Frogloks of Guk

Raise faction:
The Ruins of Old Guk
a zol ghoul knight (+1)
a wan ghoul knight (+1)
a dar ghoul knight (+1)
a wan ghoul knight (+1)
a wan ghoul knight (+1)
a ghoul savant (+1)
a tal ghoul wizard (+1)
a zol ghoul knight (+1)
an urd ghoul wizard (+1)
a zol ghoul knight (+1)
an urd ghoul wizard (+1)
an urd ghoul wizard (+1)
a tal ghoul wizard (+1)
a shin ghoul warrior (+1)
a basalt gargoyle (+1)
a basalt gargoyle (+1)
a vis ghoul knight (+1)
a vis ghoul knight (+1)
a vis ghoul knight (+1)
a vis ghoul knight (+1)
a wan ghoul knight (+1)
a shin ghoul knight (+1)
a shin ghoul warrior (+1)
a zol ghoul knight (+1)
a zol ghoul knight (+1)
a shin ghoul knight (+1)
a shin ghoul knight (+1)
a shin ghoul knight (+1)
a nok ghoul wizard (+1)
a wan ghoul knight (+1)
a kor ghoul wizard (+1)
a shin ghoul knight (+1)
a tsu ghoul wizard (+1)
a ghoul executioner (+1)
a yun ghoul wizard (+1)
a tsu ghoul wizard (+1)
an urd ghoul wizard (+1)
a ghoul sage (+1)
a ghoul scribe (+1)
a dar ghoul knight (+1)
a tal ghoul wizard (+1)
a tal ghoul wizard (+1)
a ghoul ritualist (+1)
a clay gargoyle (+1)
a basalt gargoyle (+1)
Zol Ghoul Knight (+1)
a kor ghoul wizard (+1)
a dar ghoul knight (+1)
a reanimated hand (+1)
a reanimated hand (+1)
a reanimated hand (+1)
a basalt gargoyle (+1)
a ghoul supplier (+1)
a vis ghoul knight (+1)
a ghoul cavalier (+1)
an urd ghoul wizard (+1)
a dar ghoul knight (+1)
a shin ghoul warrior (+1)
a kor ghoul wizard (+1)
a jin ghoul wizard (+1)
the ghoul arch magus (+1)
the ghoul arch magus (+1)
a bok ghoul knight (+1)
a bok ghoul knight (+1)
a Guk ghoul wizard (+1)
a tal ghoul wizard (+1)
the ghoul lord (+5)
a guk ghoul knight (+1)
a bloodthirsty ghoul (+1)
a frenzied ghoul (+1)
a bloodthirsty ghoul (+1)
a bloodthirsty ghoul (+1)
a jin ghoul wizard (+1)
a bok ghoul knight (+1)
a yun ghoul wizard (+1)
a kor ghoul wizard (+1)
a ghoul sentinel (+1)
a ghoul assassin (+1)
The Ruins of Sebilis
froglok reet knight (+1)
froglok reet wizard (+1)
froglok reet shaman (+1)
froglok krup shaman (+1)
froglok krup knight (+1)
froglok krup knight (+1)
froglok bok wizard (+1)
froglok bok shaman (+1)
froglok bok shaman (+1)
froglok krup shaman (+1)
#froglok krup knight (+1)
froglok krup enchanter (+1)
froglok bok shaman (+1)
froglok bok shaman (+1)
froglok krup knight (+1)
froglok bok knight (+1)
froglok krup knight (+1)
froglok krup shaman (+1)
froglok krup shaman (+1)
froglok krup enchanter (+1)
froglok bok wizard (+1)
froglok krup shaman (+1)
froglok krup wizard (+1)
froglok bok knight (+1)
froglok krup wizard (+1)
froglok krup enchanter (+1)
froglok bok knight (+1)
froglok bok shaman (+1)
froglok bartender (+1)
froglok krup wizard (+1)
froglok krup wizard (+1)
froglok krup enchanter (+1)
froglok bok wizard (+1)
froglok bok wizard (+1)
froglok krup wizard (+1)
froglok bok knight (+1)
froglok bok wizard (+1)
froglok krup enchanter (+1)
froglok ilis knight (+1)
froglok ilis shaman (+1)
froglok jin shaman (+1)
froglok dar knight (+1)
froglok commander (+1)
froglok bok knight (+1)
froglok jin shaman (+1)
froglok dar knight (+1)
froglok dar knight (+1)
froglok jin shaman (+1)
froglok dar knight (+1)
froglok dar knight (+1)
froglok kor shaman (+1)
froglok zol knight (+1)
froglok zol knight (+1)
froglok jin wizard (+1)
froglok jin shaman (+1)
froglok zol knight (+1)
froglok kor shaman (+1)
froglok zol knight (+1)
froglok jin wizard (+1)
froglok jin wizard (+1)
froglok jin shaman (+1)
froglok dar knight (+1)
froglok dar knight (+1)
froglok pickler (+1)
froglok zol knight (+1)
froglok kor shaman (+1)
froglok jin wizard (+1)
froglok kor shaman (+1)
froglok jin wizard (+1)
dar ghoul knight (+1)
krup ghoul knight (+1)
froglok kor shaman (+1)
froglok dar knight (+1)
Lower faction:
The City of Guk
a froglok witch doctor (-4)
a froglok guard (-4)
a froglok novice (-3)
a froglok guard (-4)
a froglok neophyte (-4)
a froglok tuk warrior (-4)
a froglok witch doctor (-4)
a froglok tuk warrior (-4)
a froglok ton warrior (-5)
a froglok ton warrior (-5)
a froglok gaz knight (-4)
a froglok ton shaman (-4)
a froglok gaz knight (-4)
a froglok shin shaman (-4)
a froglok ton warrior (-5)
a froglok ton warrior (-5)
a froglok ton warrior (-5)
a froglok vis shaman (-5)
a froglok shin warrior (-5)
the froglok warden (-5)
a fungus drone (-4)
a fungus drone (-4)
a froglok gaz knight (-4)
a fungus drone (-4)
a fungus drone (-4)
a fungus soldier (-3)
a fungus drone (-4)
a fungus mutant (-5)
a fungus breeder (-5)
a froglok ton shaman (-4)
a froglok gaz warrior (-4)
a froglok shin shaman (-4)
a froglok gaz warrior (-4)
a froglok gaz warrior (-4)
a froglok gaz shaman (-4)
a froglok tuk shaman (-4)
a froglok gaz shaman (-4)
a froglok gaz shaman (-4)
a froglok vis shaman (-5)
a froglok scryer (-5)
a froglok tuk warrior (-4)
a froglok sentry (-3)
a froglok sentinel (-3)
a froglok guard (-4)
a froglok sentry (-3)
a froglok neophyte (-4)
a froglok novice (-3)
a froglok sentinel (-3)
a froglok apprentice (-3)
a froglok neophyte (-4)
a froglok sentinel (-3)
a froglok witch doctor (-4)
a froglok tuk knight (-4)
a froglok tuk knight (-4)
a froglok tuk shaman (-4)
a froglok vis shaman (-5)
a froglok idealist (-4)
a froglok ton knight (-5)
a froglok ton knight (-5)
a froglok tonta knight (-5)
a froglok tuk shaman (-4)
a froglok tuk knight (-4)
a froglok ton knight (-5)
a froglok realist (-5)
a froglok sentry (-3)
a froglok shin knight (-5)
a froglok tsu shaman (-5)
a froglok shin warrior (-5)
a froglok shin knight (-5)
a froglok shin warrior (-5)
a froglok shin warrior (-5)
a froglok shin warrior (-5)
a froglok nok shaman (-5)
a froglok ton knight (-5)
a froglok apprentice (-3)
a froglok tad (-3)
a froglok tad (-3)
a froglok tad (-3)
a fungus drone (-4)
a froglok shin knight (-5)
a froglok vis shaman (-5)
a froglok ton knight (-5)
a froglok shin shaman (-4)
a froglok tsu shaman (-5)
a froglok shin knight (-5)
a froglok shin knight (-5)
a froglok shin shaman (-4)
a froglok ton shaman (-4)
a froglok shin shaman (-4)
a froglok priest (-5)
a froglok priest (-5)
a froglok vis shaman (-5)
a froglok tsu shaman (-5)
a froglok tal shaman (-5)
the froglok shin lord (-50)
an old froglok (-5)
a froglok apprentice (-3)
a froglok tad (-3)
a froglok nok shaman (-5)
a froglok nokta shaman (-5)
a froglok nok shaman (-5)
a froglok shinta warrior (-5)
a froglok shinta warrior (-5)
a froglok novice (-3)
a froglok necromancer (-5)
a froglok necromancer (-5)
a froglok necromancer (-5)
a froglok tad (-3)
a froglok tsu shaman (-5)
a froglok summoner (-5)
a fungus drone (-4)
a fungus soldier (-3)
a fungus soldier (-3)
a fungus soldier (-3)
a fungus drone (-4)
a fungus soldier (-3)
a froglok gaz squire (-4)
The Ruins of Old Guk
a froglok zol knight (-5)
a froglok zol knight (-5)
a froglok yun shaman (-5)
a froglok wan knight (-5)
a froglok dar knight (-5)
a froglok kor shaman (-5)
a froglok zol knight (-5)
a froglok dar knight (-5)
a froglok crusader (-3)
a froglok wan knight (-5)
a froglok urd shaman (-5)
a froglok urd shaman (-5)
a froglok wan knight (-5)
a froglok vis knight (-5)
a froglok wan knight (-5)
a froglok yun shaman (-5)
a froglok yun priest (-3)
a froglok zol knight (-5)
a froglok shin knight (-5)
a froglok tsu shaman (-5)
a froglok shin knight (-5)
a froglok tsu shaman (-5)
a froglok vis knight (-5)
a froglok shin knight (-5)
a froglok shin knight (-5)
a froglok wan knight (-5)
a froglok shin knight (-5)
a froglok vis knight (-5)
a froglok slave (-1)
a froglok slave (-1)
a froglok zol knight (-5)
a froglok dar knight (-5)
a froglok yun shaman (-5)
a froglok bok knight (-5)
a froglok bok knight (-5)
a froglok guk knight (-3)
a froglok bok knight (-5)
a froglok guk shaman (-5)
a froglok guk shaman (-5)
the froglok king (-100)
a froglok kor shaman (-5)
a froglok tactician (-25)
a froglok kor shaman (-5)
a froglok jin shaman (-5)
a froglok herbalist (-25)
a froglok vis knight (-5)
a greater minotaur (-2)
a greater minotaur (-2)
a froglok urd shaman (-5)
a froglok shin warrior (-3)
a granite gargoyle (-5)
a granite gargoyle (-5)
a froglok yun shaman (-5)
a froglok tsu shaman (-5)
a froglok shin warrior (-3)
a greater minotaur (-2)
a froglok vis knight (-5)
a froglok tal shaman (-5)
a greater minotaur (-2)
a greater minotaur (-2)
a minotaur patriarch (-3)
a froglok tsu shaman (-5)
a froglok slave (-1)
a huge water elemental (-3)
a huge water elemental (-3)
a froglok shin warrior (-3)
an evil eye (-25)
an evil eye (-25)
Slaythe the Slayer (-25)
a froglok tal shaman (-5)
a froglok kor shaman (-5)
a froglok noble (-25)
a minotaur elder (-25)