell if slot 51 is effect 'Increase DEX' and < 0
8: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase STR' and < 0
9: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase DEX' and < 0
10: Effect type: Raise Stat Cap by 186
11: Effect type: Raise Stat Cap by 186
Neivr's Aggression Caster's pet Alteration 3: Effect type: Max HP Change by 450
4: Effect type: New AC Effect by 173
6: Effect type: Increase Chance to Hit With all Skills by 20%
7: Effect type: Increase Agro Multiplier by 11%
11: Effect type: Increase All Skills Minimum Damage Modifier by 6%
Neivr's Aggression Rk. II Caster's pet Alteration 3: Effect type: Max HP Change by 500
4: Effect type: New AC Effect by 194
6: Effect type: Increase Chance to Hit With all Skills by 22%
7: Effect type: Increase Agro Multiplier by 12%
11: Effect type: Increase All Skills Minimum Damage Modifier by 9%
Neivr's Aggression Rk. III Caster's pet Alteration 3: Effect type: Max HP Change by 550
4: Effect type: New AC Effect by 216
6: Effect type: Increase Chance to Hit With all Skills by 25%
7: Effect type: Increase Agro Multiplier by 14%
11: Effect type: Increase All Skills Minimum Damage Modifier by 12%
Neivr's Protection Caster's pet Alteration 3: Effect type: Max HP Change by 450
4: Effect type: New AC Effect by 173
6: Effect type: Decrease Chance to Hit With all Skills by 20%
7: Effect type: Increase Agro Multiplier by 11%
11: Effect type: Mitigate Melee Damage by 3
Neivr's Protection Rk. II Caster's pet Alteration 3: Effect type: Max HP Change by 500
4: Effect type: New AC Effect by 194
6: Effect type: Decrease Chance to Hit With all Skills by 22%
7: Effect type: Increase Agro Multiplier by 12%
11: Effect type: Mitigate Melee Damage by 4
Neivr's Protection Rk. III Caster's pet Alteration 3: Effect type: Max HP Change by 550
4: Effect type: New AC Effect by 216
6: Effect type: Decrease Chance to Hit With all Skills by 25%
7: Effect type: Increase Agro Multiplier by 14%
11: Effect type: Mitigate Melee Damage by 5
Salve of Sevna Caster's pet Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 5623
2: Effect type: Decrease Disease Counter by 44
3: Effect type: Decrease Poison Counter by 44
4: Effect type: Decrease Curse Counter by 44
5: Effect type: Corruption Counter by 18
6: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 1856
Salve of Sevna Rk. II Caster's pet Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 5904
2: Effect type: Decrease Disease Counter by 50
3: Effect type: Decrease Poison Counter by 50
4: Effect type: Decrease Curse Counter by 50
5: Effect type: Corruption Counter by 28
6: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 1949
Salve of Sevna Rk. III Caster's pet Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 6199
2: Effect type: Decrease Disease Counter by 53
3: Effect type: Decrease Poison Counter by 53
4: Effect type: Decrease Curse Counter by 53
5: Effect type: Corruption Counter by 37
6: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 2046
Spinechiller Blood Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Decrease HP when cast by 503
2: Effect type: Increase Poison Counter by 18
3: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 774
Spinechiller Blood Rk. II Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Decrease HP when cast by 570
2: Effect type: Increase Poison Counter by 18
3: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 926
Spinechiller Blood Rk. III Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Decrease HP when cast by 617
2: Effect type: Increase Poison Counter by 18
3: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 1032
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Flurry of Claws Directional AE Hand_to_hand 1: Effect type: Skill Attack by 151
2: Effect type: Skill Attack by 151
3: Effect type: Skill Attack by 181
4: Effect type: Skill Attack by 165
Flurry of Claws Rk. II Directional AE Hand_to_hand 1: Effect type: Skill Attack by 165
2: Effect type: Skill Attack by 165
3: Effect type: Skill Attack by 198
4: Effect type: Skill Attack by 181
Flurry of Claws Rk. III Directional AE Hand_to_hand 1: Effect type: Skill Attack by 176
2: Effect type: Skill Attack by 176
3: Effect type: Skill Attack by 211
4: Effect type: Skill Attack by 194
Jorra's Mending Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 3553
Jorra's Mending Rk. II Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 3912
Jorra's Mending Rk. III Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 4150
Sha's Reprisal Single target Alteration 2: Effect type: Decrease Attack Speed by 65%
3: Effect type: Increase Disease Counter by 24
Sha's Reprisal Rk. II Single target Alteration 2: Effect type: Decrease Attack Speed by 66%
3: Effect type: Increase Disease Counter by 24
Sha's Reprisal Rk. III Single target Alteration 2: Effect type: Decrease Attack Speed by 67%
3: Effect type: Increase Disease Counter by 24
Shiverback Endemic Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Disease Counter by 18
2: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 633
Shiverback Endemic Rk. II Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Disease Counter by 18
2: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 786
Shiverback Endemic Rk. III Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Disease Counter by 18
2: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 906
Spiritual Valor Group Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase ATK by 111
2: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase ATK' and < 0
3: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase Max Hitpoints' and < 0
4: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 778
Spiritual Valor Rk. II Group Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase ATK by 126
2: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase ATK' and < 0
3: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase Max Hitpoints' and < 0
4: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 919
Spiritual Valor Rk. III Group Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase ATK by 139
2: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase ATK' and < 0
3: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase Max Hitpoints' and < 0
4: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 1008
Wilap's Mending Caster's pet Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints v2 by 1892 per tick (total 18920)
2: Effect type: Cast On Fade Effect Always by 27137
Wilap's Mending Rk. II Caster's pet Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints v2 by 2054 per tick (total 20540)
2: Effect type: Cast On Fade Effect Always by 27138
Wilap's Mending Rk. III Caster's pet Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints v2 by 2159 per tick (total 21590)
2: Effect type: Cast On Fade Effect Always by 27139
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Promised Wardmending Caster's pet Alteration 1: Effect type: Cast On Fade Effect Promised Wardmending Trigger
2: Effect type: Lycanthropy
3: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Lycanthropy' and < 0
4: Effect type: Stacking: Overwrite existing spell if slot 51 is effect 'Lycanthropy' and < 0
Promised Wardmending Rk. II Caster's pet Alteration 1: Effect type: Cast On Fade Effect Promised Wardmending Trigger II
2: Effect type: Lycanthropy
3: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Lycanthropy' and < 0
4: Effect type: Stacking: Overwrite existing spell if slot 51 is effect 'Lycanthropy' and < 0
Promised Wardmending Rk. III Caster's pet Alteration 1: Effect type: Cast On Fade Effect Promised Wardmending Trigger III
2: Effect type: Lycanthropy
3: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Lycanthropy' and < 0
4: Effect type: Stacking: Overwrite existing spell if slot 51 is effect 'Lycanthropy' and < 0
Bolstering Warder Caster's pet Alteration 8: Effect type: Add Proc: Bolstering Heal
Bolstering Warder Rk. II Caster's pet Alteration 8: Effect type: Add Proc: Bolstering Heal II
Bolstering Warder Rk. III Caster's pet Alteration 8: Effect type: Add Proc: Bolstering Heal III
Incomparable Velocity Caster's pet Alteration 2: Effect type: Increase All Skills Damage Modifier by 14%
4: Effect type: Increase Attack Speed by 85%
5: Effect type: Increase ATK by 179
6: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 182, Everyone else by 136
Incomparable Velocity Rk. II Caster's pet Alteration 2: Effect type: Increase All Skills Damage Modifier by 15%
4: Effect type: Increase Attack Speed by 85%
5: Effect type: Increase ATK by 199
6: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 204, Everyone else by 153
Incomparable Velocity Rk. III Caster's pet Alteration 2: Effect type: Increase All Skills Damage Modifier by 16%
4: Effect type: Increase Attack Speed by 85%
5: Effect type: Increase ATK by 222
6: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 227, Everyone else by 171
Incomparable Velocity Group Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Attack Speed by 52%
Incomparable Velocity II Group Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Attack Speed by 52%
Incomparable Velocity III Group Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Attack Speed by 52%
Nature's Fury Group teleport Melee 1: Effect type: Pet Flurry by 76
2: Effect type: Mitigate Damage Shield by 46
3: Effect type: Flurry by 32
6: Effect type: Hundred Hands Effect
Nature's Fury Rk. II Group teleport Melee 1: Effect type: Pet Flurry by 82
2: Effect type: Mitigate Damage Shield by 50
3: Effect type: Flurry by 35
6: Effect type: Hundred Hands Effect
Nature's Fury Rk. III Group teleport Melee 1: Effect type: Pet Flurry by 92
2: Effect type: Mitigate Damage Shield by 54
3: Effect type: Flurry by 38
6: Effect type: Hundred Hands Effect
Sarsez' Bite Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 5128
Sarsez' Bite Rk. II Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 5825
Sarsez' Bite Rk. III Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 6290
Spectral Rampart Caster's pet Abjuration 1: Effect type: Negate Attacks by 6
Spectral Rampart Rk. II Caster's pet Abjuration 1: Effect type: Negate Attacks by 7
Spectral Rampart Rk. III Caster's pet Abjuration 1: Effect type: Negate Attacks by 9
Spirit of Averc Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Summon Warder: BLpet90
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Frozen Venin Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
2: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
3: Effect type: Increase hate by 388
4: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 0
Frozen Venin Rk. II Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
2: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
3: Effect type: Increase hate by 388
4: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 0
Frozen Venin Rk. III Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
2: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
3: Effect type: Increase hate by 388
4: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 0
Frozen Venin Poison Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 2941
Frozen Venin Poison II Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 3343
Frozen Venin Poison III Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 3610
Frozen Venin Ice Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 2435
Frozen Venin Ice II Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 2765
Frozen Venin Ice III Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 2985
Glacial Lance Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 4038
Glacial Lance Rk. II Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 4586
Glacial Lance Rk. III Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 4953
Glacial Roar Area of effect around the caster Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 2873
Glacial Roar Rk. II Area of effect around the caster Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 3140
Glacial Roar Rk. III Area of effect around the caster Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 3404
Growl of the Tiger Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase All Skills Damage Modifier by 20%
2: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
6: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints v2 by 319 per tick (total 3190)
7: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 2742
Growl of the Tiger Rk. II Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase All Skills Damage Modifier by 20%
2: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
6: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints v2 by 363 per tick (total 3630)
7: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 2975
Growl of the Tiger Rk. III Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase All Skills Damage Modifier by 20%
2: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
6: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints v2 by 387 per tick (total 3870)
7: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 3131
Growl of the Tiger Caster's pet Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase All Skills Damage Modifier by 20%
6: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints v2 by 319 per tick (total 3190)
7: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 2742
Growl of the Tiger II Caster's pet Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase All Skills Damage Modifier by 20%
6: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints v2 by 363 per tick (total 3630)
7: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 2975
Growl of the Tiger III Caster's pet Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase All Skills Damage Modifier by 20%
6: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints v2 by 387 per tick (total 3870)
7: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 3131
Spirit of Kron Caster's pet Alteration 1: Effect type: Add Proc: Spirit of Kron Strike
2: Effect type: Increase DEX by 75
Spirit of Kron Rk. II Caster's pet Alteration 1: Effect type: Add Proc: Spirit of Kron Strike II
2: Effect type: Increase DEX by 75
Spirit of Kron Rk. III Caster's pet Alteration 1: Effect type: Add Proc: Spirit of Kron Strike III
2: Effect type: Increase DEX by 75
Spiritual Enhancement Group Alteration 5: Effect type: Increase Mana by 43 per tick (total 30960)
8: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 28
9: Effect type: Current Endurance by 2
Spiritual Enhancement Rk. II Group Alteration 5: Effect type: Increase Mana by 48 per tick (total 34560)
8: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 34
9: Effect type: Current Endurance by 2
Spiritual Enhancement Rk. III Group Alteration 5: Effect type: Increase Mana by 51 per tick (total 36720)
8: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 36
9: Effect type: Current Endurance by 3
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Callous Ferocity Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Triple Attack Chance by 20
5: Effect type: Increase STA by 98
7: Effect type: Increase ATK by 395
8: Effect type: Increase All Resists by 104
Callous Ferocity Rk. II Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Triple Attack Chance by 22
5: Effect type: Increase STA by 110
7: Effect type: Increase ATK by 450
8: Effect type: Increase All Resists by 117
Callous Ferocity Rk. III Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Triple Attack Chance by 25
5: Effect type: Increase STA by 118
7: Effect type: Increase ATK by 480
8: Effect type: Increase All Resists by 125
Deadlock Jaws Caster's pet Alteration 4: Effect type: Add Proc: Deadlock Jaws Strike
8: Effect type: Increase DEX by 86
Deadlock Jaws Rk. II Caster's pet Alteration 4: Effect type: Add Proc: Deadlock Jaws Strike II
8: Effect type: Increase DEX by 86
Deadlock Jaws Rk. III Caster's pet Alteration 4: Effect type: Add Proc: Deadlock Jaws Strike III
8: Effect type: Increase DEX by 86
Kron's Maelstrom Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 0
2: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
3: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
4: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
5: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
Kron's Maelstrom Rk. II Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 0
2: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
3: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
4: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
5: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
Kron's Maelstrom Rk. III Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 0
2: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
3: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
4: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
5: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
Kron's Poison Strike Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 3180
Kron's Poison Strike II Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 3509
Kron's Poison Strike III Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 3791
Kron's Disease Strike Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 3357
Kron's Disease Strike II Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 3704
Kron's Disease Strike III Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 4002
Kron's Ice Strike Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 3071
Kron's Ice Strike II Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 3393
Kron's Ice Strike III Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 3665
Rush Single target Hand_to_hand 1: Effect type: Skill Attack by 235
2: Effect type: Skill Attack by 235
3: Effect type: Skill Attack by 235
Rush Rk. II Single target Hand_to_hand 1: Effect type: Skill Attack by 261
2: Effect type: Skill Attack by 261
3: Effect type: Skill Attack by 261
Rush Rk. III Single target Hand_to_hand 1: Effect type: Skill Attack by 286
2: Effect type: Skill Attack by 286
3: Effect type: Skill Attack by 286
Shout at the Moon Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Spell Trigger by 94
2: Effect type: Spell Trigger by 6
3: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 1
Shout at the Moon Rk. II Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Spell Trigger by 92
2: Effect type: Spell Trigger by 8
3: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 1
Shout at the Moon Rk. III Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Spell Trigger by 89
2: Effect type: Spell Trigger by 11
3: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 1
Shouting at the Moon Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Summon Pets: BestialAid5
Shout at the Moon Call Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Summon Pets: BestialAid5
Shout at the Moon Call II Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Summon Pets: BestialAid5
Shout at the Moon Call III Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Summon Pets: BestialAid5
Spellbreaker's Rampart Caster's pet Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Chance to Resist Spell by 20%
2: Effect type: Mitigate Spell Damage by 80
3: Effect type: Stacking: Overwrite existing spell if slot 51 is effect 'Negate Attacks' and < 0
4: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Negate Attacks' and < 0
5: Effect type: Cast On Rune Fade Effect by 27232
Spellbreaker's Rampart Rk. II Caster's pet Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Chance to Resist Spell by 25%
2: Effect type: Mitigate Spell Damage by 80
3: Effect type: Stacking: Overwrite existing spell if slot 51 is effect 'Negate Attacks' and < 0
4: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Negate Attacks' and < 0
5: Effect type: Cast On Rune Fade Effect by 27233
Spellbreaker's Rampart Rk. III Caster's pet Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Chance to Resist Spell by 30%
2: Effect type: Mitigate Spell Damage by 80
3: Effect type: Stacking: Overwrite existing spell if slot 51 is effect 'Negate Attacks' and < 0
4: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Negate Attacks' and < 0
5: Effect type: Cast On Rune Fade Effect by 27234
Tuzil's Feralgia Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
2: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
Tuzil's Feralgia Rk. II Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
2: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
Tuzil's Feralgia Rk. III Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
2: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
Tuzil's Growl Caster's pet Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase All Skills Damage Modifier by 20%
6: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints v2 by 319 per tick (total 3190)
7: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 2971
Tuzil's Growl II Caster's pet Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase All Skills Damage Modifier by 20%
6: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints v2 by 363 per tick (total 3630)
7: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 3223
Tuzil's Growl III Caster's pet Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase All Skills Damage Modifier by 20%
6: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints v2 by 387 per tick (total 3870)
7: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 3392
Tuzil's Call Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Spell Trigger by 94
2: Effect type: Spell Trigger by 6
3: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 1
Tuzil's Call II Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Spell Trigger by 92
2: Effect type: Spell Trigger by 8
3: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 1
Tuzil's Call III Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Spell Trigger by 89
2: Effect type: Spell Trigger by 11
3: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 1
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Reprieve Self only Defense 1: Effect type: Current Endurance by 1274
3: Effect type: Endurance Percent Limit by 21
Reprieve Rk. II Self only Defense 1: Effect type: Current Endurance by 1338
3: Effect type: Endurance Percent Limit by 25
Reprieve Rk. III Self only Defense 1: Effect type: Current Endurance by 1405
3: Effect type: Endurance Percent Limit by 29
Bestial Rending Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Spell Trigger by 100
Bestial Rending Rk. II Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Spell Trigger by 100
Bestial Rending Rk. III Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Spell Trigger by 100
Bestial Rending Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Skill Damage Amount 2 by 97
3: Effect type: Increase Chance to Hit With all Skills by 68%
5: Effect type: Increase All Skills Minimum Damage Modifier by 28%
6: Effect type: Spell Trigger by 100
Bestial Rending II Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Skill Damage Amount 2 by 102
3: Effect type: Increase Chance to Hit With all Skills by 71%
5: Effect type: Increase All Skills Minimum Damage Modifier by 29%
6: Effect type: Spell Trigger by 100
Bestial Rending III Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Skill Damage Amount 2 by 107
3: Effect type: Increase Chance to Hit With all Skills by 75%
5: Effect type: Increase All Skills Minimum Damage Modifier by 31%
6: Effect type: Spell Trigger by 100
Warder's Rending Caster's pet Alteration 1: Effect type: Skill Damage Amount 2 by 97
3: Effect type: Increase Chance to Hit With all Skills by 68%
5: Effect type: Increase All Skills Minimum Damage Modifier by 33%
Warder's Rending II Caster's pet Alteration 1: Effect type: Skill Damage Amount 2 by 102
3: Effect type: Increase Chance to Hit With all Skills by 71%
5: Effect type: Increase All Skills Minimum Damage Modifier by 35%
Warder's Rending III Caster's pet Alteration 1: Effect type: Skill Damage Amount 2 by 107
3: Effect type: Increase Chance to Hit With all Skills by 75%
5: Effect type: Increase All Skills Minimum Damage Modifier by 37%
Natural Collaboration Self only Abjuration 1: Effect type: Proc On Kill Shot by 100
Natural Collaboration Rk. II Self only Abjuration 1: Effect type: Proc On Kill Shot by 100
Natural Collaboration Rk. III Self only Abjuration 1: Effect type: Proc On Kill Shot by 100
Companion's Aid Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 2111
Companion's Aid II Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 2216
Companion's Aid III Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 2326
Focus of Klar Group Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 2543
2: Effect type: Increase HP when cast by 2543
4: Effect type: Increase STR by 205
5: Effect type: Increase DEX by 205
6: Effect type: Stacking: Overwrite existing spell if slot 51 is effect 'Increase STR' and < 0
7: Effect type: Stacking: Overwrite existing spell if slot 51 is effect 'Increase DEX' and < 0
8: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase STR' and < 0
9: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase DEX' and < 0
10: Effect type: Raise Stat Cap by 205
11: Effect type: Raise Stat Cap by 205
Focus of Klar Rk. II Group Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 2670
2: Effect type: Increase HP when cast by 2670
4: Effect type: Increase STR by 215
5: Effect type: Increase DEX by 215
6: Effect type: Stacking: Overwrite existing spell if slot 51 is effect 'Increase STR' and < 0
7: Effect type: Stacking: Overwrite existing spell if slot 51 is effect 'Increase DEX' and < 0
8: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase STR' and < 0
9: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase DEX' and < 0
10: Effect type: Raise Stat Cap by 215
11: Effect type: Raise Stat Cap by 215
Focus of Klar Rk. III Group Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 2804
2: Effect type: Increase HP when cast by 2804
4: Effect type: Increase STR by 226
5: Effect type: Increase DEX by 226
6: Effect type: Stacking: Overwrite existing spell if slot 51 is effect 'Increase STR' and < 0
7: Effect type: Stacking: Overwrite existing spell if slot 51 is effect 'Increase DEX' and < 0
8: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase STR' and < 0
9: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase DEX' and < 0
10: Effect type: Raise Stat Cap by 226
11: Effect type: Raise Stat Cap by 226
Mea's Aggression Caster's pet Alteration 3: Effect type: Max HP Change by 690
4: Effect type: New AC Effect by 238
6: Effect type: Increase Chance to Hit With all Skills by 28%
7: Effect type: Increase Agro Multiplier by 15%
11: Effect type: Increase All Skills Minimum Damage Modifier by 14%
Mea's Aggression Rk. II Caster's pet Alteration 3: Effect type: Max HP Change by 725
4: Effect type: New AC Effect by 250
6: Effect type: Increase Chance to Hit With all Skills by 29%
7: Effect type: Increase Agro Multiplier by 16%
11: Effect type: Increase All Skills Minimum Damage Modifier by 15%
Mea's Aggression Rk. III Caster's pet Alteration 3: Effect type: Max HP Change by 761
4: Effect type: New AC Effect by 263
6: Effect type: Increase Chance to Hit With all Skills by 30%
7: Effect type: Increase Agro Multiplier by 17%
11: Effect type: Increase All Skills Minimum Damage Modifier by 16%
Mea's Protection Caster's pet Alteration 3: Effect type: Max HP Change by 690
4: Effect type: New AC Effect by 238
6: Effect type: Decrease Chance to Hit With all Skills by 28%
7: Effect type: Increase Agro Multiplier by 15%
11: Effect type: Mitigate Melee Damage by 6
Mea's Protection Rk. II Caster's pet Alteration 3: Effect type: Max HP Change by 725
4: Effect type: New AC Effect by 250
6: Effect type: Decrease Chance to Hit With all Skills by 29%
7: Effect type: Increase Agro Multiplier by 16%
11: Effect type: Mitigate Melee Damage by 7
Mea's Protection Rk. III Caster's pet Alteration 3: Effect type: Max HP Change by 761
4: Effect type: New AC Effect by 263
6: Effect type: Decrease Chance to Hit With all Skills by 30%
7: Effect type: Increase Agro Multiplier by 17%
11: Effect type: Mitigate Melee Damage by 8
Salve of Yubai Caster's pet Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 9765
2: Effect type: Decrease Disease Counter by 53
3: Effect type: Decrease Poison Counter by 53
4: Effect type: Decrease Curse Counter by 53
5: Effect type: Corruption Counter by 37
6: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 3222
Salve of Yubai Rk. II Caster's pet Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 10253
2: Effect type: Decrease Disease Counter by 56
3: Effect type: Decrease Poison Counter by 56
4: Effect type: Decrease Curse Counter by 56
5: Effect type: Corruption Counter by 39
6: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 3383
Salve of Yubai Rk. III Caster's pet Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 10766
2: Effect type: Decrease Disease Counter by 59
3: Effect type: Decrease Poison Counter by 59
4: Effect type: Decrease Curse Counter by 59
5: Effect type: Corruption Counter by 41
6: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 3552
Binaesa Blood Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Decrease HP when cast by 679
2: Effect type: Increase Poison Counter by 18
3: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 1122
Binaesa Blood Rk. II Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Decrease HP when cast by 713
2: Effect type: Increase Poison Counter by 18
3: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 1172
Binaesa Blood Rk. III Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Decrease HP when cast by 749
2: Effect type: Increase Poison Counter by 18
3: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 1224
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Brutal Ferocity Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Triple Attack Chance by 28
5: Effect type: Increase STA by 130
7: Effect type: Increase ATK by 528
8: Effect type: Increase All Resists by 138
Brutal Ferocity Rk. II Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Triple Attack Chance by 29
5: Effect type: Increase STA by 137
7: Effect type: Increase ATK by 554
8: Effect type: Increase All Resists by 145
Brutal Ferocity Rk. III Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Triple Attack Chance by 30
5: Effect type: Increase STA by 144
7: Effect type: Increase ATK by 582
8: Effect type: Increase All Resists by 152
Tumult of Claws Directional AE Hand_to_hand 1: Effect type: Skill Attack by 194
2: Effect type: Skill Attack by 194
3: Effect type: Skill Attack by 232
4: Effect type: Skill Attack by 213
Tumult of Claws Rk. II Directional AE Hand_to_hand 1: Effect type: Skill Attack by 204
2: Effect type: Skill Attack by 204
3: Effect type: Skill Attack by 244
4: Effect type: Skill Attack by 224
Tumult of Claws Rk. III Directional AE Hand_to_hand 1: Effect type: Skill Attack by 214
2: Effect type: Skill Attack by 214
3: Effect type: Skill Attack by 256
4: Effect type: Skill Attack by 235
Mending of the Izon Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 4980
Mending of the Izon Rk. II Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 5229
Mending of the Izon Rk. III Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 5490
Silbar's Endemic Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Disease Counter by 18
2: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 984
Silbar's Endemic Rk. II Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Disease Counter by 18
2: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 1027
Silbar's Endemic Rk. III Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Disease Counter by 18
2: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 1072
Spiritual Valiance Group Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase ATK by 153
2: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase ATK' and < 0
3: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase Max Hitpoints' and < 0
4: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 1159
Spiritual Valiance Rk. II Group Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase ATK by 161
2: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase ATK' and < 0
3: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase Max Hitpoints' and < 0
4: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 1217
Spiritual Valiance Rk. III Group Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase ATK by 169
2: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase ATK' and < 0
3: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase Max Hitpoints' and < 0
4: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 1278
Yurv's Mending Caster's pet Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints v2 by 2483 per tick (total 24830)
2: Effect type: Cast On Fade Effect Always by 30286
Yurv's Mending Rk. II Caster's pet Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints v2 by 2607 per tick (total 26070)
2: Effect type: Cast On Fade Effect Always by 30287
Yurv's Mending Rk. III Caster's pet Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints v2 by 2737 per tick (total 27370)
2: Effect type: Cast On Fade Effect Always by 30288
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Promised Amendment Caster's pet Alteration 1: Effect type: Cast On Fade Effect Promised Amendment Trigger
2: Effect type: Lycanthropy
3: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Lycanthropy' and < 0
4: Effect type: Stacking: Overwrite existing spell if slot 51 is effect 'Lycanthropy' and < 0
Promised Amendment Rk. II Caster's pet Alteration 1: Effect type: Cast On Fade Effect Promised Amendment Trigger II
2: Effect type: Lycanthropy
3: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Lycanthropy' and < 0
4: Effect type: Stacking: Overwrite existing spell if slot 51 is effect 'Lycanthropy' and < 0
Promised Amendment Rk. III Caster's pet Alteration 1: Effect type: Cast On Fade Effect Promised Amendment Trigger III
2: Effect type: Lycanthropy
3: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Lycanthropy' and < 0
4: Effect type: Stacking: Overwrite existing spell if slot 51 is effect 'Lycanthropy' and < 0
Empowering Warder Caster's pet Alteration 8: Effect type: Add Proc: Empowering Heal
Empowering Warder Rk. II Caster's pet Alteration 8: Effect type: Add Proc: Empowering Heal II
Empowering Warder Rk. III Caster's pet Alteration 8: Effect type: Add Proc: Empowering Heal III
Exceptional Velocity Caster's pet Alteration 2: Effect type: Increase All Skills Damage Modifier by 16%
4: Effect type: Increase Attack Speed by 85%
5: Effect type: Increase ATK by 244
6: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 342, Everyone else by 256
Exceptional Velocity Rk. II Caster's pet Alteration 2: Effect type: Increase All Skills Damage Modifier by 17%
4: Effect type: Increase Attack Speed by 85%
5: Effect type: Increase ATK by 256
6: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 358, Everyone else by 269
Exceptional Velocity Rk. III Caster's pet Alteration 2: Effect type: Increase All Skills Damage Modifier by 18%
4: Effect type: Increase Attack Speed by 85%
5: Effect type: Increase ATK by 269
6: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 377, Everyone else by 283
Exceptional Velocity Group Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Attack Speed by 53%
Exceptional Velocity II Group Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Attack Speed by 53%
Exceptional Velocity III Group Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Attack Speed by 53%
Kolos' Fury Group teleport Melee 1: Effect type: Pet Flurry by 99
2: Effect type: Mitigate Damage Shield by 62
3: Effect type: Flurry by 41
6: Effect type: Hundred Hands Effect
Kolos' Fury Rk. II Group teleport Melee 1: Effect type: Pet Flurry by 104
2: Effect type: Mitigate Damage Shield by 65
3: Effect type: Flurry by 44
6: Effect type: Hundred Hands Effect
Kolos' Fury Rk. III Group teleport Melee 1: Effect type: Pet Flurry by 109
2: Effect type: Mitigate Damage Shield by 68
3: Effect type: Flurry by 46
6: Effect type: Hundred Hands Effect
Rotsil's Bite Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 6919
Rotsil's Bite Rk. II Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 7265
Rotsil's Bite Rk. III Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 7628
Beastwood Rampart Caster's pet Abjuration 1: Effect type: Negate Attacks by 9
Beastwood Rampart Rk. II Caster's pet Abjuration 1: Effect type: Negate Attacks by 10
Beastwood Rampart Rk. III Caster's pet Abjuration 1: Effect type: Negate Attacks by 11
Spirit of Kolos Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Summon Warder: BLpet95
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Savage Fury Self only Offense 1: Effect type: Increase All Skills Damage Modifier by 115%
2: Effect type: Increase All Skills Minimum Damage Modifier by 460%
3: Effect type: Increase Chance to Critical Hit by 115%
4: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
Savage Fury Rk. II Self only Offense 1: Effect type: Increase All Skills Damage Modifier by 121%
2: Effect type: Increase All Skills Minimum Damage Modifier by 483%
3: Effect type: Increase Chance to Critical Hit by 121%
4: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
Savage Fury Rk. III Self only Offense 1: Effect type: Increase All Skills Damage Modifier by 127%
2: Effect type: Increase All Skills Minimum Damage Modifier by 507%
3: Effect type: Increase Chance to Critical Hit by 127%
4: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
Savage Fury Caster's pet Offense 1: Effect type: Increase All Skills Damage Modifier by 115%
2: Effect type: Increase All Skills Minimum Damage Modifier by 460%
3: Effect type: Increase Chance to Critical Hit by 135%
4: Effect type: Critical Damage Mob (50%)
Savage Fury II Caster's pet Offense 1: Effect type: Increase All Skills Damage Modifier by 121%
2: Effect type: Increase All Skills Minimum Damage Modifier by 483%
3: Effect type: Increase Chance to Critical Hit by 142%
4: Effect type: Critical Damage Mob (53%)
Savage Fury III Caster's pet Offense 1: Effect type: Increase All Skills Damage Modifier by 127%
2: Effect type: Increase All Skills Minimum Damage Modifier by 507%
3: Effect type: Increase Chance to Critical Hit by 149%
4: Effect type: Critical Damage Mob (56%)
Frozen Cyanin Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
2: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
3: Effect type: Increase hate by 446
4: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 0
Frozen Cyanin Rk. II Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
2: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
3: Effect type: Increase hate by 446
4: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 0
Frozen Cyanin Rk. III Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
2: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
3: Effect type: Increase hate by 446
4: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 0
Frozen Cyanin Poison Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 4135
Frozen Cyanin Poison II Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 4342
Frozen Cyanin Poison III Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 4559
Frozen Cyanin Ice Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 3433
Frozen Cyanin Ice II Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 3605
Frozen Cyanin Ice III Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 3785
Frostrift Lance Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 5448
Frostrift Lance Rk. II Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 5720
Frostrift Lance Rk. III Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 6006
Frostrift Roar Area of effect around the caster Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 3744
Frostrift Roar Rk. II Area of effect around the caster Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 3931
Frostrift Roar Rk. III Area of effect around the caster Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 4128
Growl of the Lion Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase All Skills Damage Modifier by 20%
2: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
6: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints v2 by 445 per tick (total 4450)
7: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 3601
Growl of the Lion Rk. II Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase All Skills Damage Modifier by 20%
2: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
6: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints v2 by 467 per tick (total 4670)
7: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 3781
Growl of the Lion Rk. III Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase All Skills Damage Modifier by 20%
2: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
6: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints v2 by 490 per tick (total 4900)
7: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 3970
Growl of the Lion Caster's pet Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase All Skills Damage Modifier by 20%
6: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints v2 by 445 per tick (total 4450)
7: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 3601
Growl of the Lion II Caster's pet Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase All Skills Damage Modifier by 20%
6: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints v2 by 467 per tick (total 4670)
7: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 3781
Growl of the Lion III Caster's pet Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase All Skills Damage Modifier by 20%
6: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints v2 by 490 per tick (total 4900)
7: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 3970
Spirit of Bale Caster's pet Alteration 1: Effect type: Add Proc: Spirit of Bale Strike
2: Effect type: Increase DEX by 75
Spirit of Bale Rk. II Caster's pet Alteration 1: Effect type: Add Proc: Spirit of Bale Strike II
2: Effect type: Increase DEX by 75
Spirit of Bale Rk. III Caster's pet Alteration 1: Effect type: Add Proc: Spirit of Bale Strike III
2: Effect type: Increase DEX by 75
Spiritual Enrichment Group Alteration 5: Effect type: Increase Mana by 56 per tick (total 40320)
8: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 40
9: Effect type: Current Endurance by 3
Spiritual Enrichment Rk. II Group Alteration 5: Effect type: Increase Mana by 59 per tick (total 42480)
8: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 42
9: Effect type: Current Endurance by 3
Spiritual Enrichment Rk. III Group Alteration 5: Effect type: Increase Mana by 62 per tick (total 44640)
8: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 44
9: Effect type: Current Endurance by 4
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Shared Brutal Ferocity Group Alteration 1: Effect type: Triple Attack Chance by 28
5: Effect type: Increase STA by 130
7: Effect type: Increase ATK by 528
8: Effect type: Increase All Resists by 138
Shared Brutal Ferocity Rk. II Group Alteration 1: Effect type: Triple Attack Chance by 29
5: Effect type: Increase STA by 137
7: Effect type: Increase ATK by 554
8: Effect type: Increase All Resists by 145
Shared Brutal Ferocity Rk. III Group Alteration 1: Effect type: Triple Attack Chance by 30
5: Effect type: Increase STA by 144
7: Effect type: Increase ATK by 582
8: Effect type: Increase All Resists by 152
Bale's Maelstrom Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 0
2: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
3: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
4: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
5: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
Bale's Maelstrom Rk. II Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 0
2: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
3: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
4: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
5: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
Bale's Maelstrom Rk. III Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 0
2: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
3: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
4: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
5: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
Bale's Poison Strike Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 4170
Bale's Poison Strike II Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 4379
Bale's Poison Strike III Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 4598
Bale's Disease Strike Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 4402
Bale's Disease Strike II Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 4622
Bale's Disease Strike III Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 4853
Bale's Ice Strike Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 4032
Bale's Ice Strike II Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 4234
Bale's Ice Strike III Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 4446
Barrage Single target Hand_to_hand 1: Effect type: Skill Attack by 315
2: Effect type: Skill Attack by 315
3: Effect type: Skill Attack by 315
Barrage Rk. II Single target Hand_to_hand 1: Effect type: Skill Attack by 331
2: Effect type: Skill Attack by 331
3: Effect type: Skill Attack by 331
Barrage Rk. III Single target Hand_to_hand 1: Effect type: Skill Attack by 348
2: Effect type: Skill Attack by 348
3: Effect type: Skill Attack by 348
Scream at the Moon Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Spell Trigger by 91
2: Effect type: Spell Trigger by 9
3: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 1
Scream at the Moon Rk. II Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Spell Trigger by 90
2: Effect type: Spell Trigger by 10
3: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 1
Scream at the Moon Rk. III Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Spell Trigger by 88
2: Effect type: Spell Trigger by 12
3: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 1
Screaming at the Moon Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Summon Pets: BestialAid6
Scream at the Moon Call Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Summon Pets: BestialAid6
Scream at the Moon Call II Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Summon Pets: BestialAid6
Scream at the Moon Call III Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Summon Pets: BestialAid6
Spellbreaker's Armor Caster's pet Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Chance to Resist Spell by 20%
2: Effect type: Mitigate Spell Damage by 80
3: Effect type: Stacking: Overwrite existing spell if slot 51 is effect 'Negate Attacks' and < 0
4: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Negate Attacks' and < 0
5: Effect type: Cast On Rune Fade Effect by 30381
Spellbreaker's Armor Rk. II Caster's pet Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Chance to Resist Spell by 25%
2: Effect type: Mitigate Spell Damage by 80
3: Effect type: Stacking: Overwrite existing spell if slot 51 is effect 'Negate Attacks' and < 0
4: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Negate Attacks' and < 0
5: Effect type: Cast On Rune Fade Effect by 30382
Spellbreaker's Armor Rk. III Caster's pet Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Chance to Resist Spell by 30%
2: Effect type: Mitigate Spell Damage by 80
3: Effect type: Stacking: Overwrite existing spell if slot 51 is effect 'Negate Attacks' and < 0
4: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Negate Attacks' and < 0
5: Effect type: Cast On Rune Fade Effect by 30383
Yahnoa's Feralgia Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
2: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
Yahnoa's Feralgia Rk. II Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
2: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
Yahnoa's Feralgia Rk. III Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
2: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
Yahnoa's Growl Caster's pet Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase All Skills Damage Modifier by 20%
6: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints v2 by 445 per tick (total 4450)
7: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 3901
Yahnoa's Growl II Caster's pet Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase All Skills Damage Modifier by 20%
6: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints v2 by 467 per tick (total 4670)
7: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 4096
Yahnoa's Growl III Caster's pet Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase All Skills Damage Modifier by 20%
6: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints v2 by 490 per tick (total 4900)
7: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 4301
Yahnoa's Call Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Spell Trigger by 91
2: Effect type: Spell Trigger by 9
3: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 1
Yahnoa's Call II Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Spell Trigger by 90
2: Effect type: Spell Trigger by 10
3: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 1
Yahnoa's Call III Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Spell Trigger by 88
2: Effect type: Spell Trigger by 12
3: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 1
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Rest Self only Defense 1: Effect type: Current Endurance by 1546
3: Effect type: Endurance Percent Limit by 21
Rest Rk. II Self only Defense 1: Effect type: Current Endurance by 1623
3: Effect type: Endurance Percent Limit by 25
Rest Rk. III Self only Defense 1: Effect type: Current Endurance by 1704
3: Effect type: Endurance Percent Limit by 29
Auspice of Shadows Caster's pet Abjuration 2: Effect type: Negate Attacks by 5
Auspice of Shadows Rk. II Caster's pet Abjuration 2: Effect type: Negate Attacks by 5
Auspice of Shadows Rk. III Caster's pet Abjuration 2: Effect type: Negate Attacks by 5
Bestial Evulsing Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Spell Trigger by 100
Bestial Evulsing Rk. II Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Spell Trigger by 100
Bestial Evulsing Rk. III Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Spell Trigger by 100
Bestial Evulsing Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Skill Damage Amount 2 by 118
3: Effect type: Increase Chance to Hit With all Skills by 75%
5: Effect type: Increase All Skills Minimum Damage Modifier by 34%
6: Effect type: Spell Trigger by 100
Bestial Evulsing II Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Skill Damage Amount 2 by 124
3: Effect type: Increase Chance to Hit With all Skills by 75%
5: Effect type: Increase All Skills Minimum Damage Modifier by 36%
6: Effect type: Spell Trigger by 100
Bestial Evulsing III Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Skill Damage Amount 2 by 130
3: Effect type: Increase Chance to Hit With all Skills by 75%
5: Effect type: Increase All Skills Minimum Damage Modifier by 38%
6: Effect type: Spell Trigger by 100
Warder's Evulsing Caster's pet Alteration 1: Effect type: Skill Damage Amount 2 by 118
3: Effect type: Increase Chance to Hit With all Skills by 75%
5: Effect type: Increase All Skills Minimum Damage Modifier by 41%
Warder's Evulsing II Caster's pet Alteration 1: Effect type: Skill Damage Amount 2 by 124
3: Effect type: Increase Chance to Hit With all Skills by 75%
5: Effect type: Increase All Skills Minimum Damage Modifier by 43%
Warder's Evulsing III Caster's pet Alteration 1: Effect type: Skill Damage Amount 2 by 130
3: Effect type: Increase Chance to Hit With all Skills by 75%
5: Effect type: Increase All Skills Minimum Damage Modifier by 45%
Focus of Sanera Group Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 3225
2: Effect type: Increase HP when cast by 3225
4: Effect type: Increase STR by 237
5: Effect type: Increase DEX by 237
6: Effect type: Stacking: Overwrite existing spell if slot 51 is effect 'Increase STR' and < 0
7: Effect type: Stacking: Overwrite existing spell if slot 51 is effect 'Increase DEX' and < 0
8: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase STR' and < 0
9: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase DEX' and < 0
10: Effect type: Raise Stat Cap by 237
11: Effect type: Raise Stat Cap by 237
Focus of Sanera Rk. II Group Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 3386
2: Effect type: Increase HP when cast by 3386
4: Effect type: Increase STR by 249
5: Effect type: Increase DEX by 249
6: Effect type: Stacking: Overwrite existing spell if slot 51 is effect 'Increase STR' and < 0
7: Effect type: Stacking: Overwrite existing spell if slot 51 is effect 'Increase DEX' and < 0
8: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase STR' and < 0
9: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase DEX' and < 0
10: Effect type: Raise Stat Cap by 249
11: Effect type: Raise Stat Cap by 249
Focus of Sanera Rk. III Group Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 3555
2: Effect type: Increase HP when cast by 3555
4: Effect type: Increase STR by 261
5: Effect type: Increase DEX by 261
6: Effect type: Stacking: Overwrite existing spell if slot 51 is effect 'Increase STR' and < 0
7: Effect type: Stacking: Overwrite existing spell if slot 51 is effect 'Increase DEX' and < 0
8: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase STR' and < 0
9: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase DEX' and < 0
10: Effect type: Raise Stat Cap by 261
11: Effect type: Raise Stat Cap by 261
Plakt's Aggression Caster's pet Alteration 3: Effect type: Max HP Change by 857
4: Effect type: New AC Effect by 296
6: Effect type: Increase Chance to Hit With all Skills by 31%
7: Effect type: Increase Agro Multiplier by 18%
11: Effect type: Increase All Skills Minimum Damage Modifier by 18%
Plakt's Aggression Rk. II Caster's pet Alteration 3: Effect type: Max HP Change by 900
4: Effect type: New AC Effect by 311
6: Effect type: Increase Chance to Hit With all Skills by 32%
7: Effect type: Increase Agro Multiplier by 19%
11: Effect type: Increase All Skills Minimum Damage Modifier by 19%
Plakt's Aggression Rk. III Caster's pet Alteration 3: Effect type: Max HP Change by 945
4: Effect type: New AC Effect by 327
6: Effect type: Increase Chance to Hit With all Skills by 33%
7: Effect type: Increase Agro Multiplier by 20%
11: Effect type: Increase All Skills Minimum Damage Modifier by 20%
Plakt's Protection Caster's pet Alteration 3: Effect type: Max HP Change by 857
4: Effect type: New AC Effect by 296
6: Effect type: Decrease Chance to Hit With all Skills by 31%
7: Effect type: Increase Agro Multiplier by 18%
11: Effect type: Mitigate Melee Damage by 9
Plakt's Protection Rk. II Caster's pet Alteration 3: Effect type: Max HP Change by 900
4: Effect type: New AC Effect by 311
6: Effect type: Decrease Chance to Hit With all Skills by 32%
7: Effect type: Increase Agro Multiplier by 19%
11: Effect type: Mitigate Melee Damage by 10
Plakt's Protection Rk. III Caster's pet Alteration 3: Effect type: Max HP Change by 945
4: Effect type: New AC Effect by 327
6: Effect type: Decrease Chance to Hit With all Skills by 33%
7: Effect type: Increase Agro Multiplier by 20%
11: Effect type: Mitigate Melee Damage by 11
Salve of Blezon Caster's pet Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 18596
2: Effect type: Decrease Disease Counter by 62
3: Effect type: Decrease Poison Counter by 62
4: Effect type: Decrease Curse Counter by 62
5: Effect type: Corruption Counter by 43
6: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 6137
Salve of Blezon Rk. II Caster's pet Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 19526
2: Effect type: Decrease Disease Counter by 65
3: Effect type: Decrease Poison Counter by 65
4: Effect type: Decrease Curse Counter by 65
5: Effect type: Corruption Counter by 45
6: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 6444
Salve of Blezon Rk. III Caster's pet Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 20502
2: Effect type: Decrease Disease Counter by 68
3: Effect type: Decrease Poison Counter by 68
4: Effect type: Decrease Curse Counter by 68
5: Effect type: Corruption Counter by 47
6: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 6766
Asp Blood Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Decrease HP when cast by 908
2: Effect type: Increase Poison Counter by 18
3: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 1388
Asp Blood Rk. II Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Decrease HP when cast by 953
2: Effect type: Increase Poison Counter by 18
3: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 1451
Asp Blood Rk. III Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Decrease HP when cast by 1001
2: Effect type: Increase Poison Counter by 18
3: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 1517
Natural Cooperation Self only Abjuration 1: Effect type: Proc On Kill Shot by 100
Natural Cooperation Rk. II Self only Abjuration 1: Effect type: Proc On Kill Shot by 100
Natural Cooperation Rk. III Self only Abjuration 1: Effect type: Proc On Kill Shot by 100
Companion's Aid Self only Alteration 2: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 3140
Companion's Aid II Self only Alteration 2: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 3297
Companion's Aid III Self only Alteration 2: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 3462
Monkey's Spirit Discipline Self only Offense 7: Effect type: Increase Chance to Dodge by 477%
Monkey's Spirit Discipline Rk. II Self only Offense 7: Effect type: Increase Chance to Dodge by 501%
Monkey's Spirit Discipline Rk. III Self only Offense 7: Effect type: Increase Chance to Dodge by 526%
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Withering Bite Rk. II Caster's pet Alteration 1: Effect type: Add Proc: Withering Strike II
2: Effect type: Increase DEX by 75
Withering Bite Caster's pet Alteration 1: Effect type: Add Proc: Withering Strike
2: Effect type: Increase DEX by 75
Fatiguing Bite Caster's pet Alteration 1: Effect type: Add Proc: Fatiguing Bite
2: Effect type: Increase DEX by 75
Fatiguing Bite Rk. II Caster's pet Alteration 1: Effect type: Add Proc: Fatiguing Bite II
2: Effect type: Increase DEX by 75
Fatiguing Bite Rk. III Caster's pet Alteration 1: Effect type: Add Proc: Fatiguing Bite III
2: Effect type: Increase DEX by 75
Withering Bite Rk. III Caster's pet Alteration 1: Effect type: Add Proc: Withering Strike III
2: Effect type: Increase DEX by 75
Merciless Ferocity Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Triple Attack Chance by 30
5: Effect type: Increase STA by 162
7: Effect type: Increase ATK by 640
8: Effect type: Increase All Resists by 163
Merciless Ferocity Rk. II Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Triple Attack Chance by 30
5: Effect type: Increase STA by 170
7: Effect type: Increase ATK by 672
8: Effect type: Increase All Resists by 171
Merciless Ferocity Rk. III Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Triple Attack Chance by 30
5: Effect type: Increase STA by 179
7: Effect type: Increase ATK by 706
8: Effect type: Increase All Resists by 180
Clamor of Claws Directional AE Hand_to_hand 1: Effect type: Skill Attack by 232
2: Effect type: Skill Attack by 232
3: Effect type: Skill Attack by 278
4: Effect type: Skill Attack by 255
Clamor of Claws Rk. II Directional AE Hand_to_hand 1: Effect type: Skill Attack by 244
2: Effect type: Skill Attack by 244
3: Effect type: Skill Attack by 292
4: Effect type: Skill Attack by 268
Clamor of Claws Rk. III Directional AE Hand_to_hand 1: Effect type: Skill Attack by 256
2: Effect type: Skill Attack by 256
3: Effect type: Skill Attack by 307
4: Effect type: Skill Attack by 281
Jaerol's Mending Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 6494
Jaerol's Mending Rk. II Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 6819
Jaerol's Mending Rk. III Single target Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 7160
Natigo's Endemic Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Disease Counter by 18
2: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 1213
Natigo's Endemic Rk. II Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Disease Counter by 18
2: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 1267
Natigo's Endemic Rk. III Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Disease Counter by 18
2: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 1324
Spiritual Vindication Group Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase ATK by 186
2: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase ATK' and < 0
3: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase Max Hitpoints' and < 0
4: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 1438
Spiritual Vindication Rk. II Group Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase ATK by 195
2: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase ATK' and < 0
3: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase Max Hitpoints' and < 0
4: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 1510
Spiritual Vindication Rk. III Group Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase ATK by 205
2: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase ATK' and < 0
3: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Increase Max Hitpoints' and < 0
4: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 1586
Huaene's Melioration Caster's pet Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints v2 by 3148 per tick (total 31480)
2: Effect type: Cast On Fade Effect Always by 36361
Huaene's Melioration Rk. II Caster's pet Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints v2 by 3305 per tick (total 33050)
2: Effect type: Cast On Fade Effect Always by 36362
Huaene's Melioration Rk. III Caster's pet Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints v2 by 3470 per tick (total 34700)
2: Effect type: Cast On Fade Effect Always by 36363
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Promised Amelioration Caster's pet Alteration 1: Effect type: Cast On Fade Effect Promised Amelioration Trigger
2: Effect type: Lycanthropy
3: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Lycanthropy' and < 0
4: Effect type: Stacking: Overwrite existing spell if slot 51 is effect 'Lycanthropy' and < 0
Promised Amelioration Rk. II Caster's pet Alteration 1: Effect type: Cast On Fade Effect Promised Amelioration Trigger II
2: Effect type: Lycanthropy
3: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Lycanthropy' and < 0
4: Effect type: Stacking: Overwrite existing spell if slot 51 is effect 'Lycanthropy' and < 0
Promised Amelioration Rk. III Caster's pet Alteration 1: Effect type: Cast On Fade Effect Promised Amelioration Trigger III
2: Effect type: Lycanthropy
3: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Lycanthropy' and < 0
4: Effect type: Stacking: Overwrite existing spell if slot 51 is effect 'Lycanthropy' and < 0
Invigorating Warder Caster's pet Alteration 8: Effect type: Add Proc: Invigorating Heal
Invigorating Warder Rk. II Caster's pet Alteration 8: Effect type: Add Proc: Invigorating Heal II
Invigorating Warder Rk. III Caster's pet Alteration 8: Effect type: Add Proc: Invigorating Heal III
Extraordinary Velocity Caster's pet Alteration 2: Effect type: Increase All Skills Damage Modifier by 19%
4: Effect type: Increase Attack Speed by 85%
5: Effect type: Increase ATK by 303
6: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 434, Everyone else by 325
Extraordinary Velocity Rk. II Caster's pet Alteration 2: Effect type: Increase All Skills Damage Modifier by 20%
4: Effect type: Increase Attack Speed by 85%
5: Effect type: Increase ATK by 318
6: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 455, Everyone else by 341
Extraordinary Velocity Rk. III Caster's pet Alteration 2: Effect type: Increase All Skills Damage Modifier by 21%
4: Effect type: Increase Attack Speed by 85%
5: Effect type: Increase ATK by 334
6: Effect type: Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 478, Everyone else by 358
NA Extraordinary Velocity Group Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Attack Speed by 53%
NA Extraordinary Velocity II Group Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Attack Speed by 53%
NA Extraordinary Velocity III Group Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase Attack Speed by 53%
Ruaabri's Fury Group teleport Melee 1: Effect type: Pet Flurry by 120
2: Effect type: Mitigate Damage Shield by 75
3: Effect type: Flurry by 46
6: Effect type: Hundred Hands Effect
Ruaabri's Fury Rk. II Group teleport Melee 1: Effect type: Pet Flurry by 126
2: Effect type: Mitigate Damage Shield by 79
3: Effect type: Flurry by 48
6: Effect type: Hundred Hands Effect
Ruaabri's Fury Rk. III Group teleport Melee 1: Effect type: Pet Flurry by 132
2: Effect type: Mitigate Damage Shield by 83
3: Effect type: Flurry by 50
6: Effect type: Hundred Hands Effect
Poantaar's Bite Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 8391
Poantaar's Bite Rk. II Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 8811
Poantaar's Bite Rk. III Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 9252
Spirit of Lachemit Self only Conjuration 1: Effect type: Summon Warder: BLpet100
Focused Clamor of Claws Single target Hand_to_hand 1: Effect type: Skill Attack by 197
2: Effect type: Skill Attack by 209
3: Effect type: Skill Attack by 250
Focused Clamor of Claws Rk. II Single target Hand_to_hand 1: Effect type: Skill Attack by 207
2: Effect type: Skill Attack by 219
3: Effect type: Skill Attack by 263
Focused Clamor of Claws Rk. III Single target Hand_to_hand 1: Effect type: Skill Attack by 217
2: Effect type: Skill Attack by 230
3: Effect type: Skill Attack by 276
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Warder's Unity Rk. II Caster's pet Alteration 1: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
2: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
Edoth's Chill Rk. III Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Decrease HP when cast by 1085
2: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 1412
3: Effect type: Increase Poison Counter by 18
Edoth's Chill Rk. II Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Decrease HP when cast by 1033
2: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 1351
3: Effect type: Increase Poison Counter by 18
Edoth's Chill Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Decrease HP when cast by 984
2: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 1293
3: Effect type: Increase Poison Counter by 18
Spiritual Evolution Group Alteration 5: Effect type: Increase Mana by 70 per tick (total 50400)
8: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 78
9: Effect type: Current Endurance by 4
Warder's Unity Caster's pet Alteration 1: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
2: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
Warder's Unity Rk. III Caster's pet Alteration 1: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
2: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
Spiritual Evolution Rk. III Group Alteration 5: Effect type: Increase Mana by 78 per tick (total 56160)
8: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 86
9: Effect type: Current Endurance by 5
Spiritual Evolution Rk. II Group Alteration 5: Effect type: Increase Mana by 74 per tick (total 53280)
8: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 82
9: Effect type: Current Endurance by 4
Aegis of Nefori Caster's pet Abjuration 1: Effect type: Negate Attacks by 9
Aegis of Nefori Rk. II Caster's pet Abjuration 1: Effect type: Negate Attacks by 9
Aegis of Nefori Rk. III Caster's pet Abjuration 1: Effect type: Negate Attacks by 9
Savage Rage Self only Offense 1: Effect type: Increase All Skills Damage Modifier by 140%
2: Effect type: Increase All Skills Minimum Damage Modifier by 558%
3: Effect type: Increase Chance to Critical Hit by 140%
4: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
Savage Rage Rk. II Self only Offense 1: Effect type: Increase All Skills Damage Modifier by 147%
2: Effect type: Increase All Skills Minimum Damage Modifier by 586%
3: Effect type: Increase Chance to Critical Hit by 145%
4: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
Savage Rage Rk. III Self only Offense 1: Effect type: Increase All Skills Damage Modifier by 154%
2: Effect type: Increase All Skills Minimum Damage Modifier by 615%
3: Effect type: Increase Chance to Critical Hit by 150%
4: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
Savage Rage Caster's pet Offense 1: Effect type: Increase All Skills Damage Modifier by 140%
2: Effect type: Increase All Skills Minimum Damage Modifier by 558%
3: Effect type: Increase Chance to Critical Hit by 164%
4: Effect type: Critical Damage Mob (62%)
Savage Rage II Caster's pet Offense 1: Effect type: Increase All Skills Damage Modifier by 147%
2: Effect type: Increase All Skills Minimum Damage Modifier by 586%
3: Effect type: Increase Chance to Critical Hit by 172%
4: Effect type: Critical Damage Mob (65%)
Savage Rage III Caster's pet Offense 1: Effect type: Increase All Skills Damage Modifier by 154%
2: Effect type: Increase All Skills Minimum Damage Modifier by 615%
3: Effect type: Increase Chance to Critical Hit by 181%
4: Effect type: Critical Damage Mob (68%)
Frozen Carbomate Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
2: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
3: Effect type: Increase hate by 480
4: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 0
Frozen Carbomate Rk. II Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
2: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
3: Effect type: Increase hate by 480
4: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 0
Frozen Carbomate Rk. III Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
2: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
3: Effect type: Increase hate by 480
4: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 0
Frozen Carbomate Poison Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 5243
Frozen Carbomate Poison II Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 5505
Frozen Carbomate Poison III Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 5780
Frozen Carbomate Ice Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 4447
Frozen Carbomate Ice II Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 4669
Frozen Carbomate Ice III Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 4902
Kromrif Lance Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 6757
Kromrif Lance Rk. II Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 7095
Kromrif Lance Rk. III Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 7450
Kromrif Roar Area of effect around the caster Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 10449
Kromrif Roar Rk. II Area of effect around the caster Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 10971
Kromrif Roar Rk. III Area of effect around the caster Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 11520
Growl of the Snow Leopard Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase All Skills Damage Modifier by 20%
2: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
6: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints v2 by 564 per tick (total 5640)
7: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 4566
Growl of the Snow Leopard Rk. II Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase All Skills Damage Modifier by 20%
2: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
6: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints v2 by 592 per tick (total 5920)
7: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 4794
Growl of the Snow Leopard Rk. III Self only Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase All Skills Damage Modifier by 20%
2: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
6: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints v2 by 622 per tick (total 6220)
7: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 5034
Growl of the Snow Leopard Caster's pet Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase All Skills Damage Modifier by 20%
6: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints v2 by 564 per tick (total 5640)
7: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 4566
Growl of the Snow Leopard II Caster's pet Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase All Skills Damage Modifier by 20%
6: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints v2 by 592 per tick (total 5920)
7: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 4794
Growl of the Snow Leopard III Caster's pet Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase All Skills Damage Modifier by 20%
6: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints v2 by 622 per tick (total 6220)
7: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 5034
Spirit of Nak Caster's pet Alteration 1: Effect type: Add Proc: Spirit of Nak Strike
2: Effect type: Increase DEX by 75
Spirit of Nak Rk. II Caster's pet Alteration 1: Effect type: Add Proc: Spirit of Nak Strike II
2: Effect type: Increase DEX by 75
Spirit of Nak Rk. III Caster's pet Alteration 1: Effect type: Add Proc: Spirit of Nak Strike III
2: Effect type: Increase DEX by 75
Name Target Type Skill Effect
Nak's Ice Strike II Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 5065
Yell at the Moon Call Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Summon Pets: BestialAid7
Yelling at the Moon Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Summon Pets: BestialAid7
Yell at the Moon Rk. III Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Spell Trigger by 88
2: Effect type: Spell Trigger by 12
3: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 1
Spiritual Unity Group Alteration 1: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
2: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
Nak's Ice Strike III Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 5318
Nak's Disease Strike II Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 5529
Spiritual Unity Rk. II Group Alteration 1: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
2: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
Spiritual Unity Rk. III Group Alteration 1: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
2: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
Yell at the Moon Rk. II Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Spell Trigger by 90
2: Effect type: Spell Trigger by 10
3: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 1
Yell at the Moon Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Spell Trigger by 91
2: Effect type: Spell Trigger by 9
3: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 1
Pummel Rk. III Single target Hand_to_hand 1: Effect type: Skill Attack by 413
2: Effect type: Skill Attack by 413
3: Effect type: Skill Attack by 413
Pummel Rk. II Single target Hand_to_hand 1: Effect type: Skill Attack by 393
2: Effect type: Skill Attack by 393
3: Effect type: Skill Attack by 393
Pummel Single target Hand_to_hand 1: Effect type: Skill Attack by 374
2: Effect type: Skill Attack by 374
3: Effect type: Skill Attack by 374
Shared Merciless Ferocity Rk. III Group Alteration 1: Effect type: Triple Attack Chance by 30
5: Effect type: Increase STA by 179
7: Effect type: Increase ATK by 706
8: Effect type: Increase All Resists by 180
Shared Merciless Ferocity Rk. II Group Alteration 1: Effect type: Triple Attack Chance by 30
5: Effect type: Increase STA by 170
7: Effect type: Increase ATK by 672
8: Effect type: Increase All Resists by 171
Shared Merciless Ferocity Group Alteration 1: Effect type: Triple Attack Chance by 30
5: Effect type: Increase STA by 162
7: Effect type: Increase ATK by 640
8: Effect type: Increase All Resists by 163
Spellbreaker's Ward Rk. III Caster's pet Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Chance to Resist Spell by 30%
2: Effect type: Mitigate Spell Damage by 80
3: Effect type: Stacking: Overwrite existing spell if slot 51 is effect 'Negate Attacks' and < 0
4: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Negate Attacks' and < 0
5: Effect type: Cast On Rune Fade Effect by 36440
Kesar's Call Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Spell Trigger by 91
2: Effect type: Spell Trigger by 9
3: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 1
Kesar's Call II Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Spell Trigger by 90
2: Effect type: Spell Trigger by 10
3: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 1
Kesar's Call III Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Spell Trigger by 88
2: Effect type: Spell Trigger by 12
3: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 1
Reflexive Rending Single target Hand_to_hand 1: Effect type: Skill Attack by 256
2: Effect type: Skill Attack by 173
3: Effect type: Skill Attack by 125
4: Effect type: Skill Attack by 290
5: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
Reflexive Rending Rk. II Single target Hand_to_hand 1: Effect type: Skill Attack by 269
2: Effect type: Skill Attack by 182
3: Effect type: Skill Attack by 131
4: Effect type: Skill Attack by 305
5: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
Reflexive Rending Rk. III Single target Hand_to_hand 1: Effect type: Skill Attack by 282
2: Effect type: Skill Attack by 191
3: Effect type: Skill Attack by 138
4: Effect type: Skill Attack by 320
5: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
Kesar's Growl II Caster's pet Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase All Skills Damage Modifier by 20%
6: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints v2 by 592 per tick (total 5920)
7: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 4794
Kesar's Growl Caster's pet Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase All Skills Damage Modifier by 20%
6: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints v2 by 564 per tick (total 5640)
7: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 4566
Kesar's Feralgia Rk. III Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
2: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
Kesar's Feralgia Rk. II Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
2: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
Kesar's Feralgia Single target Conjuration 1: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
2: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
Nak's Ice Strike Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 4824
Spellbreaker's Ward Rk. II Caster's pet Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Chance to Resist Spell by 30%
2: Effect type: Mitigate Spell Damage by 80
3: Effect type: Stacking: Overwrite existing spell if slot 51 is effect 'Negate Attacks' and < 0
4: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Negate Attacks' and < 0
5: Effect type: Cast On Rune Fade Effect by 36439
Spellbreaker's Ward Caster's pet Abjuration 1: Effect type: Increase Chance to Resist Spell by 30%
2: Effect type: Mitigate Spell Damage by 80
3: Effect type: Stacking: Overwrite existing spell if slot 51 is effect 'Negate Attacks' and < 0
4: Effect type: Block new spell if slot 52 is effect 'Negate Attacks' and < 0
5: Effect type: Cast On Rune Fade Effect by 36438
Nak's Maelstrom Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 0
2: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
3: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
4: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
5: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
Nak's Maelstrom Rk. II Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 0
2: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
3: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
4: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
5: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
Nak's Maelstrom Rk. III Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints by 0
2: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
3: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
4: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
5: Effect type: Apply Effect by 100
Nak's Poison Strike Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 4989
Nak's Poison Strike II Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 5238
Nak's Poison Strike III Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 5500
Nak's Disease Strike Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 5266
Kesar's Growl III Caster's pet Alteration 1: Effect type: Increase All Skills Damage Modifier by 20%
6: Effect type: Increase Hitpoints v2 by 622 per tick (total 6220)
7: Effect type: Increase Max Hitpoints by 5034
Nak's Disease Strike III Single target Evocation 1: Effect type: Decrease Hitpoints by 5805