The Ruins of Sebilis
- #sebilite juggernaut (-7)
- sebilite protector (-7)
- froglok reet knight (-3)
- froglok reet wizard (-3)
- froglok reet shaman (-3)
- sebilite juggernaut (-7)
- sebilite juggernaut (-7)
- froglok armsman (-7)
- froglok krup shaman (-3)
- froglok krup knight (-3)
- froglok krup knight (-3)
- froglok bok wizard (-3)
- froglok bok shaman (-3)
- froglok bok shaman (-3)
- froglok krup shaman (-3)
- #froglok krup knight (-3)
- froglok krup enchanter (-3)
- froglok bok shaman (-3)
- froglok bok shaman (-3)
- froglok krup knight (-3)
- froglok bok knight (-3)
- froglok krup knight (-3)
- froglok krup shaman (-3)
- froglok krup shaman (-3)
- froglok krup enchanter (-3)
- froglok bok wizard (-3)
- froglok krup shaman (-3)
- froglok krup wizard (-3)
- froglok bok knight (-3)
- froglok krup wizard (-3)
- froglok krup enchanter (-3)
- froglok armorer (-7)
- froglok bok knight (-3)
- myconid reaver (-7)
- myconid warrior (-7)
- myconid priest (-7)
- myconid warrior (-7)
- myconid reaver (-7)
- myconid warrior (-7)
- myconid warrior (-7)
- myconid reaver (-7)
- myconid priest (-7)
- myconid adept (-7)
- myconid priest (-7)
- myconid reaver (-7)
- froglok bok shaman (-3)
- froglok bartender (-3)
- myconid priest (-7)
- myconid priest (-7)
- myconid warrior (-7)
- froglok krup wizard (-3)
- froglok krup wizard (-3)
- a leprous scarab (-7)
- a Sebilite golem (-7)
- froglok krup enchanter (-3)
- froglok bok wizard (-3)
- froglok bok wizard (-3)
- froglok krup wizard (-3)
- froglok bok knight (-3)
- froglok bok wizard (-3)
- froglok krup enchanter (-3)
- froglok ilis wizard (-7)
- froglok ilis knight (-3)
- froglok ilis shaman (-3)
- froglok chef (-7)
- froglok repairer (-7)
- froglok jin shaman (-3)
- a pox scarab (-7)
- froglok dar knight (-3)
- froglok commander (-3)
- froglok bok knight (-3)
- froglok jin shaman (-3)
- froglok dar knight (-3)
- froglok dar knight (-3)
- Froggy (-7)
- froglok jin shaman (-3)
- froglok dar knight (-3)
- froglok dar knight (-3)
- froglok kor shaman (-3)
- froglok zol knight (-3)
- froglok zol knight (-3)
- froglok jin wizard (-3)
- froglok jin shaman (-3)
- froglok zol knight (-3)
- froglok kor shaman (-3)
- froglok zol knight (-3)
- froglok jin wizard (-3)
- froglok jin wizard (-3)
- froglok jin shaman (-3)
- froglok dar knight (-3)
- froglok dar knight (-3)
- froglok pickler (-3)
- froglok zol knight (-3)
- froglok kor shaman (-3)
- a leprous scarab (-7)
- a sepsis scarab (-7)
- a leprous scarab (-7)
- froglok jin wizard (-3)
- froglok ostiary (-7)
- froglok kor shaman (-3)
- froglok ilis acolyte (-7)
- Gruplinort (-7)
- a sepsis scarab (-7)
- a sepsis scarab (-7)
- a necrosis scarab (-7)
- leprous scarab (-7)
- a leprous scarab (-7)
- gangrenous scarab (-7)
- leprous scarab (-7)
- an Iksar necromancer (-7)
- an Iksar necromancer (-7)
- an Iksar necromancer (-7)
- an Iksar necromancer (-7)
- an Iksar necromancer (-7)
- froglok jin wizard (-3)
- a sebilite golem (-7)
- a sebilite golem (-7)
- a sebilite golem (-7)
- a sebilite golem (-7)
- a sebilite golem (-7)
- sebilite golem (-7)
- sebilite golem (-7)
- a sebilite golem (-7)
- sebilite golem (-7)
- a sebilite golem (-7)
- myconid reaver (-7)
- myconid spore king (-7)
- myconid adept (-7)
- myconid adept (-7)
- myconid adept (-7)
- myconid adept (-7)
- dar ghoul knight (-3)
- krup ghoul knight (-3)
- crypt caretaker (-7)
- spectral harbinger (-7)
- spectral harbinger (-7)
- Emperor Chottal (-7)
- spectral harbinger (-7)
- skeletal duke (-7)
- blood of chottal (-7)
- spectral duke (-7)
- Imperial Crypt Guardian (-7)
- Arch Duke Iatol (-7)
- skeletal harbinger (-7)
- Harbinger Freglor (-7)
- skeletal hierophant (-7)
- Hierophant Prime Grekal (-7)
- a pox scarab (-7)
- a pox scarab (-7)
- frenzied pox scarab (-7)
- froglok dar wizard (-7)
- froglok dar shaman (-7)
- froglok kor shaman (-3)
- skeletal baron (-7)
- Baron Yosig (-7)
- Brogg (-7)
- skeletal guard (-7)
- spectral commander (-7)
- spectral commander (-7)
- spectral revenant (-7)
- #froglok krup mage (-7)
- froglok dar knight (-3)
- Trakanon (-500)
- Tolapumj (-3)