Guards of Qeynos
Raise faction:
East Freeport
Eastern Plains of Karana
Everfrost Peaks
Highpass Hold
Kithicor Forest
Lake Rathetear
Neriak - 3rd Gate
North Qeynos
South Qeynos
The Frosted Halls
The Greater Faydark
The Lair of the Splitpaw
The Nektulos Forest
The Northern Plains of Karana
The Qeynos Aqueduct System
The Qeynos Hills
The Rathe Mountains
The Southern Plains of Karana
The Surefall Glade
The Western Plains of Karana
Toxxulia Forest
West Freeport
Lower faction:
Butcherblock Mountains
East Commonlands
East Freeport
Eastern Plains of Karana
High Keep
Innothule Swamp
Kithicor Forest
Lake Rathetear
North Freeport
North Qeynos
Northern Desert of Ro
Northern Felwithe
South Kaladim
South Qeynos
The Echo Caverns
The Feerrott
The Greater Faydark
The Innothule Swamp
The Jaggedpine Forest
The Lavastorm Mountains
The Lesser Faydark
The Nektulos Forest
The Northern Plains of Karana
The Qeynos Aqueduct System
The Qeynos Hills
The Rathe Mountains
The Southern Plains of Karana
The Surefall Glade
The Western Plains of Karana
West Freeport